Saturday, July 31, 2021

Thrifting . . . Do You Remember . . .

It's been a long time since I went to a thrift store, so on Friday, we stopped at our favorite, called...Rediscovered Treasures.  

It has thrifty things, antiques, repainted and fixed up treasures that are so beautiful.  But, one of the things I love about this store is the vinyl...I love records and they have a super good choice!  My husband said, "do you even listen to your records?" I said, "Yes, I do and I love them!".  There's nothing quite like the sound of a vinyl record.  One of the records I found this time was, The Best of the Statler Brothers, do you remember them, or did you listen to country music?  

One of the songs on the album is, Do You Remember These.  You can find it  here  -  Do you remember any of these things?  Now, this is really going to date me, but many years ago, after I was married in 1974, we had an 8 track tape player in our truck, and this was one of my favorite tapes!!  It sure makes me feel old, but at the same time, I feel so lucky to have lived in that age!  

The Statler Brothers
Saturday morning serials
Chapters one through fifteen
Fly paper, penny loafers, and lucky strike green
Flat tops, sock hops, Studebaker, "Pepsi, please"
Ah, do you remember these?
Cigar bands on your hands
Your daddy's socks rolled down
Sticks, no plugs and aviator caps, with flaps that button down   
Movie stars on Dixie cup tops and knickers to your knees
Ah, do you remember these?
The hit parade, grape truaide, the Sadie Hawkins dance
Peddle pushers, duck tail hair, and peggin' your pants
Howdy doody
Tootie fruitie
The seam up the back of her hose
Ah, do you remember those?

James dean, he was "keen", Sunday movies were taboo

The senior prom, Judy's mom, rock 'n roll was new
Cracker jack prize
Stars in your eyes
"ask daddy for the keys"
Ah, do you remember these?
The boogie man, lemonade stand and taking your tonsils out
Indian burn and wait your turn and four foul balls
You're out!
Cigarette loads and secret codes and saving lucky stars
Can you remember back that far?
To boat neck shirts and fender skirts and crinoline petticoats
Mums the word and dirty bird and double root beer float
Moon hubcaps and loud heel taps and "he's a real gone cat"
Ah, do you remember that?
Dancing close, little moron jokes and "cooties" in her hair
Captain midnight, ovaltine, and the whip at the county fair
Charles atlas course, Roy Rogers horse, and "only the shadow
Ah, do you remember those?
Gables charms, "froggin" your arm, loud mufflers, pitching woo
Going steady, veronica and betty, white bucks and blue suede shoes
Knock, knock jokes
Who's there?
Dewey who?
Remember these
Yes we do!
Oh do we?
Do we remember these!

Have fun reminiscing and have a great Sunday!

Be safe! XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. That looks like a super fun thrift store. We got rid of all our vinyl years ago - but still have a bunch of CDs. I don't remember that song at all. Hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon.

Vee said...

I'd not mind shopping there. No don't hit me because I lived through that era...I do not remember these. I'm either losing it or I lived under a rock.

LeAnn said...

This was an enjoyable post! You are still a young one. I do remember all of this. I loved country music, and this was a great song. I have a few vinyl records, but not a record player.
I love the music of my era and play songs all the time. It helps me remember.
Thanks for posting this one.
Miss you, girl, and I hope we get up there sometime soon. Our life just keeps moving faster than I would like. I still haven't had time to read a good novel. I'm supposed to be reading in my rocking chair at this moment in time.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That looks like a fun thrift store.
I so regret getting rid of all my vinyls. Those were good days.

Shug said...

Hi Barb.... seems like forever since we've talked. I love thrift stores and antique stores. So many great things. Now, that was some great music. We still have several of the old vinyls and our grandchildren are so fascinated by them. Enjoy your week...

Ankit Ron said...
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Christine said...

Hello Barb, I loved this post!

I remember The Statler Brothers and so many things on that list, although I am a wee bit younger having been born in 1965. :-) Oh, I sure miss those days.

I love a good rummage in an old antique or thrift store too. Just like a library, I could while away the time for hours.

Hope you are enjoying your week.

God Bless,

My Daybook . . .

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