Saturday, October 15, 2022

Fall Back Friday on Saturday . . .


(This is a post that I posted on, September 30, 2011.  I think it's funny that all of these thoughts still apply, and I am still pondering on the same things. )

Fall is certainly in the air!  The dog days of summer are almost gone and we will soon see the snow start to fall in my neck of the woods.  We  have had a wonderful warm Autumn, and I will be sad to see it end - but end it must!  As I was poking around my yard today, I was noticing the subtle changing of the leaves - most are still beautiful and green . . . but fading fast.  Some trees have a few yellow and gold leaves peeking through every now and again, to remind me of the changing season.   I can remember when some of my grandchildren were smaller, they would rake the leaves into big piles and then throw the leaves into the air and watch them fall onto the freshly raked grass. I can still see the smiles on their sweet little red-cheeked faces,  as they jumped and twirled around as the yellow, orange and brown leaves fell around them. . . cherished moments.   The dog loved it though, he would make himself a nice little bed in the leaves after they were gone!

I am looking forward to cooler days!  It’s the nip in the air at this time of year that energizes and awakens my senses and renews my spirit!  I have had a wonderful summer, full of fun, quiet moments, busy times, changes that I knew would come, some good, and some not so good.  For me, the change in seasons is the perfect time to reflect on those changes that have come, and make new changes in my life - good changes, simple changes that can make me feel better about who I am and who I want to be.

Here's a list of things I'm pondering on - feel free to ponder with me!

1. What is it I want right now?  How can I be even more true to myself?  What can I do to surround myself with more beauty?  What do I need to do to feel closer to the Savior?

2. What routines would I like to “fall back” into?  What are some old hobbies I would like to bring back into my life?  What is it that I really miss doing or participating in?

3. What is holding me back?  What keeps getting in my way or holding me back?  What clutter can be cleared from my home and life?

4. What am I ready to tackle this Fall?  What changes or fixes have I been putting off?  What steps can I take in order to get things done?  I want to be like a child and jump into the pile of leaves!  I need to bring back that wonderful childhood energy and start something new!

5. What things or activities do I need to start saying “no” to?  What is it that’s draining my energy? 

It's hard for me to make changes, but, I'm going to dive into Fall with a plan to energize myself, to live a more fulfilling life, and to celebrate the changing seasons in my life!  

I hope you enjoyed going back in time with me!

Many Hugs,



Great-Granny Grandma said...

Good questions to ponder.

Cindy said...

The older I get the less I'm doing. Still working outside the home at a very stressful job so the hobbies are being done less and less. My daughter and granddaughter lived with us for 9 months this year and I'm still trying to get the den to a place where I can use it again. I'm learning to say no to things at work and at home. I'm reading a book titled Telling Yourself the Truth by Backus and Chapain. It's about that negative self talk and how to change it when your stressed, or angry or you have a fear of change... it's helped me a lot to set boundries and live within them!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. This is now my third time of trying to comment, so I hope this time's a charm! I love this post, especially all the questions you are pondering. Always good things to think about - especially what will bring me closer to the Savior. So many things in our lives seem to take us from Him, at least that is how it seems to me. There is always so much to distract us and take up our time with things that aren't really important. I am up in Rexburg tonight. We made a super quick, impromptu trip up here to bring Josh something he needed and wanted us to mail to him. We decided a road trip to Idaho would be more fun and interesting than a trip to the post office. I was going to see if you wanted to meet up, but we literally planned the whole trip in hours. We got here this afternoon and we are going back home tomorrow morning. The fall colors are gorgeous up here. We drove through Idaho Falls and were amazed at the beautiful gold and red leaves everywhere! I hope you are having a good October. Hopefully next time we come up, I will have a little more notice and time hopefully we can get together! Have a good Sunday!

Christine said...

Hello Barb, I’m sure whether my comment was posted already or I accidentally deleted it! Apologies if I am repeating myself, but what I said was that I loved the picture you used, as well as the memories you shared about your grandchildren.
You are so right about looking back/forward and it is such a healthy thing to look at how we can make the most out of our lives. You’ve inspired me!
Have a lovely weekend. 😊

Shug said...

I love this post!! Fall is such a very special season and I think we all are able to see so much beauty and excitement. With the change in Seasons, it is easy to get caught up in the things we think we "have to do". the older I get, the more I realize that so much that I have always thought to be IMPORTANT, really is not important. It is time to just enjoy the Seasons

Lorrie said...

Hello Barb. Lots of questions and things to ponder in this post. And yes, fall is such a beautiful season, and it really does feel like the beginning of something new.

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...