Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Something new on Wednesday . . .

 Happy Wednesday!  I hope my post finds everyone healthy and safe.  I know there are so many disasters happening around the country and my heart and prayers go out to anyone who is suffering.  The cold temps are also so hard for so many, so bundle up and stay warm.  

Last fall was a whirlwind for me!  My garden produced a lot of tomatoes, and I just didn't have the time to process all of  them.  So I cleaned them, put then in freezer bags, and stuck them in the freezer.  So, the something new part of this post is that I made chili sauce from frozen tomatoes.  I had to make a few changes, but it turned out delicious!   After reading several articles, this is the basic recipe I followed.  This lady made salsa, but really, there's not much difference between salsa and chili sauce.  

Something else I'm attempting,  that I've never done before, is a quilt make-over.  I had a full size quilt that my grandmother made for one of my children.  The top was still good, but the batting had all but disappeared because of much use.  I also have an old comforter that is still in very good condition, and a full size sheet that I  am no longer using.  I'm going to use the comforter for the batting (yes it is pink, but you won't see it), and the sheet for the outside and binding.  I have my fingers crossed that it will work.  I'll show you the finished product when I'm done with it.  No, I don't need another quilt, I don't even have a full size bed, but I have always believed that having extra quilts and blankets is important.  You never know when someone else might need a warm quilt.  

Have a wonderful rest of your week!  And, try something new!

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Your chili sauce looks so good! I think it's great that you are repurposing your old quilt. We have lots of extra quilts and blankets too and you just never know when they will come in handy! Hope your week is going well. It's so fun to see another post from you!

Shug said...

Hey there Barb....I am really late posting this evening. Been a busy day around here. Goodness, the chili sauce looks so good. I took pictures of the recipe and I'm going to try this when tomatoes come around this summer. Looks pretty easy as well. I LOVE quilts! I know you will do a great job on renewing the family quilt. Be sure and show us a picture when you finish. Enjoy the rest of the busy week.

Anonymous said...

Chili sauce is the best, that looks good and more economical than store bought. The disasters are just beginning, by the time Elon Musk is done there won't be much of a country or economy left. SMH.

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...