Friday, December 6, 2024

December . . .

Happy December!  I can hardly believe it's already December.  I can barely remember October and November, truly, they were a blur.   I'm hoping that December is a better month... So far, so good.  I'm getting ready for Christmas, making my lists and checking them twice, or thrice ;0)  Getting out my treat recipes and making plans for family get-togethers and Christmas dinner with my kids.  

I haven't taken any photos the last two months, but I can assure you we don't have snow, not even a skiff!  We got a little bit in November, but it has been gone for weeks.  We have been in the mid 40's for the last week, and to tell you the truth, it feels more like spring than winter.  Hopefully, we will have a little snow for Christmas.   

Where have I been?  The end of October I had surgery and was in the hospital for a week.  When I came home, I just didn't feel good, and each day it seemed to get worse.  I was going to the hospital twice and sometimes three times a week for wound care, but still, I just didn't feel well.  Almost a month to the day, I became very ill and had a terrible infection that burst.  I was admitted again, had to have surgery again, and spent another week in the hospital.  I am so thankful that I went to the hospital that night.  If I would have stayed home, I would have gone septic by morning, and my story would be a very different one today.  I've been home for three weeks now.  I still go to wound care twice a week, and have to use a wound vac, but I am getting better each day.  I am finally able to clean and cook and do laundry!  My energy is still not great and I need to rest often, but I am getting better. 

Bob was such a blessing to me for those two months.  I really don't know what I would have done without him!  I feel very blessed and thank my, Heavenly Father every day for him and  for the blessing of health and strength that I have today.  I will never take it for granted.  

I plan on catching up with each of you, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned for December.  I always love to see your decorations and hear about the things you are doing.

I did take a few photos in November . . . 

Our sweet, Indy turned one year old on November 16th!  She is such a wonderful little companion for us, and we just love her!

I also had a birthday in November.  I turned 69 this year.  I've never wish that I was, 39, again, I just feel blessed to have made another trip around the sun!

My sister sent me this beautiful bouquet for my birthday, it was such a wonderful pick-me-up!!  She is a wonderful sister, who knows me well!  The little owl cup is my favorite.  

I'll leave you with a beautiful sunset... one of many we've had lately.  

“A December day is brief but beautiful.”
– John Greenleaf Whittier  

See you soon!  Stay safe.

Hugs and Love,



Anonymous said...

Looks like you dodged a bullet there, it's common for patients to contract bacterial infections at hospitals after surgery. Precious little mite looks like a very happy pup, animals are very therapeutic for the recovery process. There is nothing that makes one appreciate good health quicker than an emergency like this! Have a merry and healthy Christmas.

Dianne said...

Oh dear, that was a lot. I am glad you are doing better.

Lori said...

I'm so sorry to hear you've been so sick and gone through so much. I am happy to hear you are on the mend. Health issues can really throw you a curveball. Happy Belated Birthday. Love the photo of your beautiful face. Enjoy this holiday season and stay safe.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! I am glad to see you back in blogland. I had been wondering where you were. So sorry to hear that you had to have surgery and have been so sick. I am grateful that you went to the hospital and were able to have the infection treated in time! Glad to hear that you are on the mend now and feeling a bit stronger each day. Happy Belated Birthday. That is a beautiful picture of you and those are such lovely flowers from your sister. Glad that you are back and doing so much better. Have a very Merry Christmas! Sending virtual hugs. Tell Bob Merry Christmas as well!

Lorrie said...

Oh, I am sorry that you suffered complications from your surgery. Sepsis is nothing to play around with! Take all the time you need to regain your strength. Glad you are feeling better.

Shug said...

Happy Late Birthday wishes Barb. I am so sorry that you have been ill. I was sure wondering about you and I checked everyday to see if you had a new post. So thankful that you did go back to the hospital and get the much needed help to save your life. Prayers for you as you do continue to recover....hopefully you will not overdo through the holidays and will allow others to do most of what needs to be done. So good to hear from you and just know you are being covered in prayers. Big hugs

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my goodness, what an ordeal you went through. So glad you went to the hospital when you did and are doing better.
Happy belated birthday!
That sunset picture is beyond words. Wow, just wow!
Wishing you and your family a very blessed New Year of peace, joy, favor, and good health.

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...