Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday Musings . . .

Happy Monday!  My week-end slipped away very quickly and now it's time to get back into the grind of everyday life.   Here's a quick re-cap of my week-end.

Friday night we celebrated, Breadon's graduation.  Breadon is my granddaughter's boyfriend.  He just graduated with a Bachelor's degree in business management, we are very proud of him.  We had cake and ice cream, and I met his parents for the first time and of course they are very nice.  He asked me if it was alright if he gave me his surprised and kind of cheesy smile...and it was!

Saturday morning we got up early to go to my cousins funeral.  It was a nice service, not very many there.  Howard, my cousin who passed away was 92 years old.  My grandfather used to go to funerals of older people that he didn't know, he said that he wanted to make sure that someone was there, even if he didn't know them.  

This is a photo of my uncle, my mother's brother.  One of his sons brought him to the funeral and I was so grateful for that.  He has Alzheimer's, so I was very happy that I was able to see him while he still knew me.  I had to remind him who I was several times.

I'm doing a photo challenge mainly to challenge myself to be more spontaneous and to get my creative juices flowing - it seems like they wax and wain lately.  Today the challenge was to take a photo of  - the view from where you are sitting.  This is the view.  We'll be analyzing the photos, make adjustments to our setting, work on editing and learning how to make improvements where we need them...this is today's photo, it needs some help but it's pretty much what I see from my sofa.  

On Sunday my daughter called us and told us that her husband had Covid, so we didn't attend church.  We had been with them on Friday night so we didn't want to take any chances.  We are fine so far,  but we will just stay home the next few days just in case.  I watched our church services on YouTube...thank goodness for technology!  This isn't my church, but isn't it beautiful!


We are having some cooler temps today, it's only 87 degrees right now and it feels so good.  This feels like summer should feel.  My garden seems to be doing really well, especially for how hot it has been.  We weren't able to plant until almost the middle of June, so finger's crossed that it produces well.

When we went to celebrate the graduation I was able to take a few photos of the most beautiful sunset at my daughter's home.  It was the perfect ending to the perfect day . . . 

The perfect day is going to bed with a dream and
 waking up with a purpose. 
~A.J. McLean~

Stay safe, be kind and stay cool!
Hugs and Love,


Vee said...

Sounds serious...her grandparents have met his parents. ☺️

Your uncle is a handsome gentleman. How nice for you to see him.
Sometimes, funerals are like family reunions.

Have a sweet summer week.

Christine Smith said...

Barb, I hope your daughter is soon on the mend. The pictures of your garden look lovely, and I’m happy to hear the temps have settled a bit. The picture of the church is beautiful, even if it isn’t yours. 😌 I’m glad you were able to at least see your Uncle while he still recognised you. What a blessing your father was to those who passed on without family or friends. There are more of them than we realise. Have a good week, my friend.

Kerin said...

Looks like your Granddaughter's boyfriend is a nice young man, and that he was able to be himself and give a goofy smile, must mean that he is humble and has a good sense of humor :)
Congrats on his graduation !
Hopefully your son in law is feeling better.
I too am so thankful for having the ability to watch church, when we can't be there in person. Makes it especially nice when traveling :)
Your garden looks so nice. It looks like it's thriving!
We've had the heat and the winds here, and every now and again the rain showers stop by long enough to make everything look clean and green and the air smells aspen, sage, and pine; it's been delightful.
Have a lovely day.

Homemaker' said...

Your home looks so comfortable, Barb. You know I always love your photos (inside your home and out!). Your garden looks wonderful - so fun to watch all those things grow and doing well. : ) Thanks for your post!!! God bless.

Mrs. R said...

Hi Barb! It's me Gina. I am back to blogging after being away for a year or so. I look forward to catching up. Your garden is lovely!

LeAnn said...

Your sweet daughter of mine and grandchildren should be arriving shortly. I am very excited to see them all. Sad, that James isn't going to be here.
I love this post. I'm so happy you could be with Braedon for his graduation and meet his parents. We really love this man, he is perfect for our Taylor Jo.
I love that your Grandfather went to funeral to make sure someone was there. When they are very old, their funerals are usually kind of small. That's a great photo of your Uncle.
The picture was a good one, I don't think you should edit it a bit. I love your home; it's always warm and cozy.
Your garden looks lovely. I'm sad, we don't have one at all. I feel guilty too.
I'm trying to get back and blog. I did one on the 25th, and I don't know if it will continue. I have missed reading yours. If I can get through the family events of July and August, I might be back more often.
Love and hugs for you two!

Latane Barton said...

What a sweet, thoughtful man your grandfather was. Seeing that other people are remembered. I love that.

Something new on Wednesday . . .

 Happy Wednesday!  I hope my post finds everyone healthy and safe.  I know there are so many disasters happening around the country and my h...