Monday, November 22, 2021

My Daybook . . .

Outside My Window . . . The skies have been so pretty, with pinks, purples, yellow and oranges.  It seems like they appear so early, I sometimes miss them.  The temps have actually been very mild, not much rain, and no snow.  I'm afraid it will be one of those dry, cold years, and we really need some snow!   With Thanksgiving in a few days, I pray that the roads will stay clear and free of ice, that's always a worry.

On my playlist . . .  It's never too early, right?!

I'm Thinking . . . It's been a very long few weeks for me and my husband.  Bob is healing up really good, his movement is a very limited, but he is working on it, and doing really well.  The pain is minimal, which is such a blessing!  He has only had to use his prescribed pain medication a handful of times since he came home and supplements with ibuprofen.  The real kicker . . . I got covid the day after Bob came home, and he got it a few days later, to say it was rough, would be an understatement.  We did go and get the Monoclonal antibody treatment, which is very painless, just a few small shots in the tummy, but they really helped with our recovery.  I did end up at the hospital on Saturday night because of breathing issues, but after a chest x-ray and a big shot of steroids I was able to come home.   We're still taking it easy, even the smallest job makes me tired, but we do feel much better than we did a week ago.  I can't imagine how sick I would have been if I hadn't been vaccinated!

A few of my favorite things. . .  I have always loved vintage artwork!  Here are a few of my favorite . . . 

I'm thankful for . . . Thanksgiving is in a few days and we will be spending it with one of my daughters and her family.  It won't be with all my kids this year, but they will be in my heart.  Of course we will be having the regular turkey, ham, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, rolls, pumpkin pie and many other yummy dishes.  I will be making rolls, sweet potatoes, creamed corn and pumpkin pie.  I can make most of it on Wednesday so it won't be hard at all.  I'm just so thankful that I will be with my family.  

I'm wearing . . . Mostly my housecoat 😊

I'm creating . . . I'm trying to create my to-do list for Christmas.  It seems like that two weeks was such a blur and now I'm trying to play catch up.  I guess that's why I'm listening to Christmas music, I'm trying to get inspired!

    I'm looking forward to . . . Putting up my tree.  I have no idea where I'm going to put it because my normal spot is taken up by a recliner...but I'll find a spot.  I have several small trees that I can put on my entry table, that will have to do this year.  Here are a few ideas I found - 

In the kitchen . . . I'm going to make the same recipes that have been handed down for years and years, nothing new to share.  The one thing my family loves is, pepper jelly poured over cream cheese and served with crackers, it's really delicious, easy and yummy.

Just sayin' . . . 

Be safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,


Deb J. in Utah said...

Oh Barb. I am so sorry to hear that you got Covid. Wow - yes I have heard of several people in "our age range" who got really sick with Covid even though they were vaccinated. I am wondering if you were able to get the booster before you got sick. I am sure glad that you got the monoclonal antibodies and that you are doing better. Boy, Covid is really putting a damper on a lot of things. I am glad that Bob is healing up and hasn't had many issues with pain. So glad you will be with your family for Thanksgiving. It is always good to hear from you. Get well, and stay well, my friend, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Homemaker' said...

As always, Barb, I love your "daybook" posts. I, too, am sorry about your covid - I can relate and know what you mean about how it feels, but now you're on the mend!!!! I love your photos and the vintage pictures. I'm excited about putting the tree up too - it really makes the house cozy. I hope you have a VERY nice Thanksgiving with your family - we have a LOT to be thankful for, don't we? : )

God bless, a hug to you, and have a restful rest of the week!!!

Kerin said...

Hi there!
I adore those old illustrations, so darling, and I love the memories of days gone by that they invoke :)
Your plans for Thanksgiving sound wonderful, and it's a great idea to prepare a lot of dishes in advance.... that is something that I plan on doing this year as well.

I'm so sorry that you both got so sick, and I'm glad that you are both on the mend and feeling more like yourselves each passing day.

Love the old Christmas music! Also, your ideas for a small Christmas tree display is really darling!

Have a wonderful rest of your week, and a very Happy Thanksgiving.


Vee said...

Oops. Lost my comment. I'll quit with a Blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Lorrie said...

I'm so sorry to read that you both contracted Covid, but am glad to read that you are on the mend. It seems to really take a lot out of people. The vintage images are so pretty. I'm thinking about Christmas these days, too (and don't have to worry about Thanksgiving since we had that in October). Have a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...
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Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my, sorry to hear you and your hubby both wound up with Covid even though you had been vaccinated. Hope you were both better in time to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Love those vintage photos you shared.

Shug said...

so glad that you're feeling better, but I sure hope you will continue to take it easy. Covid is nothing to take lightly. I've seen so many people around us have long lasting issues and simply can not get enough rest. Take care Barb and I sure hope Bob is taking care of himself as well. Many prayers for you both.

SmartOoo said...

I think you did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to research it on my own. Thanks
Must Read: German shepherd husky mix

LeAnn said...

Wow, I'm so far behind on reading my favorite blog posts and you are at the top of my list. I of course, love your sunset photos; they are the best. I am very happy that you are recovering and that you got to spend Thanksgiving with family. We had a Housefull this year. I think I'm too old to do that again. Poor Roger worked so hard
and we had an interesting turkey experience.
We had the same problem with a Christmas tree. The space we normally use has a big recliner in it. Tiffani took care of that for me; bless her heart. It did take some rearranging.
I too love vintage artwork; these were some good one.
I am very happy that Bob is doing as well as he is. I'm still freaked out that you both got Covid. Do get plenty of rest.
Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...