Friday, October 28, 2022

A Peek into my Week . . .

I can't believe that Friday has rolled around...again!  Do the weeks just seem to fly by for you too?!  I just don't know where the time goes, but it seems to go by quickly.  

We finally got some snow, not much but it was white, wet and cold.  We still have leaves on the trees, and the ground is covered with beautiful golden leaves ready to be raked up!  But first, it needs to warm up.  This morning when I got up, it was 27 degrees...burrr!  

I've had a busy week, even though I feel like I haven't accomplished much, I've been busy.  On Tuesday I got my hair cut!  I had been growing it out a bit, but it just got to be too much for me.  I guess I'm just a no fuss kind of girl.  I really just feel like this is more me.   In fact when I sent a picture to my daughter she said . . ."There you are!".  Long hair just isn't me.      

We also went to the grocery store this week, which always sends me into shell-shock!  I just can't believe how the prices have skyrocketed.  I really need to make a weekly menu.  How many of you make a weekly or monthly menu?  

On Wednesday, I went to a luncheon with some really nice ladies that I minister to.  We had chicken soup in a bread bowl, broccoli salad and cinnamon rolls for dessert.  I made the cinnamon rolls and they were really good, and one of my favorite recipes.  The dough is an easy recipe - you make the dough in the bread maker.  But it could easily be made by hand or in a mixer.  The dough is soft, not too sweet, and makes a beautiful cinnamon roll. 


1 cup milk (I used mine right out of the refrigerator)
1 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup butter (cut into small pieces)
3 cups unbleached flour
2 teaspoons instant yeast or bread machine yeast

Place all the dough ingredients into the bread maker in the order listed.  Select the DOUGH cycle and press START.  Check the dough to make sure you have enough water and flour.  I usually check mine about 6-7 minutes after it starts kneading, just to make sure the dough isn't too stiff or too loose.  If you need to add water or flour, do it a tablespoon at a time.  This dough should be pretty soft, not sticky, just soft.  It should stick to the side, then pull away cleanly when it is finished.  When the dough cycle has finished, remove it from the pan to a floured surface.  Roll it into a large rectangle shape.   Don't roll it too thin or it will tear when you roll it.  You can cut it in half and make two rolls if you prefer, just put half the mixture on each half.

Spread 4 tablespoons of butter over the dough.  Mix 1 cup of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon ( or as much as you like), and a 1/4 teaspoon of cloves (optional) over the buttered dough.  You can also spread raisins, nuts, craisins, or chocolate chips over the dough.  Roll up on the long edge and cut into 12 rolls.  I like to cut mine into at least one and one-half inch slices.  Put slices into a 9x13 pan that has been sprayed with a non-stick spray.  Don't crowd the rolls.  If you have to use another smaller pan do that.  Let the rolls raise until double in a warm place.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes.  I usually check mine at 15 minutes, or until they are golden brown.  Let cool until warm and frost with your favorite icing.  I like to frost them with, cream cheese icing.  Enjoy!

One day when we were out and about, we stopped at a Mexican restaurant in our area.  They always decorate so cute for Halloween, and they have great food.

Today, I'm going to my oldest daughter's house to help with some wedding plans.  Her daughter, my oldest granddaughter, is getting married in December, and we are so excited for her!  A few weeks ago,  I was lucky enough to go with her and her mom to help her find a wedding's just a peek of the dress she bought.  I don't want to give away too much, but it is gorgeous and it looks so beautiful on her . . .

I'm sure you will see more on the wedding in my future posts ;0)  Until then . . . 

Have a wonderful week-end and be safe!

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Your hair looks great! I bet that wedding dress is gorgeous. An upcoming wedding - so much fun! So nice that you got together with the sisters you minister to for lunch. I need to arrange something like that. Sounds like fun. We got some rain here last week, and our temps are very chilly but the snow stayed in the mountains! I hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Shug said...

What is there not to Love about this beautiful post......except grocery prices! Snow and cold weather, I love!
Your hair is adorable and I honestly wish I had the nerve to cut mine short...And oh my goodness Barb! The cinnamon rolls look soooooo yummy! I do love me some cinnamon rolls. I know you all are so excited about the wedding and I sure hope you post about it once the day come. Stay warm and dry...

Cindy said...

Cute hair cut! I keep trying to talk Beth into short hair, she doesn't want her hair anywhere near her face, always wears it pulled back or in a pony tail, but always says, "No!" when I show her short styles.

You got snow?! Oh my! Is that typical this time of year? And I'm with you - can NOT believe we're headed into November!

Homemaker' said...

What a fun post, Barb! First - love your hair. Very stylish on you. : ) Second - thank you for the cinnamon roll recipe. I love that it begins in the bread machine. I tried to make some last weekend and they didn't turn out at all. So I was very excited to see your recipe - I'm going to give it a try!

God bless your weekend and thanks again!

Vee said...

So cute! You are adorable. I despise snow before autumn chores are done. Hope it warms up so that it can be accomplished. I'm fretting some about that here.

Lorrie said...

Cute hair! And a beautiful glimpse of the wedding dress. Such a fun time. The first snow is always so pretty, but this is early (isn't it?). The cinnamon buns look delicious!

Billie Jo said...

Love your hair, my friend!!!! And a wedding! How very exciting! Thanks for the delicious recipe too. I will share it with my Peyton. Have a cozy afternoon. I love your background!

Billie Jo said...

Hi!Happy Halloween! Comments are off on your post today, but had to tell you I loved it!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...