Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Catching up. . .


I hope everyone had a happy Halloween!  Can you believe that it's the end of October?!  This year has gone by so quickly!  We live in the country, and so we never get trick-or-treaters.  In my little community, they have, trunk-or-treat.  Anyone who chooses to participate, goes to the church in our area, park their cars, open their trunk and give out treats.  Some really decorate and go all out, others just go to see the cute costumes and give out treats.  This year they are planning on around 5-6 hundred people. They have hot chocolate and donuts and everyone has a great time.  It usually starts around 6 o'clock and is done by 7:30, after all, the kids have school on Wednesday!  It's a safe place to go, and kids and adults always have fun.

Here's a few fun photos of my last two grands who still dress up - 

Clara is a dwarf from Dungeons and Dragons

Tanner is Harry Potter... he makes the best Harry!

Sweet Ave is a Monkey!  Her shirt says it all!

One of my granddaughters is graduating this year, and I just loved her senior photos!  These are two my favorite . . . she's such a beautiful girl, inside and out!

Tanner had a birthday this month- 10 years old.  It's hard to watch them grow up, but exciting at the same time.  He designed his own cake ;0)

I've made two batches of apple scrap spiced jelly.  It's so delicious, especially on a cold winter morning.

We had a snow storm a week ago.  I'm not ready for snow yet, but it was really pretty.

And we raked up and cleaned this beautiful carpet of gold yesterday... what a job!  We're done until next week, then it starts all over again!

A beautiful harvest moon, taken on our way home from our daughters one night.  It was so orange coming up over the mountains, we thought there was a fire!  So gorgeous!

And I can't leave without a few Halloween sunsets!

Be safe!  Hugs and Love, 



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. No trick-or-treaters here either. We live in an older neighborhood with the "newly weds and nearly deads" ;-) Not many children and what kids there are participate in trunk-or-treat at the church. Looks like your family was all in the spirit of the day. I can't believe how much your granddaughter looks like you! She is beautiful. I have a grandson who is also a senior, but I haven't seen his senior pictures yet. I hope you are having a good fall. It is always good to hear what is going on with you. See you again soon!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Snow already? What state do you live in?
Enjoyed all your beautiful pictures.
Clara's costume is quite something. Love the beard. And your graduating granddaughter is very pretty indeed.
Interesting picture of the orange moon. It has a lot of detail on it that makes it look like the outside of a cantaloupe, down to that little round blossom end at the bottom of it.

Donna said...

Snow already?!! Wow...I don't think I'm ready for Winter.
Your gran's are SO pretty and handsome! Tanner did indeed make a fantastic Harry Potter!

Lori said...

Your grandkids are so cute. That has to be the best harry Potter I've seen. Love all of your photos as always. Sounds like you've been staying very busy. Have a great week.

Shug said...

We live in a heavy area for Trick R' Treaters. But NONE this year. Mylee had an away Basketball game on Halloween, so I was happy to not be at home. All of your grands are adorable and the senior photos are so good. I love all the Fall colors in your area. I know this really gets you in the mood for Fall. Beautiful..
Hope you have a great day Barb. It's always a joy to read your blog..

Marie Rayner said...

Your photos as always are lovely Barb. I love seeing your Grands. What cute costumes. I wish they did trunk or treats here. I am sure it would be great fun to decorate the car boot and give out treats, but that is a lot of treats to give out! Wow, five to six hundred! I had about 100 and I thought that was great! Cleaning up the yard in the autumn is always such a chore. I find that a lot of people here just leave the leaves to lie and decompose over the winter, or rake them into piles for bees and such to hibernate under. There is no way of disposing of them once they are rakes. No fires allowed and they would fill up the compost bin in no time. So people just leave them lie for the most part. I always love my visits with you. I am glad you are posting a bit more often now! I miss you when you don't! xoxo

Jennifer said...

Lots of family fun keeping you busy - isn't that wonderful? Happy birthday to Tanner and your grands looked great in their costumes!! Hard to believe that snow storm....it has been so unseasonably warm and delightful here! I say November is too early for snow (well, I'm never really "up" for snow?!) Hope you and your family are looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...