Friday, August 27, 2021

A Snapshot of My Week...


I can feel summer slipping away, and even though it's still warm outside, I can feel autumn in the air.  My flower pots survived the extreme heat and they are so pretty, another tell-tale sign that summer is winding down.  My garden is also thriving and I'm looking forward to canning chili sauce, and whole tomatoes this year.  We didn't plant much this year - tomatoes, onions, peppers, a  few beets and a few carrots.  We do plan on putting in more beds next year so that we can plant and preserve more vegetables.

Last Sunday the pump in our septic tank went out!  It went out just over a year ago and believe me we were not happy.  My husband is the original, "MacGyver" and refused to call someone to replace it.  We spent all day Sunday tracking down a new pump, pulling the old one (not fun), putting the new one on and then sanitizing everything we touched, including ourselves.  Although we were very careful, wore gloves and didn't touch anything that we didn't have to, it was still yucky.  😖 I told Bob that next time we're calling a plumber.  

Last night we went to a friends house and had pie and ice cream.  There are about 6 of us who aren't getting around too good, because of injuries, knee replacements or surgeries.  We called it, "Crip" Pie Night.  As always, when we get together, we have loads of fun, we even had door prizes!  I won an old crutch and a roll of duct tape to fix it up!  Hopefully, we won't have another, "Crip" Pie Night for a long time, but trust me, we'll find another reason to get together for pie.  An update on my feet - they are doing great!  I still have a hard time in the morning and in the evening after I have been on them all day, but they are getting better and better each day.  

My plans for the rest of the week- 

Friday - Finish up the laundry, do some cleaning, maybe make pizza for dinner.  

Saturday - I painted a bookshelf and put it in the basement to put my husband's collection of Louie L'Amour books on.  I think he is only missing one book to complete the entire collection.   I have so many books to go through, and I need to take some to the thrift store, but the book shelf is big enough for most of my downstairs books.  I hate to get rid of books!

Sunday - We will be attending church, renewing our Spirit is always a good thing!  

Have a great week-end and be safe! XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

I'm with you Barb - I probably have too many books - but can't bring myself to get rid of any. Same with my husband. My husband also used to read Louie L'Amour and has many series of books because, hey, when you find an author you like, you've got to get all of his books, right?!? So sorry about your septic tank, but glad to hear that you got it fixed. We've never had a septic system so I can only imagine how fun that would be to take care of. ;-) Pie and ice cream with your friends sounds fun. So glad your foot is healing up. Have a good weekend.

Christine said...

Hello Barb,
Your flowers look lovely. I’m glad you’re still getting blooms as we head into autumn. You’re right though; I can feel it I’m the air. My flowers are looking the worse for wear now too, so I don’t think it will be long before I pull them. Admittedly, I feel ready for cooler temps but know when the cold winds begin, I’ll be wishing for heat!
I’m glad to hear your feeling better and can escape for a “Crip night” lol! But pie is definitely worth getting together for :-)
Both my grandfather and father-in-law were Louis La’mour fans, so I think of them both whenever his name is mentioned.

Have a lovely weekend, my friend,

Vee said...

Oh my yes, many things are worth having someone else do it. Glad that you put your husband on notice.

And so glad that your feet are healing. Try to stay off them a little more.

Looks as if you are going to be busy with all the produce coming on.

Marie Rayner said...

Crip Pie night sounds like a lot of fun! Happy to read that you are starting to feel somewhat better. There is nothing fun about foot and leg problems! You are so lucky and blessed to have the garden that you do! Can’t wait to see what you can and preserve! I used to make a chili sauce using tomatoes, pears, peaches, onions, etc. It was really delicious! Xoxo

Sue said...

Hi Barb, like you I have to many books and find it hard to get rid of them, since I have been fall cleaning I decided this year I would donate to the thrift store, and I did, but can't really see where I ley go of to many! They were mainly old cook books.
I think it is wonderful that you can get together with friends and fellowship, plus compare health issues!
Your garden is so lovely, I made and canned chili sauce yesterday, it was a first for me, we tried it out last evening on hamburgers, I was pleased but will increase the seasoning next year and not cook it so long!
I hope you will share your recipe here on your blog as I know it is so delicious!
Even though it is extremely hot and humid here I can see a little change in our trees, just probably wishful thinking. ~wink~
Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment.

Veronica Lee said...

So sorry about your septic tank, but glad to know that you got it fixed.

We live in a condo so problems like this are handled by the condo manager - thank God!

Lovely photos of your garden, Barb.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Your tomatoes look amazing. A couple of summers I tried growing some on my balcony (I live in an apartment) and they started out great, but then the stinkbugs got to them and that was that, so I gave up.
I'm with you on the books. I hate to get rid of any, and have so many I haven't even read yet. The bookshelves are full, so I keep the unread ones in boxes--open so I can see what's there.

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