Thursday, August 19, 2021

A peek into my week . . .

Outside my window . . . Today is dark, rainy, cold and smokey.  Of course I'm not complaining about the rain because we needed it so badly.  On a good note, we got a letter from the canal company telling us that we now have enough water to finish out the rest of this growing season and enough to get us through next Spring as well...really good news, but we could still use more!  It is about 48 degrees right now, but by the end of the week the temperatures are suppose to be in the 80's again!

I'm thinking . . . My heart has been really heavy the last couple of days.  A wonderful friend of mine passed away on Monday from a brain tumor.  

38 years ago, we lived next door to Carol and her family.  She was a sweet friend and confidant, a smart intelligent, funny lady who could make everything alright with just a smile or a hug.  She was multi talented, a little eccentric - in the best way of course, she loved children and was an amazing storyteller.  She told stories at many different venues and could just draw you into the story and make it real and magical.  We had so many fun adventures, and a few sad times, but we always came out laughing.  Carol was a second mother to my youngest daughter, I never, ever worried about her when she was with Carol and her family.  She was loved by all who knew her and will be terribly missed.  Carol used to remind me that this earth was not her home...her struggle is over and she is home 💓

I am thankful for . . .I'm so thankful for family and friends who have taken such good care of me while my feet heal.  I probably should ban myself from the stairs, but you know what they say - when you get bucked off, get back on!  There is still laundry to do and other things that need to be done in my basement, so onward and upward!  My husband doesn't like the idea of me going up and down the stairs and constantly reminds me that he can do the laundry and take care of anything that needs done (he's sweet that way),  but sometimes a girl likes to do her own laundry!  My feet are healing slowly, and one day, I might even be able to put my shoes on!  Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, I have felt every one of them.

I am creating . . . I'm still working on my crochet pumpkins, they're almost done, just some finishing touches and they can be used for Fall decorations.  Can you believe it's almost time for, pumpkin spice, sweaters and all things cozy?!  I can hardly wait!

A random photo . . .  My oldest granddaughter doing what she loves!

 In the kitchen . . . Not really a lot going on in the kitchen lately, although my husband helped me shred three large cabbages so we could make sauerkraut.  We love sauerkraut at our house, it's a healthy and delicious way to get your probiotics, plus, homemade sauerkraut tastes amazing!   In this batch I used two large green cabbages and one purple cabbage, it will be super colorful and delicious!  I keep it in a glass dish because as it ferments, it overflows a bit.

My daughter and her husband went to Utah last week and brought me back a half bushel of beautiful peaches.  They are so sweet and such a treat this time of year.  There was a time that I used to buy peaches by the bushel-full and take days canning them for winter.  I'm not sure I'm up to canning right now, but we will enjoy fresh peaches until they're gone.  I think I'll make a peach cobbler later today  and then put a few bags in the freezer so I can make peach ice cream when I need a taste of summer ;0)

 A special moment in my day  . . . 46 years ago I was in the hospital giving birth to my amazing daughter...Happy birthday, Amber!!  This beautiful girl is an amazing wife, mother, sister and daughter and friend, and we are blessed beyond measure to have her in our life!

 A quote for today . . .


Have a wonderful safe! XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Marie Rayner said...

Barb, I am so behind on my reading, but have played catch up tonight. I think your Avery is so special and amazing and I loved reading about your spa day and camping trip and of course all the photos. I am so sorry you injured both of your feet/ankles. I have added you to my prayers for a quick healing. I have loved catching up here today Barb. I love fresh peaches, but love nectarines even more. It’s such a challenge now I am on my own. I hate waste and it’s hard to buy fruit and get it all eaten. I have been buying little tubs of single serve fruit, but I sure love fresh fruit more. I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy these last days of August. Blue moon on Sunday night! If you can take as good a photo of it as you did the other moon we are in for a real treat! Xoxo

Homemaker' said...

Wonderful post, Barb. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend - that is truly difficult.

I'm glad you are on the mend and I know you are looking forward to total healing!

I have always wanted to make our own sauerkraut - I think you've motivated me! Thank you. : )

And, your daughter is lovely!!! I can tell you were a great mom. : )

Thank you for the quote - so true - I read in Proverbs this morning that a cheerful countenance helps those around us (my paraphrase) - so it just made me think that when I go out and about I should help those around me by just being cheerful and nice!

Have a good weekend ahead, Barb. Hope you begin to feel better each day.
A hug to you,

Vee said...

Happy Birthday to beautiful Amber! (She does not look anywhere near the age you're telling me.)

Barb, you really did a number on your feet. Please allow your hubby to do the laundry for a couple of weeks. 😁

Take good care of yourself...

Anonymous said...

Glad you're healing up! You could always get one of those electric chair thingy's to go up and down the stairs.

Billie Jo said...

Getting caught up here. So very sorry about your feet. Prayers and love for healing. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!!! Peaches are loved around here! Have a cozy weekend. Stay safe and healthy, my friend. Oh! It looks beautiful around here! I love your background!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. So sorry for the loss of your friend. It is so hard to lose those special people in our life. Your peaches look wonderful. I fell yesterday at school (student tripped) me and am in a lot of pain today so taking a sick day. I can sympathize with your feet and the pain you are in. Hope you heal up soon. We bought the place where we now live, in large part, because it has a main floor laundry. Taking loads of clothes up and down stairs was not something I wanted to do any more. My oldest daughter's name is Amber as well! I may have already told you that. She turned 40 this past May. How are we old enough to have middle aged children???? Not possible - right?!? ;-) Hope you have a good weekend. We have got to get together for lunch sometime when you are down in the SLC area. I would love to meet you in person! Have a good weekend. Love, Deb

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My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...