Friday, December 3, 2021

December . . .

Well, here it is...December!  I'm hardly ready for Christmas, it is definitely  going to be one of those years where I really have to work hard to get in the, Christmas Spirit.  We have zero snow on the ground, in fact on Wednesday, Bob and I went out and put the sweeper on the lawn mower to clean up the pinecones and clean up the yard.  We were at our sons home last night and his lawn was still beautifully green.  It's just a weird December.    The temperatures have been in the 50's and even the lower 60's in some places.  

On Tuesday, Bob and I decided to get out of the house.  We have been cooped up for too many days!  as you can see, there is no snow on the ground.  There's a little in the high mountains, but it's not enough. With very little rain last Fall, it left our reservoirs almost empty, and if we don't get a good snow pack in the mountains, we won't have enough water for summer crops...very scary.   

The swans are still hanging around, I'm pretty sure they think it's February, that's when we usually see them in the fields.  

The sunsets have been so pretty, so I try to run outside in the evening to snap a photo when I think about it, usually when I notice how golden it is outside, most of the time I'm too late.

A health update:  Bob and I are feeling better, but I have to say that this virus has knocked me for a loop!  I will have one good day and two bad days.  I think it will take a long time for me to feel like myself.  It has the strangest affects on every part of your body.  In fact looking at a computer screen, even my phone, makes my eyes hurt and gives me a headache- hence the no blogging.  Although, I find myself turning on lights all the time, because I don't see very good without bright lights, it makes no sense.  We both have had a hard time getting over the cough and the runny nose, so it's hard to go anywhere; people really hate it when you cough or blow your nose, and I don't blame them 😷  Covid brain is a real thing, I forget what people have said to me, and sometimes I can't remember what I did just the minute before...way worse than my normal forgetfulness!  I still have very limited taste and smell, food isn't appetizing, but you take a few more bites, hoping you will taste it before you give's so frustrating.  I still have hardly any energy, so cleaning the house really makes me tired...which is also a problem, I feel tired all the time.  I'm praying it will all go away soon.  

Bob shoulder is healing up nicely.  He started therapy this week and I think it's going really well for him.  He has great motion and the pain is minimal.  I think he does too much, but he says he feels better when he moves he does.  His biggest problem is sleeping, the recliner is not a good bed :0/  I also think Covid messes with your sleep, anyway it has with mine.  Our goal this week-end is to get back on a regular sleep routine.  

On a brighter note.  I think I will put my tree up tomorrow.  It will be very minimal, just a few of my favorite things, just to make it look somewhat Christmassy.  Last night we went to my granddaughter's band concert.  Clara is 11 and she plays the clarinet, it was really cute and not too squeaky, it was very fun to hear the Christmas music.  I couldn't get a good photo of her, so you'll have to take my word when I say she was adorable ;0)

I plan on getting back on my computer to catch up with everyone, hopefully today ;0)  Until then, have a wonderful first week of December!!  

Stay safe . . . XOXO

Hugs and Love,


Homemaker' said...

Hi Barb - I'm so sorry you still aren't feeling well - it DOES take a while to recover from covid. It IS an odd thing. I got it in early October and my smell is still not what it should be (the taste is a bit better) - whoever let this virus out of the bag knew what they were doing!!!! But God is protecting! : )

We don't have snow yet either and we are so very dry as well. Maybe it's one of those years where there is no snow up front but in March/April we'll get a ton!

Again, I LOVE your sunset photos - the clouds, the colors, are amazing!!! How blessed you are to live in such a beautiful area.

Thank you for posting, Barb!!! Always nice to hear from you. God bless your day and weekend.
Mary S.

Vee said...

Not feeling quite right for days on end takes a toll on a person. I think the tree and lights will help your cheer level. Wish mine were helping with that, but the electric bill is so high that I don't allow myself to put the lights on. Pathetic! Hope that your husband can find a comfortable way to sleep. Everyone needs good sleep.

Kerin said...

As always, your photos are so beautiful and you have the prettiest sunsets there!
I wish that you both were well and feeling peachy.
(put your names on the temple prayer roll, more prayers are always a blessing)

I think you are so lucky to have the swans there! I've never seen swans here, just in Utah county.

Enjoy your Christmas decorating, and keep on keeping on :)

{{hugs}} K.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

LeAnn said...

I loved reading your December post. It has been such a weird fall and way to warm. We finally got snow and I'm assuming you did too. I don't know if it will stay for Christmas or we will have more, but I do love looking at it. We ae super worried about the water shortage here too.
I'm glad you could get a moment away. After all you have been through with Covid and surgery; you could use that minute for sure.
I always love your sunset photos and save them of course, for possible future use.
We were so worried about you two and prayed mightily for you both. I do think this Covid is a strange one. I'm sad that you are having taste and smell problems along with brain fog. However, I feel like I brain fogg too with no good reason. I' tired and can't seem to get my act together.
We did enjoy being with our Taylor Jo and Braiden. It was fun. I like him a lot. Then thee is my precious Christian. I'm hoping he will come by soon. We love that boy and have enjoyed having him close.
Just know you are both favorite friends and we hope we can connect soon. Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Your sunset photos are spectacular.
Hope you and your hubby feel better soon.

Marie Rayner said...

I always love your photographs Barb. I am so sorry I had no idea you and Bob were sick. That makes me a really bad friend and I am also sorry for that. I hope that you are both feeling a lot better soon. ((((hugs)))) I also hope that you are able to enjoy some of the blessings of Christmas and that you can at least taste some of the goodies that go along with the season. Above all I hope that you know that you are upheld in prayers from afar. Love you my dear friend. xoxo

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...