Monday, February 8, 2021

This, That and the Other...

Last week we had such a beautiful sunset...of course that's not unusual, we often have gorgeous sunsets!  but this one was pretty enough that both of my daughter's sent me photos of the sunset from their yard.

This is the photo I took...

This is the photo one of my daughters took, she lives about 30 miles away from me.

This was another daughter's photo, she lives about 3 miles from me.
I love how each of these sunsets are so much alike, yet so difference in so many ways.  Just like each one of us.  Our differences are what make each of us unique, I love that.

 It was our sweet, Diana's birthday on January 23rd, but because of her sister's death, we decided to celebrate it last Sunday.  So many of you have asked me how she is doing, prayed for her and remembered her in your daily thoughts, thank you.  She is hanging in there, she's a strong woman and a woman of great faith, she will get through this trial, just like all the other very difficult trials she has had to endure in her short life.  Diana is a school teacher, and a very good one at that!  She was telling me about some of the cute cards she got from her 3rd grade students while she was away...they were the cutest letters!  You could tell that her students missed her and love her very much...she is very loved by all of us!


 My daughter, Amber, sent me these cute pictures of Averi the other day.  She was fixing her hair so they could go to, Bath and Body Works, one of Averi's favorite places!  I thought it was very cute, and Averi really liked it as well.  She loves getting all fancied up, and she loves lotion and anything that smells good :0)

Another daughter, Jessica, sent me this cute picture of her family.  They love to have fun, and I love that they document it.  Children grow up so quickly, all I have to do is blink and they have grown a foot!

Just a thought to leave you with.  We are all just trying to get by in this strange time we are living kind, don't judge, forgive and forget, think of others first, love more, hug more and keep putting one foot in front of the other...we got this!!

Have a wonderful safe...XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

Your close quote is just beautiful and so true. Those sunset pictures are all so amazing. How beautiful. You granddaughter's hair is so cute. I didn't realize that you have daughter named Amber. That is my oldest daughter's name too. I always thought it was such a beautiful name. I am glad that Diana is getting through this tough time. Our faith can be such a strength, can't it. Good to hear from you. Have a good week.

Homemaker' said...

Good morning, Barb. Another wonderful post - your sunset photos are amazing! I'm a visual person and appreciate photos. I'm glad to hear that things are going okay with you and your family and it's so true that we need to remember that everyone is dealing with something so being kind is very important.

Have a wonderful day and week ahead!
A hug to you,

Shug said...

I sure love your last thoughts on this post. Things we ALL need to really ponder in our hearts. Averie is so cute and like her, my grands love that store as well. Hope she found just what she was looking for. We too have had some gorgeous sunsets. God is amazing!!! Y'all stay warm...we are expecting some cold weather and I'm guessing y'all are too.. big hugs...

Terra said...

Stunning views of the sunset, each one unique and each one has a finite time, like people. "And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

LeAnn said...

I loved the sunset photos; they were all three unique. I think you get the best of Idaho sunsets. Of course, they do make perfect graphics; thanks for sharing.
I loved the cute photos of our Granddaughter Averi. She is the cutest. I love that she has favorite places she likes to go for different reasons.
Your Jessica has the cutest family. I loved the photo.
That sweet Diana has been through so much. Actually, more that most for sure. I do pray she will get through all of this. What a blessing your family will be to her.
I loved your last thoughts on this one.
Sending lots of loving thoughts and hugs and hope we will see you guys soon!

My Daybook . . .

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