Thursday, August 12, 2021

Camping...Averi's Birthday


This was a fun camping trip, the first trip of the year for us.  It's been a busy summer and it  felt good to get back to nature and let the cares of the world melt away for a week.  We went with Jessica., my daughter, and her family.  We brought, Clara, one of our granddaughters, and, Taylor and Brody, two more of my grands, came up for one day to go hiking.  They hiked over three miles, which might not seem like a big hike, but it was right up the face of the steep hills.   In fact they were almost nine thousand feet was a long hike for some of the little's, and I was so proud of them for their "sticktoitivness".

Of course the fishing was  always the highlight of the day.  They didn't catch big fish, but the ones they did catch were delicious...finger food size!  We always had this little lake to ourselves, it was beautiful and very peaceful.  We saw a lot of wildlife, unfortunately, most of my photos were a little fuzzy because it was dark and the animals were a long way off, but we did get a cute shot of a little chipmunk that kept popping out from under a tree for us to watch him play.  We also saw lots of deer, a moose, some of them heard wolves and we even saw a bear.  The bear kind of scared the kids, but it was a long way off, and we never let the kids get too far from our sight. 

It rained while we were there, which gave us a perfect opportunity to play games.  We especially loved, Cover Your Assets, a fun card game that even the little kids can play, and believe me...they loved it!!  One of the cloudy, rainy, cold days, they played for almost 6 hours!

The sunsets were beautiful!  We came home to cloudy skies, but it's always good to be home.

Our little, Miss Averi had a birthday, she turned 19!  It's hard for me to believe that she is that old.  When she was a baby she wasn't even suppose to live to be a year old.  You can read about her story here  She is truly our special angel.  Of course Averi got loads of fun gifts, hand soap and anything that makes noise and t-shirts with numbers and the days of the week are her favorite gifts...but she is our most amazing gift!

We had only been home a few days when, yours truly,  missed the bottom step going down the stairs.  I now have lots of time to sit on the couch and watch movies and keep my feet up.  I sprained both ankles, and hyper-extended both of my big toes!!  So, I will be forced to slow down...I guess I need to learn patience!  I am so thankful for daughters, and good friends.  My floors and bathrooms are clean, and my fridge is full of delicious food...and I now understand why people can't walk without big toes! 

Be safe...XOXO

Hugs and Love,




Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - so sorry to hear about your little accident and injuries. Not fun! Rest and take care and get well soon. I am so glad you had such a nice camping getaway with your family, and Happy Birthday to your special angel Granddaughter! She sounds like such a fun young woman. Have a great weekend!

Vee said... sorry for your forced vacation. I am so glad that your family is taking good care of you.

It is even a stretch for me to realize that Averi is 19. She was just a little girl when I was first visiting.

Veronica Lee said...

Sorry to hear about your accident. Get well soon!

Love the gorgeous photos especially that cute shot of the little chipmunk!

Homemaker' said...

First - your family camping trip looks so fun! Those times really are memory makers. : ) And, as always, I love your photos.

Second - what a miracle Averi is - so precious.

Lastly - I'm SO sorry about the accident you had!!! I hope for quick healing for you and that you will soon be up and moving. It sounds painful.

Thank you for your post, Barb. So fun to see what others are doing. : )

God bless your week.

Christine said...

Dear Barb,

I am so sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you will soon be on the mend, but in the meantime I am glad to know you have such fantastic helpers!

The photos of the lake were stunning, and what happy memories for the family were made, especially for the children. I love that. :-)

And Happy Birthday to the lovely Averi. Miracle child for sure and so blessed to be surrounded by such love.

Have a wonderful, albeit quiet week ahead, and be sure and be gentle with yourself.. you’ve had quite a injury.

God Bless you, Barb,

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Loved this post so full of happy, and all the wonderful pictures of your vacation.
Sorry it ended with that little accident though. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

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