Monday, October 18, 2021

My Daybook . . .

Today . . . October 18, 2021

On My Playlist . . . This is exactly how I feel...I hate to see October go.  It's truly such a perfect month to sad!  Don't you just adore, Rosemary Clooney?!

Looking Out My Window . . . Today was, cloudy, cool, a little wind, a little rain . . . a typical October day in Idaho.  I ran to my daughters house this afternoon, and as I was coming home I snapped this picture, it really sums up the day.  Mother nature getting ready for winter . . .

Last week we got snow!  Not great at this time of year when the leaves are still on the trees, but not unusual either.  We didn't lose any trees, but we sure lost a lot of branches!

So, on Saturday we worked in the yard, sweeping the leaves, cleaning the patio, putting away summer furniture, washing windows, and enjoying the cool weather.  The leaves are still on the trees, most are turning and falling off,  and then we will start all over again!  

I'm Thinking . . . Well, my husbands shoulder replacement surgery has been on my mind...a lot!  It's going to be a long recovery for him.  Bob doesn't like to sit, he likes to be going and doing, so this will be hard for him.  I want him to be comfortable, so I bought him a new recliner - he'll be spending a lot of time in it!   The recliner is very comfy, and it's not downstairs in his "man-cave", so that's a plus!

On October 21st, it will three years since my sweet mother's passing.  It doesn't seem like it has been that long and my heart still hurts when I remember she's not here.  She was a wonderful mother, a great friend and sister, and she is still enormously missed by all who love her.   I know she is still watching over me, but there is a hole in my heart...and will be until I see her sweet face again.  

I'm Thankful For . . . With all of the chaos in the world, I'm so thankful to be living in a wonderful part of the world, where, for the most part, things still seem calm and peaceful.  I'm thankful that the shelves at the grocery store aren't empty, even though they aren't as full as normal, I can still find what I need.  I'm thankful that I can go to the gas station and not wait in a line for hours.  I'm thankful that I can worship how I want and not be punished or feel frightened to be in my place of worship.  I'm thankful for my health and for science.  I  chose to be vaccinated and I'm very thankful for all those who worked diligently to make it possible.  I'm also grateful for the personal freedom that allows people to choose.  

Something That I Love . . . These little monkeys!  They always keep me smiling and laughing!

I also love this amazing granddaughter!  Taylor turned 21 this month!  She is and always has been such a joy in my life.  She is so loving, beautiful, smart, talented, fun and funny, and always has a big hug for her grandma!

Creativity . . .I finally finished my crocheted pumpkins!!  I just love how they turned out, so cute and perfect for Fall decorating.  I kept all of these and gave away the rest, I just love this pattern they were so fun to make, a little tricky in places, but really easy once you figure it out. . . 

 Some of my favorite Fall decorations . . . everything from pumpkins to pilgrims!

In My Kitchen . . . It was definitely a pumpkin spice kind of day today.  I had a, Kruzteaz pumpkin bread mix and on the back was a recipe to make pumpkin cookies.  I love to bake, but I also love a quick easy recipe, especially if it's tasty.  These cookies are delicious, kind of chewy on the inside and crispy on the outside!  Earlier today, my daughter gave me a big pot of beef stew and some I decided to shared a batch of these cookies with her.  It is also first responder appreciation week at the hospitals in our area.  My son-in-law is one of those hard working men who works at one of those super busy, over-filled hospitals,  He makes  really difficult decisions not only for people in the hospital but for our entire community, he's truly an unsung these are a nice treat in honor of him.  By the way, my daughters stew was so good and just hit the spot on this cloudy October evening!

Just Sayin' . . . 

Be safe sweet friends, and have a wonderful week!

Hugs and Love,


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. It is cold and rainy here this morning. That stew sounds so good, as do the cookies! I love the recliner. I hope your husband recovers quickly and that the surgery is a complete success in every way. Amen to vaccines and freedom. My hubby got his Pfizer booster the first day it was available. I got the Moderna shot and will also get a booster as soon as I can. I think teachers can get boosters because we are considered "front live workers." I hope it is soon. Thank goodness for people like your son-in-law. Hope you have a good day. It is always good to hear from you. :-)

Vee said...

Yes, I also hate to see October go. I really hate to see Christmas go because then I know that's it until April or May. Winters are long and cold and expensive. God will help us. Rosemary Clooney's voice is rich and tender.

Your grandgirlie is beautiful and she loves her grandmother...a very good girl!

Shoulder replacement sounds rugged. When is this taking place?

Veronica Lee said...

Beautiful post, Barb.

I hope your hubby mends quickly.

Enjoyed your lovely photos as always.

Homemaker' said...

Thank you for your post, Barb!! Our son and his wife got home last Saturday after being in Yellowstone and they ran into quite a bit of snow in Wyoming. I'm not quite ready for that yet!!! Like you said, with all the leaves still on the trees, it just gets so heavy.

I do hope and pray that your husband's procedure goes well. What a nice idea to buy him his own comfy chair. : )

I love your pumpkins and the Autumn decor. Isn't Autumn wonderful? Never long enough for me. : ) And then to top it off with pumpkin cookies. Yum.

Thank you for sharing your "daybook" with us. It's always fun to see what everyone else is doing.

Have a good rest of the week, Barb.
God bless.

Lorrie said...

Snow already! Winters can be long in your area. The crocheted pumpkins are so sweet, and the cookies sound yummy. Grandchildren are such fun! Have a great day.

LeAnn said...

You always write such a great daybook entry. It's been cold and rainy here too. We are so grateful for the rain. We will be praying for Bob to do well on his surgery. Roger knows exactly how he will feel. It is a hard recovery, but the recliner will really help. He will feel very glad he had it. When is the surgery!
I miss my Mom too. It's been 20 years since my Dad passed away this month and I still break down once in a while when some precious memory ops up.
I love the photo of those cute kids climbing a tree. I wish more kids had that experience in today's world. Of course, i love the precious photos of our shared Granddaughter, she is so special in many ways. I loved watching her compete in the horse jumping.
I love your Halloween decorations. Your crocheted pumpkins are adorable.
I just made some pumpkin cookies recently too and they were very yummy. I'm sure that James of ours loved them.
blessings and hugs for you two treasured friends!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Loved this post. The pictures are all wonderful--especially the dramatic sky in that very first one, but also the ones of your precious grandchildren and the colorful fall decorations. Can't believe you have snow already. I guess eventually we will get it here as well. For now, though, it's still quite pleasant out. My favorite weather--not too hot, but not cold either.
Your mother was a beautiful lady.
Hope your hubby heals quickly and completely from his surgery.

Shug said...

Hi Barb......Looks like Winter is beginning it's grand entrance. Hoping this is not going to be a Winter like last year here in Texas. This post just screams October with all of the cute, cute decorations and the cookies....YUM! Hoping the shoulder repayment goes well and that Bob's recovery will be so much easier than imagined. looks like you might have a few weeks of being a nurse. I too am so very Thankful that we have the freedom to worship. I can't imagine going through a day without being able to Praise God. Have a very good week...

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...