Monday, February 1, 2021

Welcome February. . .


First of all, thank you so much, to all of you who kept my family, especially my daughter-in-law, in your prayers.  Christina's funeral was really beautiful.  Diana gave a beautiful life sketch.  She related some tender and fun moments that she remembered when they were growing up.  She loved being with her sister and her family and she told us about some fun memories from the last time they were together, it was beautiful.  Diana is very sad, but her faith is strong, she knows that this was not Christina's home, and that, Christina's husband and children, and all of  those who love her so much will see her again.  We are taught that there is no death, only change.  How grateful we are for the peace and comfort the Gospel brings.

February is here!  I really do love February, because it is a month full of love!  I found a few fun ideas that I thought would be fun to make and display in my home. You might like them too!

Both of these cute heart ideas would be so fun in  big bowl on your table or entryway.  They would even make cute garland!  Both are easy sewing projects.

And speaking of garland, aren't these ideas cute?!  I'm definitely going to make one of these to hang somewhere in my house!  I think garland is so festive.

Both of these recipes look so delicious!  I love all things cherry in February, cherries and Valentine's Day just go together.  But, Valentine's Day wouldn't be Valentine's Day without chocolate! The chocolate cake looks so rich and delicious...I just might have to make it this year.
I've been  thinking about February and all of the change that comes with it.  February really seems like a transition month to me.  The days are getting longer,  things start to thaw out, the sun shines a little brighter and the trees start to change and get ready to bud...I just love it.  We usually have a February thaw, and then it will snow like crazy, but that's okay, we know it's temporary.

I especially loved February a child, because I loved Valentine's Day.  I can remember going to the store and picking out the box of Valentine's that I wanted to give to the kids in my classroom.  My mother would set up the card table in the living room and me and my siblings would take turns putting the names on just the right card for the children in our class room.  Of course, there was that certain card, that went to that, certain someone in the class ;0)  At school we would decorate a large envelope with hearts and crepe paper with our name on it, and on Valentine's Day, the teacher would thumb tack them to the bottom of the chalk board.  We would all file past the decorated envelopes and put the Valentine's inside.  I remember I could hardly wait to open the cards to see if I got a special card from that special someone.  Good memories.

 My youngest brother was born on Valentine's Day, and I remember coming home from school and finding out that my mother had given birth to a boy, we were all so excited!  He was always our special little Valentine.  He passed away in 2014.  I always think of him on Valentine's Day and have very fond memories of celebrating his birthday with him.  

My daughter told me that this year she was going to decorate her home for Valentine's Day.  I remember doing more when my kids were little, but I don't do much now.  Do you decorate your home for Valentine's day? 

I hope this month really is filled with love, we could sure use it!

Be safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,




Deb J. in Utah said...

I have good memories of Valentine's Day too. It was always such a fun and special day at school. We always had a Valentine's Day party in the afternoon and mothers would bring in delicious frosted Valentine's cookies. Good times. So glad you found peace in the funeral and knowledge that we can reunited with our friends and loved ones. Hope you have a good week. :-)

Homemaker' said...

I have a feeling we're all pretty much the same age! I have fond memories of those school days too and having the Valentine's parties. : ) When we homeschooled our son we, too, would make it a fun day of decorating and baking and playing games. My mom was born on Valentine's day too. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother.

I love all the fabric hearts - I think it's motivating me to make some. And the chocolate and cherry desserts! Thank you for sharing those with us.

Have a wonderful upcoming day, Barb.

Vee said...

Valentine's Day was always so much fun! Mothers sent in their offerings for the party at the end of the school day. This was all replaced years ago with nothing. No home baked treats nor parties allowed. Poor kids today. If the traditions are to continue, they must be done at home. No decorating here, but I do have some Valentines so I will make my rounds.

How good to have a Memorial Service that honored the departed and comforted those who will miss her most.

Billie Jo said...

Such fun reading about your Valentine's Day memories, my friend. I have many of the same memories, but I recall making a Valentine Box out of an old shoebox. We covered them with aluminum foil and paper hearts. My dear mother always had to search high and low for three shoeboxes!! Have a lovely day!

Sue said...

What a beautiful post, Barb, so many memories came flooding back for me, and I do love your Valentine's decoration. I have been adding a few more touches here and there, those cloth hearts are especially eye catching. Thank you for sharing
I agree February to me is transitional, I know spring is just around the corner.
Continued thoughts and prayers for your DIL's family.

Shug said...

Prayers continue for your DIL. I know it is a difficult time. I love this sweet post with all the cute Valentines and the RED. I'm sad for kids these days because they don't seem to have the opportunity that we all had as kids to create and enjoy the FUN things of Valentines. Even in 5th grade, you wanted that favorite boy in the class to give you a special Valentines... LOL.. My little niece (the one that is disabled) was born on Valentines day... WE try to make it so special for her, especially sine everyone else is getting gifts too.
Oh how I enjoy reading your post....they are always so uplifting..... Enjoy all of February and enjoy your love...

LeAnn said...

Well, my dear friend, I hope you have the best loving February ever. We all need to have a good one.
I'm so glad that Diana is doing well. We prayed for her and the family. This was such a hard one. I can't imagine the pain she has felt.
I liked all your Valentine's ideas, and I can just picture them in your warm and cozy home. I love your talents in creating and wish I had some too.
Differently, our Amber has your talents; I love how she decorates.
I do love Chocolate for sure, and that cake looks yummy!
I like that you have sweet memories of your dear brother on Valentine's day. Having him born on that day must have been sweet.
Have a very Happy Valentine's day moment!
Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

Terra said...

Your hearts are pretty and cheerful, a good follow up from the sadness of the funeral. Jesus promises his followers we will meet again, which is a big blessing, as you said.

Christine said...

Ahhh!! ❤ Valentine's Day ❤
This is my favorite time of the year., (Easter is first!). It's all about the hearts, candy, flowers, and showing others love!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...