Wednesday, January 1, 2025

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be."
~Hal Elrod~

I hope this year brings you happiness, new dreams, new achievements and new inspiration in your life.  I pray that your new year is full of peace and love.  

See you soon!  Hugs and love,



Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Happy New Year

Shug said...

so glad to hear from you Barb. I have been worried that you may have been ill. Prayers that your family will be healthy and that Blessings will be yours throughout the coming 2025. Happy 2025!

Billie Jo said...

Yay! So happy to see you here, Barb! I love your background. Happy and Blessed New Year!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! It is so good to see you back in blogland! I hope that 2025 is a good year for you and yours. I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Anonymous said...

It might not be such a happy new year. Reports out of China are coming in that hospitals are being overwhelmed, patients in critical being treated in the hallways due to lack of beds. Word is that the culprits are a new strain of Covid and Avian flu. Here we go again, it would be nice is these government labs would stop weaponizing these virus.

Lorrie said...

Happy New Year, Barb!

Cindy said...

Happy New Year Barb!


Such a powerful quote, Barb! It’s so true that who we choose to be shapes our path forward. Wishing you a year filled with joy, growth, and wonderful new experiences. May peace and love surround you always.

You are invited to check out my new post:

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wishing you the same, Barb.
Love the quote.

Jennifer said...

I do you hope you are enjoying your new year....your January...and even this week!! Hope there have already been a couple of unexpected blessings! Best new year wishes to you!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wishing you a very happy healthy New Year..

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