Sunday, January 24, 2021

My Daybook . . .


For Today January 24, 2021

I'm Listening to... Paul Cardall.  He is always a calm in the storm.  

I love his soft, peaceful music, it always gives me comfort.  This week my family, especially my sweet daughter-in-law, need to find some peace and comfort.  Her sister, who was her best friend, was killed in a climbing accident.  She was only 38 years old.  She left behind a husband and 3 children.  I have known this sweet girl since she was a small child and I can tell you, she was, sweet, kind, funny, generous, loving and simply amazing...she will be very missed by all who knew her, and even some who didn't.  Her funeral will be this Wednesday, and it will be very hard on Diana, my daughter-in-law, and her family.

Looking out my window...It's a grey, cold day.  Not much snow in my neck of the woods, just drab and cold right now.

I am thinking... I'm thinking that I need to get on my blog more often.  Once you get out of the habit of blogging at least once a week, it's hard to get back into it. 

 I am thankful... I'm so thankful for a warm house and good friends...who also have warm houses ;0)

 One of my favorite things... Truly, one of my favorite things is reading the blogs posts from all my friends.  I may not always comment, but I usually read them.  Your posts give me such wonderful inspiration!

I am wearing... I'm wearing jeans and a blue sweatshirt, like I said, it's cold outside!  I am barefoot, but I will most likely put on some fuzzy socks really soon!

 I am creatingI'm trying to create some healthy eating habits...the pandemic has been hard on me.  Sooo... one of my lunches last week!

I am watching... My go-to show when there is noting else on is always, Call the Midwife.  I've seen all of them more than once, but it is a very calming show for me, I just love it.

 I am reading...The scriptures.  I would love to find another good book to read, but until them I will read the best book!

I am hoping To order some seeds for the garden really soon.  I've heard that there may be a shortage, or at least a delay in getting them to us, so I want to do it ASAP.

I am learning... I'm always learning.  It seems like everyday I learn something new...not that I always remember what I've learned! 

In the kitchen... Today for supper - Chicken Cordon Bleu, a baked potato and green beans.

Just Sayin’… 

A moment from my day... This is my grandson's cute dog, Mac.  He is a Bassador, a cross between a Basset Hound and a Labrador.  He is seriously the cutest dog, and will only be a medium size dog!  He loves my husband and I, and is always very happy to see us, but I managed to get a couple photos of him standing still!  Check out those cute feet :0)

Until next time . . . be safe!

Hugs and Love,




Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - so good to hear from you. I always enjoy your blog posts. So very sorry for the loss of your daughter-in-law's sister. That is so very sad. Hope to see you again soon.

Billie Jo said...

Hello Barb!
I am glad you are blogging again.
You always bring comfort to my heart.
So sorry to hear of the loss your daughter-in-law suffered. I cannot imagine the pain. Precious pup! Have a cozy evening.

Vee said...

What a tragedy, such a loss. I am so very sorry for your daughter-in-law and for all the family and friends. There truly are no words. that's something I have learned. I had never heard of this before. Makes for a cute dog. Do they all come out looking the same? Hmmm...

I know what you mean about blogging... Right now, I may never return, but I do love to visit.

Homemaker' said...

Barb - I'm so sorry about your daughter-in-law's sister. That truly is sad. Very difficult to go through.

I love your daybook idea - what you're doing, what you're wearing, creating, etc. - it's fun to hear what others are doing in their homes on a typical day.

Once again, I love your photo - is that a sunset or sunrise?

I also love the saying - I guess that's one thing about getting older - experience.

And the dog - those legs are definitely Basset Hound legs! CUTE. : )

Thank you for posting, Barb. Again, I'm so sorry for the loss of this young woman you know and love. God's peace be with you.
Mary S.

Sue said...

Hi Barb, I am so sorry for your DIL's loss, thoughts and prayers, sisters are so special especially when they are your best friend, I know, ... my older sister is my best friend.

I enjoyed your Day Book read, so peaceful, I have heard there was going to be a seed shortage too! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, oh what an adorable dog! He looks a bit shorter than a Labrador. I just love dogs!

I am so sorry for you daughter-in-law's loss. I will say a prayer for them. God bless this little family.


LeAnn said...

Hi sweet friend,
I loved reading your blog today and finding out what you are up to. Yours is a favorite one. I am so sorry about Diana's sister's death. The day Amber told me, I cried with her. I think it is so tragic. I hope the funeral went well. They have been in our prayers. Your dear daughter in law has gone through way too much. I feel so sad about it. I think she will really need Amber and you as she goes through the grieving process.
I haven't blogged since Christmas Eve. Everyday, I think I will and then I don't. I am struggling with priorities right now. I can't seem to get my life together.
We are so a like; I am always trying to create better eating habits and I feel I get worse insteac of better.
I haven't watched the Call the Midwife before, but have wanted too.
I belong to a book club and I can't find time to read the book. There is something wrong with that picture.
Christian's dog is a cute one. Of course, I knew Amber would be taking care of it.
Have a great week and I do hope tomorrow goes well.
Sending loving thoughts, prayers and hugs your way!

Marie Rayner said...

Loved reading your daybookBarb! What a totally adorable dog! I had never heard of that breed before. My deepest condolences on the loss of your dil’s sister. How utterly tragic. God bless and keep you all. Xoxo

Shug said...

Oh Barb...I am so sorry for the loss of your DIL's sister. I loss my sister when I was 25 and she was 28 and it is a very thing, especially when there are kids that need to be taken care of. Prayers for you all. IT was sweet to hear about what is going on in your part of the world. I smiled when you said you were barefoot. I go barefoot a good bit of the time. That is such a cute dog and I'm guessing you all are pretty attached to him/her as well....Have a wonderful weekend...

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...