Wednesday, July 14, 2021

An Answered Prayer on Monday . . .

Monday was a crazy day for us!  We took a break and drove to the hills near our home, one of our favorite places.  It was very smoky, dry and dusty because we haven't had rain for  well over a month, but it was still very beautiful!  We thought it would just be a normal day, stopping by our favorite places, looking for wildlife, taking in the scenery and then heading home.  Boy, was I wrong!

It was the end of the day and we were at the top of a mountain when we decided to take a cut-off road back down to a main road.  We have taken this road many, many times over the years and knew that the top of the road was challenging, very steep, rutty and sometimes muddy because there's a spring running down the road.  we got a little ways down when Bob decided to put the truck in 4 wheel-drive and when he did, we heard a big thunk...not good...the transfer case or the transmission...something went out and we were stranded.   Stranded at 5 o'clock at night on a mountain, with no cell service.  We were actually very calm because we've been on this mountain so many times and we had water, food and blankets, we were just fine...but that's not what we wanted to do!   Bob knew that he would need to walk out to get cell service, so he started up the hill and that made me really nervous...we're not young and a walk like that in the heat (89 degrees) isn't easy.  While he was walking, I decided I would say a prayer and ask for Heavenly glad I did.  Like I said, we had no cell service, we were in a hole surrounded by mountains.  But I decided I would send a text to my daughter, and if I had to walk to get it to send, I would do that.  I told her we were stranded, where we were and asked her to call her brother, who knew exactly where we went through!  Not long after that the phone rang and it was my daughter, I was shocked because my phone said I had no cell service.  While I was talking to her, she said that Chris, my son was trying to call her, and she needed to tell him where we were.  I hung up, and tried to call her a few minutes cell service...but an answer to a prayer.  

Bob came back, he had talked to Chris, and they were on their way to rescue us.  But, we had to get the truck to a flat place so that he could get to us to pull us out.  So, we put the truck in neutral and we pushed it down the hill. Once we were going down hill, we just glided as far as we could!  It's amazing what you can do if you really need to! We really were in a beautiful spot, so I took advantage of that and took a few photos.

Here we are almost ready to be towed

 The wild flowers were still blooming, despite having no water, life has a way of making it! 

My kids got there about 3 hours later and we were very really happy to see them!  It was almost dark and we knew we had a long drive home, but we knew we would be just fine, and we were on our way home.  I'm not going to was a long, dusty and sometimes scary ride home, but we made it.  We still don't know what went wrong, but will find out this week.  

I feel like we were so blessed, lots of tender mercies were sent our way.  I am so grateful for prayer, for the ability to reach out to my Father in Heaven for comfort and help.

Have a blessed day and be safe!  XOXO

Hugs and Love,




Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - wow, what an incredibly story of answered prayer. Thanks for sharing. So glad you are all OK. Beautiful pictures.

Just Ramblin' said...

So grateful your prayers were heard and answered. I hope your truck will be repaired without too much expense so you can get out and enjoy those beautiful mountains. Thanks for sharing.

LeAnn said...

Amber told me about this the other day. Wow, that was an experience. I'm so happy you had some supplies with you, just in case. So happy you were rescued and didn't have to be stuck longer. I hope all is well with the truck.
It is amazing when prayers are answered and I think you had a very dramatic answer to prayer. You have such great kids and I'm so happy that one of them is mine too.
sending loving thoughts and hugs your way dearest friends!

Vee said...

Wow. You did a good job of keeping your wits. God is good. All the time.

Anonymous said...

Barb, praise God! I am so glad that your prayer was answered. I can imagine it would be quite scary to be stranded there on the mountain during the night. Glad you are safe and sound!! xo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I just left you a comment but it doesn't seem to have gone through, so am trying again.
So glad your prayers were answered and all turned out okay. I held my breath the whole time I was reading your post.
The photos are beautiful.

Christine said...

Beautiful photos Barb, and what an "adventure" you had! I am so glad you prayed and your pray was answered so swiftly. It's certainly a good lesson for those intrepid souls who want to go our into nature in ensuring that like you and your husband, you are prepared with "survival" food, water, and blankets too.

I'm sorry my comment is coming so late. I have been kind of off-line these past few weeks!

God Bless my friend,

My Daybook . . .

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