Friday, November 12, 2021

It Is Well with My Soul . . .

This song pretty much sums up the last three weeks.  There have been sad partings and happy reunions, tender mercies, many tears of both joy and sorrow.  But mostly, answered prayers.  I wish I could expound, but due to privacy, I will just say that today, it truly is...well with my soul.

I will share a photo of my husband after a very successful, shoulder replacement surgery!  His Dr. really wanted him to stay overnight, but as you can see, this old cowboy was having nothing to do with that, he was dressed and ready to roll😶
He's doing really well, not as much pain as he thought there would be, and we are very happy to have gotten this one out of the way.  Within the year, he'll have to have the other shoulder replaced, but at least now, he knows what to expect. 
Of course the day after we came home, I came down with a terrible head cold!  So, we are both resting,  binge watching anything we can find, and taking our meds!  I'm just getting ready to go to bed, Bob has been given all of his knock-out pills and is all tucked into his bed/recliner.  I will be ending this night with a prayer of gratitude.
Enjoy this beautiful song, it's one of the songs that I go to when I am feeling down, sad, happy and blessed, and today is one of those days where I feel very blessed!

Until next safe.

Hugs and Love,



Homemaker' said...

Oh, how life is filled with the ups and downs, isn't it? And, yes, the song just says it all. Thank you for sharing it with us, Barb. SO very glad that all went well with your husband's shoulder replacement - that's a huge answer to prayer I'm sure!!! But I'm sorry that YOU aren't feeling well - I do hope that it is short-lived. God bless you, your day, and the weekend. Take care and I give you a hug from MN. : )
Mary S.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb, so glad things went well with your husband's surgery. I love that hymn and this post. Virtual hugs from Utah. :-)

Cindy said...

Sounds like you've had a very full few weeks! Both Chuck and I love that song, no matter what is happening around us, the storms, the chaos in the world, it is always - always - well with our souls! Glad your husbands surgery went well!

Vee said...

Well, Barb, I must now add your blog to those that flip and roll and kick my comments off. So I must remember to do a copy and paste.

You have had a few busy, challenging weeks. Your husband has done such a good job recovering from shoulder replacement surgery.

Take it easy now...both of you! Hope you have some chicken soup in the freezer.

Kerin said...

Sending 'heal soon' wishes for your husband, and 'feel better soon' wishes for you.
What a sweet reminder that song is, of how blessed we are to have the spirit with us in times of sadness, concern, mourning, etc., and that the power of prayer is very powerful indeed.
How blessed we are!
(I always enjoy seeing the choir, as my sweet cousin has been a part of the choir for many years now, and it makes me smile to see her singing)

Thanks for the warm welcome back to blogging, and your kind and sweet comments.

Take care of you and your husband too.


Buttercup said...

Prayers for your husband's recovery. I broke my shoulder a few years ago and it taught me the importance of a functioning shoulder. Hope both of you are feeling better soon.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love this version of the hymn. Thanks for sharing. Have saved it to my playlist.
Wishing your husband a speedy recovery, and hope you feel better soon as well.

Shug said...

So glad his surgery went very well. Oh my Barb....this particular song resonates PEACE for me. I absolutely love this song. I truly pray that things begin to look up for all around you. Looks like you have made a beautiful decision to stand strong and allow God to the work that only HE can do....bring us peace, joy, comfort and a positive attitude. Big hugs to you. Take care of yourself and that big cowboy.

LeAnn said...

Oh, my dear friend, we have been praying for you and your names have been on the temple prayer roll. I am happy Bob is over his surgery. I know you are recovering and I hope doing better each day. I was really concerned the other day and turned to prayer.
I loved your thoughts today and that song is one of my favorites for sure.
I have learned a lot over the last few weeks and have felt the comfort and peace of the spirit in my life more that ever before. There have been some wonderful spiritual moments; I will share sometime.
Just know you two are dear friends and I am so happy we share a family together.
Sending love, hugs and prayers your way!

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