Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Already Wednesday...

It's already Wednesday, but feels like it should be Saturday!  So much has been happening, nothing that would really be very interesting to talk about on my blog, but just so many things that have kept my brain occupied.  

The leaves have almost all fallen off  the trees, it's been raining and the wind has been blowing so a lot of the leaves have blown into the pasture and that's a good thing, that means there's less for us to clean up! It's also been cold, but not quite cold enough for snow, maybe it will stay that way for a while...but hopefully not too long, we really need the snow this year. 

We've had a few medical things going on, especially with Bob preparing for his surgery in November.  I think he feels like a pincushion!  We both had to have some medical procedures done the last few days...nothing serious of course,  just checkups and procedures to make sure we are healthy, I'm glad to have them behind me.

On Saturday, these beautiful girls went home.  For the past 10 years we have kept these two pretty horses in our pasture for the summer.  Valentine, the dark horse, has such bad arthritis that she's had a hard time getting around.  I'm afraid that this might have been her last year with us.  Princess, will hopefully be here in the spring, but she will be lonely, maybe we'll be able to keep another horse here for company, we'll see.
Yesterday morning I got my hair cut - I needed it so badly!  I know it doesn't look like it, but I didn't have it cut as short this time.  I'm getting to be such a baby when it comes to cold weather...I don't like to be cold!  So, when my hair is too short, I freeze!  I've tried growing it out a little bit, but I'm just not that patient!  I'm truly a short hair kind of girl!
Do you like sushi?  We really love it at our house and consider it quite a treat.  Yesterday we were at Sam's Club and found this combination tray of cooked sushi, which we prefer.  There was enough on the tray to keep us in lunches for at least a week, but we had it last night with rice and some orange slices, it was really tasty!  I don't know about you, but it's hard cooking for just two people, so anything quick and easy is always a good thing.

 I've been trying to embrace Fall, by lighting candles that smell like pumpkin spice and falling leaves, playing soft, jazzy music and cooking things that make me happy.  It won't be long before the yellow, orange and red come down, and the green and red go up!  I makes me sad that October is almost gone. 
We are off this morning to go to a funeral. My son-in-laws grandmother passed away on the 21st, the same day my mom passed.  She was a very sweet lady,  very kind, loving, generous and loved her family so very much.  She will be greatly missed. 
 Well, time to run, have a wonderful week and be safe!
Hugs and Love



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - glad you got all your check-up stuff done and over. Always good to have that kind of stuff done. I hope Bob's surgery goes well and that he heals up quickly. I am not much of a sushi fan, but Charly LOVES it. He would love that sushi tray you found at Sams Club. Glad your week is going well. See you again soon!

LeAnn said...

I always love your nature photos; you are so talented at taking good photos. The photo of the horses was beautiful. I do like horses, alot.
We will be praying for Bob's surgery to go well. We have had Doctor visits too. I think this is the ages for more visits.
We got out boosters yesterday and Roger's having more of a reaction. He stayed home from the temple, so I know he isn't feeling great.
I'm not a fan of Sushi, but if it's cooked; maybe.
I love your haircut. I'm a short haired girl too
Have a sweet rest of the week, enjoying the last moments of October.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

Cindy said...

Your hair looks great, it looks cute on you. I've never had sushi. It doesn't sound appealing at all but my kids say I need to try it. Maybe one day. :)

Lorrie said...

Your hair looks cute on you! A haircut is always a good boost. Great looking sushi plate and nature photos, too.

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