Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday 9 . . .

Saturday 9: Mairzy Doats (1944)

Unfamiliar with this song? Hear it here.

1) While today this is considered a children's song, "Mairzy Doats" was a #1 hit and a staple on radio stations in 1944. Do you know any of today's most popular songs? (Here's this week's Hot 100.)

I may have heard of a few of them, but I'm pretty sure I have never heard one of these songs all the way through.  The only names that were familiar were, Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber. 

2) One of the song's writers recalled that the song was inspired by an old English nursery rhyme. Tell us a rhyme you remember from childhood.

Baba black sheep, have you any wool?  Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.  One for the master, one for the dame.  And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

3) This week's group, The Merry Macs, was formed by three brothers -- Judd, Joe and Ted McMichael -- who learned to harmonize at home. Did you grow up in a musical household?

My mother had a beautiful voice and used to sing in singing groups and church choirs.  My brother also sang in a band all through high school and even up until the last few years, it was called, The Glass Key.  He still has reunions with his band members.  My sister and I took piano lessons...she played well, I didn't.  My father played the harmonica and my grandfather played the fiddle. 

4) When the McMichaels decided their new group needed a woman's voice, they asked Cheri McKay to join them. Realizing all their names began with Mc, they began calling themselves The Merry Macs. Have you ever performed with a singing group? (Yes, that garage band you played in after school counts.) If yes, what was your band called?

I sang with a friend and it was so much fun!  We sang a lot at senior citizen centers, because we sang old songs.  We also sang at different events during Christmas.  We even made a Cd!

5) The Merry Macs' first gigs were playing high school dances. Do you have any memories of school dances you'd like to share this morning?

High school dances were a lot of fun and way different than the dances today.  I remember the dances always had a theme, and it was usually the name of a song.  The most memorable was, We've Only Just Begun, by the Carpenters.  It was my Senior Ball, and I went to it with my boyfriend...who is now my husband!

6) Once their recording career took off, The Merry Macs went to Hollywood. They appeared in a film with the comedy team of Abbott and Costello. Who last made you laugh?

This might sound  kind of crazy, but it was a movie.  My husband and I watched, Smokey and the made me laugh hard!  It made me laugh in the 70's and it made me laugh today, even though it was a little off colored ;0)

7) In 1944, when "Mairzy Doats" topped the charts, sunscreen was invented. It was first developed to protect soldiers during WWII, and that original formula was sold to Coppertone. Do you regularly use sunscreen?    

It depends on what I am doing.  I have been trying to use it when I am going to be out in the sun for a long time, but other than that, I usually don't.  I should though.

8) Also in 1944, a board game called Murder! was introduced in England. In 1949 it made its way to the United States and was renamed Clue. It's still popular today. Can you name any of the original 6 "characters" in the Clue game? (Extra credit: One was replaced in 2016; who was it?) 

The only one I can remember is, Col. Mustard.  I haven't played it for a very long time!  I do remember it being a fun game. 

9) Random question: The new house you just bought comes with a big mirror on the ceiling of the master bedroom. Would you take it down or leave it there?

It would come down immediately...nuf said!

 I found this on another blog and thought it was fun.  My mother-in-law loved this song and would often sing it to my kids.  I'm not sure who started, Saturday 9, but play along if you would like!

Have a beautiful Sabbath and be safe! XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

I can remember my mom singing this song to me when I was little. I still remember the words. Yeah - I would get rid of the mirror on the ceiling too, even though I would not even be able to see my reflection without my glasses on! Have a nice Sabbath. See you again soon!

LeAnn said...

This was such a fun post and brought back immediate memories. I'm much older than you so some of the thoughts and songs would be too. I do remember that first song.
My parents used to sing all the time in the car when we were going someplace. They were so fun. My Dad sang "My Wild Irish Rose". A few years before he died he made a recording of a few love songs for my Mom. I love it; but it makes me cry because I miss him. He didn't have a fantastic voice, but was just fun.
I loved all the facts you gave.
I would get rid of the mirror for sure.
In High School, we had wonderful dances and the gym was beautifully decorated by different groups. The last two years of High School was was dating my husband. One of our favorite songs is "Blue Velvet" by Boggy Darin. My Mother had made me a Blue Velvet Dress for one of the proms.
Thanks for the memories today and thanks for being my good friend.
Sending lots of love and hugs!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...