Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November . . .


Here are  few things I'm thankful for this first week in November . . . 

This handsome boy who had a birthday on the 29th and was baptized on the 30th.  He's my youngest grandchild and I would love it if we could keep him little just a little bit longer, but I know that life has some amazing things in store for this boy!! 

This happy girl dressed up like a bunny for Halloween!  She was so excited and makes the cutest bunny ever!!  Averi is our sweet little grand who will always be young at heart. 💗

Beautiful clouds as I drive down main street in our little town...

 Little flowers that brave the freezing weather here in Idaho . . .

Always grateful for beautiful sunsets that make me grateful for the end of the day.  Whether it's been a good day or a bad day, it usually ends with a beautiful smile!

Until next time...be safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Homemaker'sThoughts.blogspot.com said...

SO grateful for your photos, Barb!!!! You have MUCH to be thankful for starting this new month. : )

God bless.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Congratulations to your grandson! My oldest son was baptized on October 31 - year ago. Your grandson is very handsome. So glad he is off to a good start in life! Beautiful fall views from Idaho. I especially love your sunset. I am in love with sunrises and sunsets and the one is your picture is gorgeous. You have much to be grateful for. We all do. Hope you week is going well!

Vee said...

Darling grands! Don't those deep blue skies go well with the deep golds and russets?! Happy start to November!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful grands, beautiful views. Happy November days!

My Daybook . . .

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