Saturday, October 22, 2022

Clouds and a Hunting Debacle . . .

Hello friends!  Today is a rainy, cloudy, windy kind of day, just the kind of day to stay inside and watch a movie.  So, that's what I'm doing.  Right now, as I'm typing, I'm watching, When Harry Met of my favorite movies, especially at this time of year. ;0)

Friday was a crazy day, fun but crazy.  My husband and I went hunting with my daughter and her family.  We didn't hunt, we just basically went along for the ride.  It was very pretty, even though the colors had faded and most of the leaf's had fallen off the trees.  

We decided to drive to a favorite hunting spot, and it was as beautiful as I had remembered it . . . 

We waited and waited for my daughter and her husband to meet up with us, and finally decided to go back and look for them, hoping that maybe they had spotted a deer...but when we found them, they were in the middle of the road, and the drive line had fallen off of their truck!!  I wish I had taken a photo of the perplexed looks on the faces of my husband and son-in-law!  It didn't take long, and the two of them had figured out how to get the truck to where we were parked. When we got there, they started pulling every tool they owned from behind the seat, and out from under the seat of the trucks.  I think my husband has as many tools in his truck as he does in the garage!  They went to work, most of the time all I could see were four feet sticking out from under the truck.  I'm not sure why I didn't get any pictures of the - fixing of the truck, but you'll just have to trust me on this one . . . it was a process.  They finally fixed the truck enough to get it to limp home, and then it was time to go hunting!

They saw three deer, two does and a fawn, but with their tag, they could only shoot a buck.  Now you might wonder what I was doing during the time the truck was being fixed and the hunting was taking place?  I was taking photos of the clouds . . . 

I don't know if it was the wind, or a storm front moving in or what, but they really had some interesting shapes!  Look closely at each photo, what do you see?   I saw,  Baby Yoda, a duck, and a spooky face in these three pictures.  

But in this one, my daughter pointed out to me that it looked like an angel.  And trust me, we needed an angel to watch over us yesterday!  All day long there were rainbows around the clouds, and the sun had a pink glow around it.  This particular cloud was just beautiful!   It just happens that three years ago on October 21st, was the day that my sweet mom passed away, I'd love to think that she was watching over us . . . 

On our way home, I took this picture of the storm moving in.   Notice the color in the clouds.  It was an hour or so before sunset when I took this photo, and the dark clouds were pushing out the blue sky.  It was so pretty!  Again, notice the colors along the edges of the clouds, I love catching this weird phenomenon, it's called, cloud irradiation, it's from rain and ice crystals in the clouds.  I've taken many photos of clouds with rainbows, and all of them are just stunning!

I hope that whatever your day was like, you were safe, healthy and cozy on this beautiful autumn day.

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. I have been having a hard time commenting on your blog, so I sure hope this works! Lovely pictures! So glad you got to go hunting even with the debacle with the truck. It's so good that your husband has lots of tools and know-how when it comes to repairing things. Looks like you had a nice time being out in God's gorgeous nature. What a nice day. We are supposed to get snow down here and we have had cold rain all day. I hope you have a good Sunday and I will see you again soon!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my, what amazing cloud pictures you got. The bottom one of the three with interesting shapes made me think of my daughter's little terrier mix.

Lorrie said...

What gorgeous images you captured while waiting for the truck to be fixed. I'm sure you didn't mind the delay too much, at all! Such colour!

Homemaker' said...

LOVE the cloud photos! Beautiful. Have a wonderful Sabbath day and week ahead, Barb!! : )

Christine said...

Barb, what stunning photos! I pretty much always know when I visit your page, I will find the beauty of nature in all its forms. Those clouds were something else! I’m so glad the boys got to resume their hunting despite the truck-trouble. Have a wonderful week.

annie said...

Gorgeous photos. Are the yellow trees Aspens? I used to love them when I lived in Utah and they were so golden and beautiful in fall. I love to be in nature. There is nothing like it.

Janine said...

Incredible pictures! Lucky you to live in such beautiful country. In one cloud, where you saw a spooky face, I clearly saw a boot!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...