Tuesday, July 19, 2022

My Daybook . . .

Hello friends!  I hope everyone is doing well and surviving the summer heat.   We have had some really hot days lately and very little rain and high winds.  Like most of the country, we are in a drought, and fire season is starting to rear it's ugly head once again in Idaho.  

I have been staying inside to stay out of the wind and heat, but occasionally I venture outside to check on my garden and flowers and give them a good soaking.  

On with my daybook -

I'm listening to . . . 

I love country music, not any country music...classic country.  Right now I'm listening to, Ray Price, Beauty is...The Final Session - I have always loved to listen to, Ray Price.  This is an album he made in his later years...it's just beautiful.  Here's one of my favorite songs from this album...for your listening pleasure.


Outside my window . . . Today it seems a little cooler than it has been in the past week or so.  It's only going to be about 91 degrees today.  My poor garden is struggling, although we water it every other day, it just seems a little droopy.  I'm really hoping that our tomatoes do well, doesn't a ripe tomato from the garden sound delicious!?

My flowers are loving the heat, although they need a little more water when it's this hot.  Soon they will begin to get a little, "leggy". and will have to trimmed up a bit.  But it always seem like they love the hair-cut and come back even more beautiful. 

I'm thinking . . . I have been thinking about how quickly time slips away from us.  In the past two months, 3 of my mother's first cousins have passed away.  It makes me sad to think that the cousins my age and older are the dangling leaves on the family tree.  It seems like just yesterday I was a young girl without a worry in the world...ok, I worried about boys. ;0)  Those years have come and gone, and it's hard for me to imagine what the future will hold for me as the years go by.  Pretty soon my children with be the dangling leaves, and I will be the one that fell. 

A photo of my great aunt (the one on the left) from my family tree...one day my children will show photos of me as the one that fell, and I believe that I will see this great aunt again, and maybe we will joke about the dangling leaf. 

I'm thankful for . . . Today I am so thankful for living close enough to my children that I can babysit, and last week it was a fur baby.  Meet, Bandit, my daughter's 13 year old miniature dachshund.  He is such a sweet boy, we just love to watch him and he gets so excited when he gets to come and stay with us.

 One of my favorite things
. . . I love wildflowers!  here are a few we found on our last camping trip.

Sticky Geranium

Rocky Mountain Iris

Spreading Phlox (my grandson called it, vanilla daisies)

Arrowleaf Balsamroot

At the end of the day . . . 

Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.
~Kristen Butler~

Be safe . . . and kind.

Hugs and Love,



Terra said...

Bandit is a cutie and he has the same intense expression as my small dog often has.

Kerin said...

Sorry about your sweet cousins passing.
Saying ' until we meet again', is never easy.

Cute pup! He has a sweet face, and very expressive eyes.

My word! You guys have gorgeous sunsets to enjoy!!
I enjoyed the quote that you posted, as well.

Have a lovely rest of you week, enjoy the sunny days, and don't cook in the heat :)


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. You have beautiful pictures in this post. I do love those sunsets. It's been hot down here too, but so far we are weathering it OK. Charly and I get our walk over with early in the day, then stay inside. Sorry to hear of the passing of your cousins. What a blessing to live close to the grands and get to spend time with them. Hope your week goes well. See you again soon. :-)

Christine Smith said...

Barb, As always, your photos are lovely. I understand how it feels to be a “dangling” leaf. We know it is the way of life, but never the less, it’s now us who are in that position. We can take comfort in knowing the loved ones we will see again, as you mentioned. Bandit is a cutie! God Bless Barb.

Homemaker'sThoughts.blogspot.com said...

Hi Barb - I always enjoy your daybook posts. : ) Yes, this heat! There isn't a place in the U.S. to go to get away from it!!! A lot of time indoors over this way too. It makes me feel restless. We're expecting storms today. I always love your photos. You have awesome sunsets out there and I love the quote about them. Just got to keep looking for beauty amidst everything!!! Have a great weekend - stay cool!

Chrissy T said...

Hi Barb! I popped in from Billie Jo's blog. I am sorry about the passing of your loved ones. Prayers for comfort.
I love wildflowers too!!! It is very hot in my area as well and my plants are hanging on tight. You have a lovely blog. Blessings.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I'd never heard of Ray Price. Beautiful song.
Thanks for sharing.

LeAnn said...

It's so good to get caught up with you. I really think we should talk once in a while on the phone; I love you. I'm listening to your song right now. I do love Country. I need to listen to more music.
Life has been so busy lately, that I can't seem to stop and breathe.
It is a time when we see more of those we cherish pass to the other side. I feel valuable. However, I think we might could make it to the Millennium.
I always love your photos of flowers and Sunsets. I'll be back for them if I get back to blogging.
Sending love and hugs your way!

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 Happy Wednesday!  I hope my post finds everyone healthy and safe.  I know there are so many disasters happening around the country and my h...