Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Hello September!


I've been ready for September since...May!  For most of us it's been a very long, hot, windy, smoky summer and I'm ready for it to end.   For the last 5 years or so the skies have only been free of smoke from about May until July.  After that, it's  hard to be outdoors because of the air quality, and to tell you the truth, I'd rather have cold and snow than smoke.  I feel so sorry for those states that are burning up, and pray for relief for them I can't even imagine what they are experiencing.  I also pray for all those in the Southern states who are struggling from the aftermath of hurricane Ida. It seems like there is just tragedy everywhere you look these days. 

That said, I'm ready for cooler temperatures, clear skies, tomatoes, apples, pumpkins, soups, homemade bread and basically all things pumpkin spice.  Yes, I love Autumn!  

Last Saturday my granddaughter brought me a beautiful vase of flowers!  She has taken a floral arrangement class for the last two years in high school and she loves it.   She's really good at putting different colors together and has made some really beautiful arrangements.  These flowers were just some she brought home that were left over from the week, but they are still just as beautiful today as if they were freshly plucked from the garden!  I love surprises like that!

And speaking of flowers, when I put my garden in this year,  I threw in a few sunflower seeds. It was late, so I wasn't really expecting much, but of them bloomed!  It was colorful surprise and of course, covered with honey bees.

Do you have plans for, Labor Day?  We are planning on a quiet week-end, and will stay away from crowds.  I hope that whatever you are doing this week-end, you have fun and stay safe. XOXO

Hugs and Love,


Billie Jo said...

Beautiful sunflowers!!!
They always make me smile.
Our weekend will be quiet as well, and far from crowds.
Enjoy our month!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love those flowers from your granddaughter - such a beautiful gift. We are planning a little adventure over the long weekend, but hope to stay outside and crowd free. I am also so glad it is September. Enjoy the rest of the week, and the long Labor Day Weekend.

Just Ramblin' said...

Your granddaughter is very talented. The arrangement is beautiful. And, how fun that your sunflower bloomed. I love sunflowers and how they follow the sun. It's hard for me to believe it is September. This year has raced by for me and I find myself wondering where it went and what I've done. The smoke here has been so bad and I miss being outside as much as I would like. It even seems to invade my home. Labor day will be quiet here but that's ok with me. Take care.

Homemaker' said...

Happy September to you, Barb! Love the flowers. : ) I'm SO ready, as you are, for Fall to begin. I think we all thought that 2021 was going to be such a good year after 2020, but it has proved to be anything but. There is something about Fall that cozies things up, cools things down, and makes everything pretty. Thank you for your post, Barb. God bless your weekend.
Mary S.

Anonymous said...

Barb, what a lovely bouquet of flowers! I'm with you over summer. Bring on autumn I say! xo

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Beautiful flowers and sweet granddaughter!

I hope your weekend is a good one as well.

Hugs and love.

Veronica Lee said...

Looks like your granddaughter's floral arrangement classes are paying off. The bouquet is very pretty.

Happy Wednesday, Barb.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is a beautiful bouquet from your granddaughter, and I'm loving your sunflower. What a wonderful surprise that must have been.
Where do you live where it's so smoky most of the year?

Christine said...

Barb, Those flowers are so lovely! Your granddaughter is indeed talented :-) I am with you in that I feel a great relief summer has come to an end. I too feel for all those affected by the fires and extreme temperatures. It’s been a long season, and I’m excited about that rush of cool air when I open our doors, and making soup and bread, Mums for the garden, and chunky sweaters!

Have a lovely Sunday and I wish you blessings in the week ahead.


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