Thursday, December 16, 2021

Joy in Simplicity . . .


This year, I am enjoying the simplicity of the Christmas season.  These are a few of the things I am doing to simplify this year:

1.  I have opted out of neighbor and extended family gifting.  I love my neighbors and my family, I cherish their friendship and their love.  But this year, a phone call, a card or a, "Merry Christmas" text will be their gift. Hopefully they will feel my love for them.  

2.  I have made my decorations very simple, I simply did not have the energy or the desire to put up Christmas decorations.  I am enjoying the little lights on my simple tree, the wreath on my door, and my beautiful paper Nativity...maybe not perfect for some, but the perfect Christmas is the Christmas that points our eyes and our hearts back to the first Christmas, perfect in it's imperfection.  

3.  I am enjoying traditional Christmas music played on my turn table..Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, Glen Campbell, Anne Murray, these are a few of  my go-to sounds of the season.

4.  Making candy with my daughters.  That's a tradition that we have embraced each year.   We have a list of favorite candy that we make and share at our family Christmas party on Christmas Eve, it is a simple list, nothing complicated.   

So this year, cut out sugar cookies, simple wreaths, watching the snow fall,  enjoying my simple and yes, imperfect Christmas tree sparkle and shine, waiting for another beautiful winter sunset, and contemplating the birth of birth of the Savior is the way I am choosing to celebrate Christmas.

I pray that we will all find comfort in knowing that we are loved and cherished.  I hope you can make one or two small changes this season in order to simplify and truly embrace the celebration of Christ’s birth, and I pray that no matter your circumstance you can feel of His love and Mercy this Christmas Season! 

 Be Safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the simplicity of "downsizing" Christmas. We are doing some of that too, but I am still a gift giver - gifts are my "love language." I am still probably doing too much in some instances, but not NEARLY as much as in years past. You and you sweet family have a wonderful Christmas season focused on the Savior. :-)

Billie Jo said...

Dearest Friend, I could not agree with you more. I love every one of your simplification ideas. I really do. I am doing much the same here. My children are growing, things are changing, and I am feeling the need to sit back and relax more. It all passes too quickly. Love your background too~ Have a cozy evening!

Homemaker' said...

What a precious post, Barb!!! I think a LOT of people this year are finding the need to keep Christmas simple and just simply enjoy it. Isn't that wonderful? : ) Much of the stress we endure is self-imposed, so this trend for simplicity is wise. And, of course, I ALWAYS love your photos!!!!!!! God bless you and your family as you enjoy this upcoming weekend and week ahead.
Mary S.

Lorrie said...

Lovely images to accompany your words. We've simplified things around here, too. I'm holding to some traditions, though - I love giving gifts and I love baking. But it's not been stressful at all, and in the evenings, sitting and enjoying the lights twinkling around the house is so restful. Have a good weekend.

Vee said...
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Vee said...

Sounds good to me. My own Christmas is much more simple of necessity so I get it.

Vee said...

Not sure what happened! 🤦🏻‍♀️

LeAnn said...

I love, love your joy in simplicity ideas. I think they are perfect. You are inspiring me for next year. Luckily, I am at least done with most everything. I do think making things simpler is better. I'm hoping that I can read a Christmas Novel next week; that would be a treat.
The best is having our shared family here for the weekend. We will at least be with two of our families tomorrow night. That will be a Christmas gift for sure!
Sending Christmas love and hugs for you two!

I do love everything about the Savior. I love the Nativity and doing that with family. However, this year the get together is after Christmas with those that live near; that's sad to me.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I too have simplified this year.
Love, love, love your Nativity. It's beautiful.
Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas.

Kerin said...

Remember that conference talk years ago on good things vs. better thing?
I think that is such a good guideline for each of us. While some things may be good, such as all the hubbub of the Christmas season, traditions, baking, gifting etc., perhaps the better thing is for us to discard the distractions and focus on the Savior.
The true reason for the season, and all the blessings in our lives.
Just waking up each day is in of itself a glorious blessing.
I love this time of year and the extra focus on the Savior and his glorious birth and ministry on this earth. How blessed we are!
I truly love your focused and simple approach to this season :)

Merry, merry Christmas!!

Cindy said...

Oh I love this. I think it's something I should be doing but haven't yet. I still have a few days so maybe I'll try to cut out even one or two things... Merry Christmas!

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