Outside my window - Still snowy here in Idaho. Last night it snowed again, and the forecast calls for more snow tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm looking forward to spring... ;0)
What's on my playlist - I really do love "crooners", oldies, doo-wop and music that makes me happy. Isn't it funny how a song can bring you back to a moment from the past or something that happened just yesterday. You all know what a music junkie I am!
I'm thinking - I'm thinking how time has gotten away from me. After my last hospital stay, life has just been hard. It's hard for me to be around a lot of people, I don't focus very well, my moods go up and down, and I just don't feel like myself. I think I my have a mild case of PTSD... Not even kidding. I did graduate from wound care, which was so nice. but I still have one small open wound that I am taking care of at home. Every time I change the bandage, I think of wound care and the way I felt each time I had to go, which was usually twice a week. In fact, just going into, or driving by the hospital makes me nervous now. I do struggle with anxiety and ADHD, maybe that has something to do with it as well... Just a thought. I think having more sunshine would help. Have any of you felt this way, or had this experience?
I'm grateful for - So extremely grateful for my husband, who spent hours and hours taking care of me. I'm also grateful for my children and grandchildren. Last week-end I was lucky enough to have three of my grandsons, and a cute little Golden-Doodle stay with us for three days... So much fun! I'm also very grateful to be healthy and healing.
Maverick and Indy taking a little rest after running, playing and being puppies.
What have I been creating - Knowing that we had kids coming to stay, we decided to give the spare bedroom in the basement a little makeover. It was my husbands gun room, now it's a bedroom! I just used what I had, nothing special, but it sure made a difference in that room! My two oldest grandsons really appreciated having their own space. They took turns sleeping in this room and loved it.
What's cookin' - I'm trying to make real meals these days. We just lived on whatever we could find for far so long, we were both ready for some real food. Tonight, we had Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, and frozen corn. For dessert, I made a cherry pie with some frozen pie cherries that needed to be used. We had it with vanilla ice cream. This pie was made with a frozen pie crust that I'd had since December - it kept falling apart, so it looks a little pieced together, but it was sooo tasty!
Something new for me - I'm trying to find the right prescription for contact lenses. Now, anyone who has gone through this process knows it takes a while. I'm still using, readers, but I think I know what I need now. The eye doctor started me out with, mono vision contacts, and I didn't like them. Then we tried just distance. Didn't love that either. I'm trying, multi-vision, and I really like them. We just need to tweak them so I don't have to wear readers as often.
I'm working on making a meal plan for the week. Just Monday through Friday. I have a lot of food in the freezer that I need to use and some items on my pantry shelf that also need to be used. I'll see how it goes:
Monday - left overs from Sunday
Tuesday - ham and beans with cornbread and green salad
Wednesday - Frozen pizza, green salad
Thursday - whatever leftovers are still in the fridge or breakfast for dinner
Friday - Baked chicken thighs - green salad for me, baked potato for hubby
I love ideas if anyone else makes a meal plan.
Hi Barb! I am so sorry that you have had such a rough time. Yes, I understand anxiety and even PTSD VERY WELL unfortunately. It is a thing and can be a real challenge. I love that basement bedroom. It looks so wonderful and cozy. I don't think we have had as much snow as you have up there in Idaho. Most of ours has stayed up in the mountains this year, which is totally fine with me. It is super good to see you back in blogland, my friend. I hope you continue to feel better and better until you are completely healed! You will be in my prayers. I hope to see you again soon!
Yay Barb....I was so thrilled when I scrolled and saw your post. You all sure are having a lot of snow..while it looks so pretty in the picture, I know you are truly ready for Spring. I am so sorry for your current struggle. I know some good sunshine would help you tremendously... PTSD is real. My daughter had a very bad time last year with this....A terrible accident that her son was in, and then her having a heart attack at the age of 46 was more than she could handle. Panic attacks, depression, not wanting to be in crowds and not even being able to hear the news had her completely shut down. It took some time and a few visits with a PTSD specialist to get better. I am praying for the best for you and that you will be completely healed from the wound and from the mental anguish. big hugs to you Barb....Just know that you have friends praying for you...
Hi Barb!! I was so glad to see a comment from you and then to see this post. You have been missed. We've had more winter this year than any year since moving here.
I'm sorry you've had a hard time lately. TBG developed serious anxiety and a bit of depression after his heart surgery and even a near total melt down one day. From what I understand when you have a serious health scare it is totally normal to feel this way and to experience all of these emotions. A LOT of prayers on our part and focusing on the positives and the blessings in our life and just time to adjust helped him a lot. I hope you're doing better soon. Be gentle with yourself. Big hugs!! Spring will be here soon.
Love the saying at the bottom of your post. It's not always so easy to do though.
I can relate to the anxiety and mild PTSD. I felt that way after my fall in December. I was afraid to go out at all for a while. It's not so bad now, but I still am super cautious.
The basement bedroom looks so cozy.
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