Monday, February 24, 2025

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!  

On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all of her songs so vividly!   Remember, Play Misty for me, with, Clint Eastwood?  This was one of the songs that he requested for that movie.  

Outside my window . . . It's still cold, but not as cold as it has been.  The snow is melting, there's ponds of water all over our place, and my dog gets wet feet every time she goes outside, but at least it's water, not mud!  The rest of the week will be sunny and warmer... Yes!

How was my week-end . . . On Saturday we attended a beautiful funeral, where I saw so many people I hadn't seen for over 20 years, but we just started where we left off.  It was so  nice.  The funeral was more of a celebration than a funeral.  Joy was a wonderful woman, she was 90 years old, and had lived such a full life.  What a blessing she was to all she knew.

On Sunday, we attended church, and later that night one of my daughters and her family came to visit us.  We visited and had cake and ice cream, it was delicious.  But most of all, it was fun to spend time with them.  These two cute pups played so hard... But slept really good, 

I've been creating . . . I finally finished a crochet vest I have been working on for a few months.  I'm always cold and I think this will help me stay a little warmer.  I really like it, and it was fairly easy to make.  

Something I'm grateful for . . . I'm grateful to live close to all of my children.  My daughter,  Amber, has been going to a 3rd grade class for several years to teach the students about what it's like to be blind.  Averi, my granddaughter who is blind, goes with her and talks to the kids if they have questions for her.  She also shows them how to type in braille by writing a letter to their class.  I didn't get any photos, but it was such a fun experience.   Hopefully I can go with her next year -  I just loved watching the students as they realized that blind people aren't scary!

Someone I'm proud of . . . My granddaughter, Clara, and my grandson, Nathan.  They both competed in a debate in Boise last week.  Clara won first place and Nathan also placed.  They go to the same school and are in the same grade.  I'm so proud of both of them for their hard work!

In my Kitchen . . . Last week I made a menu for the week.  I mostly stuck to it!  I didn't make ham and beans, or baked chicken thigh's. But they will be on the menu for this week.  In fact, we had ham and beans for dinner last night.  I made bread to go with it, because, you know, ham and beans need yummy biscuits. ;0)

I also made these yummy cookies last week, they were delicious.  I put chocolate chips and raisins in them,  but we also love them with butterscotch chips, or M&M's.  Nuts would be really good in them as well.

This is the cookie recipe.  It's from the, Senior Citizen center here in our small town, the, Elite Retreat.  They have several good cookie recipes.  and at Christmas they make and sell them.

Plans for the rest of the week . . .  We heard that beef prices are going up and so we are going to stock up on ground beef, and roasts and, I have a haircut this morning.   I am giving a lesson at DUP (Daughter's of Utah Pioneers) next Monday, so I need to get that prepared.  I also want to tie and bind the quilt I am re-making.  And,  I need to starch and pin some beautiful crocheted snowflakes that I made a few years ago. They're so pretty, I'll show you what they look like when I'm finished.

Just Sayin' . . . 

Have a great week!

Hugs and Love,




Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! Your bread and cookies look delicious! Congrats to your grandchildren on winning their debate competitions. You remind me that I want to join DUP when I retire and can go to the meetings in the middle of the day. Sounds like a lovely place to gather and meet new friends. It's wonderful that your daughter Amber teaches children what it is like to lose vision. That is such a good way to teach love, empathy, and understanding to children. I love your vest. That will really keep you warm until the weather warms up. It is so nice to see you in blogland again, my friend. Have a good week!

Cindy said...

I love that Amber and Avery go to the school and teach the kids what it's like to be blind. The world needs those kinds of lessons, to be able to understand what others go through, live with, and how they do it. How they thrive! Congratulations to Clara and Nathan! I'm in my 60's and am not good at debating. That's amazing that they're winning awards for it! Oh that bread looks so good! And those cookies! It all looks delicious. Have a wonderful week!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is so great that Amber and Avery go to the schools to share what it's like to be blind. I'm sure it's a two way blessing.
The cookie recipe looks good, and pretty easy. I wish I could make it right now, but don't have all the ingredients, so I printed it out, and guess where I'll be going in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Funerals aren't beautiful, they're a big downer sometimes followed by fights over inheritance stuff. Plus you always wonder if the deceased ended up in heaven or the hot place.

Billie Jo said...

Hello!!! Always happy to see you here, Barb. It is a pleasure to catch up with you. Your vest is beautiful and what a talent you have. Thank you for the cookie recipe! Looks delicious. And I agree with you on the funeral of a person of that age. My Mom was eighty seven and although I would have wanted her to stay here with me forever, I also know that her place now is in Heaven with all the others who came before ma and loved her so. She left us a note regarding her wishes, and she told us the funeral was to be a celebration of her life. And her life was beautiful! Hugs and wishes for a cozy afternoon, my friend.

Shug said...

Hey Barb...Lots of news here....So sorry for the loss of your friend. A celebration of one's life is a true testimony of a life well lived. Geez. I think I will have one of those delicious looking cookies...maybe 2 of them! You did a great job on your vest and the colors are so very pretty...Hopefully you will find a lot of warmth from it. How awesome for Amber and Avery to dedicated their time to going to the school...Such a Blessing for all. Congratulations to your two grands.. I know this makes you all proud. I have to tell you those fur babies sure make me want one. I've been wanting a red miniature golden doodle but I don't need one. Hope the rest of your week is warm and beautiful... Enjoy your hair appointment time...a new cut always makes one feel good.....hugs to ya

Leslie's Garden said...

Sounds like you had a very full week. The bread and cookies look delicious. I can smell the bread! Have a great weekend.

Jennifer said...

Hi there! Enjoyed your post. Life has been full for you lately. Hoping the weather continues to improve and all that snow is melted. I love your vest. Perfect for this time of year! And I think I will make some cowboy cookies this week. Yum! Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...