Monday, July 19, 2021

Last Week . . .


MONDAY. . . If you read my last post, you would know that we were stranded in the hills, but all was well, we had an answered prayer and we made it home safely...tender mercy.  We did get our truck into the mechanic and it was just the, transfer-case motor...just that...that's a lot!  But, it was only 400.00 instead of 4,000.00, I'll take that any day! 

TUESDAY . . . We basically tried to recuperate from Monday!  The air quality has been horrible, but the sunsets have been really pretty.  My camera can never pick up the gorgeous colors.  Unfortunately, our poor state is Just burning up.  If we don't get rain soon, the canal companies will be forced to turn off the irrigation water in our area...we need a miracle.  The forecast for the next 10 days is suppose to be hot again, in the lower 90's all week, although the forecast does call for a chance of rain, so we'll take that.

 WEDNESDAY . . . A few months ago my daughter had a flood in her basement and needed to get new carpet.  They also needed to replace the damaged sheet rock before the carpet was installed on Thursday.  Bob and I went down and helped them put up the sheet rock.  After we were done, we went to one of out favorite little drive-in's for lunch, Rupes.  It's a little mom and pop place that has been there as long as I remember, and one of the few places that still have car-hops.  They have amazing burgers and milk shakes!

THURSDAY . . . I decided it was time to clean out my old hutch.  The hutch it's self has quite a story behind it.  The story that my mother told me was that many years ago, probably 70 or so years ago,  the city replaced the old furniture in the city building in our, then, small town.  My father, who was a fireman helped dismantle and move the old furniture.  Apparently, the city told them they could take a piece of the furniture for themselves.  My father brought home a hutch.  I'm sure it was an old cabinet, which most likely held books or office supplies, but he used it in his workshop and garage for many years.  About 30 years ago, my mother gave it to me...and I treasure it.   I still need to clean off the top of it and decorate it...or just re-arrange what is already on it.  I also need to wax it with some really good bee's wax furniture polish. 

 FRIDAY . . . We took a big load of donation stuff to Good Will, and a big stack of old towels to our local veterinarian, they always appreciate old towels and blankets, and I'm happy to have a place to bring them.  It's been so hot here that I haven't spent much time outside, although I did go out this evening to check on my flowers and my garden.  I didn't take a picture of my tomatoes, but they are growing like crazy...hopefully I will have red ripe tomatoes soon, I can't wait!

These grapes make me very happy...I wish I had about 6 more grape plants, I just love these little guys.  They're table grapes, so they don't get very big, but boy, are they sweet and delicious!

These black petunias are just so pretty, and they grow like crazy!  I wasn't sure what they would look like, but they really are just black as night, although they look deep purple in this photo.

This year I planted a few hollyhocks in my raised bed and they are blooming and doing really well!  Did you ever make hollyhock dolls when you were growing up?  I'll have to make one and show you how if you didn't.  I think they are so lacy and pretty, they remind me of my grandmother.

SATURDAY. . . Pretty uneventful.  It was very hot...again.  I changed the sheets, did some laundry, vacuumed, tidied up, put some diner in the crock pot, made a grocery run and called it a day.  

Remember the daughter who had a flood and put new carpet in her basement...she had another the basement!!  It wasn't too bad, and she got it cleaned quickly...but really?!  Poor girl!

SUNDAY . . . We went to church in the morning, then Jessica, my youngest daughter and her family came over for diner.  Her husband had smoked a brisket - yum - it's always fun to have family over!  I made a Jello salad, she made slaw, we had chips and really, what else do you need?!  We had banana splits for dessert, it was a perfect day.   

It was really hot around 98 degrees on Sunday, but I managed to go out and take a picture of the sunset before it was completely gone...

 Now it's Monday again!

Be safe! XOXO

Hugs and Love,




Billie Jo said...

I am praying for you and a break from the weather. I did enjoy your post today, especially the story about your beautiful cabinet. How wonderful to have special things with a story like that.

I am so sorry about your daughter's basement flood. We have had that happen twice, and I know the stress and work it involves. Your flowers are beautiful. I have no ability to grow flowers, except I have a beautiful orchid Madison gave me that is doing wonderfully!

Have a cozy evening, my friend. Hugs from Pa.

Cindy said...

Your daughter's basement! Twice! That's awful. Our basement flooded a few years ago and yep, we ripped up the carpet and put down some new carpet. Well, I ripped up part of it, that's hard work! Then we decided to just hire someone to do it. Hopefully your daughter can figure out where the water is coming from and put a stop to it.

Sorry about being stranded, that's no fun. But I'm glad the repairs cost a lot less than you were expecting! What an answer to prayer.

Your flowers are beautiful!

LeAnn said...

I loved reading about your week. I'm so happy you got home safe and that the truck cost only $400.00 to fix.
It is very hot here too and we are already in a drought. We can water our lawn two times a week. It did rain a touch here. However, for some reason South Jordan never get's as much moisture as areas around it; strange!
I'm sad to hear about basement flooding. I could tell you more than one story about our basements through the years flooding. One time is was James' fault. He put the hose in the basement window well and it flooded the basement in a home we were renting.
The grapes are awesome and the flowers beautiful. We didn't plant any flowers and or garden this year. I'm sad, but Roger just didn't have time. Of course, we are worried about the drought.
Loved your Sunday!
Blessings and hugs for you two!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. I love that old cabinet that you are using as a hutch. What a great history it has - something very special for your home. We have grapes this year too and I am so excited about it. I plan to get more grape plants as well! So glad you could go help your daughter and then have lunch at Rupes. That looks like a fun place. We are desperate for water down in Utah too. We are in Arizona for a little vacation right now, but I think there was some rain up in the SLC area this afternoon. Let's hope and pray we get more. So glad the repairs to your truck weren't as much as you thought they might be. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you. See you again soon!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I enjoyed reading your post--especially the story of the cabinet.
Hope you post a picture of a hollyhock doll. I have never seen one.
Commiserating with your daughter. My apartment has wall to wall carpeting, and twice I had a bad enough flood (once from a leaking pipe in the bathroom, and once from a busted pipe in the utility room wall) that the carpet had to be pulled up. It was not replaced though. After the damage had been taken care of, they just put down new padding and stretched the carpet over it.

Just Ramblin' said...

So glad you were able to get your truck repaired. It's always a concern.
So sorry to hear about your daughter's flooded basement. Hopefully, it will not happen again, at least not in the near future. I love the hutch and the story behind it. I am envious of your hollyhocks. Normally I have beautiful blossoms but this year they have not done well and I've been fighting grasshoppers so the other day I cut them way back. Am hoping that next year they will bounce back and be as beautiful as ever. These hot days and Smokey skies have not been a lot of fun. We truly need rain, even a little would be a blessing. But, they do make for beautiful sunsets. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
So fun to be reading your blog once again.

Christine said...

My goodness Barb, You have been very busy indeed! The Petunias are gorgeous, as is the cupboard. What a wonderful story behind it as well.

I will pray for rain and cooler temperatures to prevail. We are having a heat wave here in Britain too, and each time it looks like it is going back to normal temps, it gets hot again. Any heatwave we've had in years gone by, has never lasted quite so long. Without air-conditioning (and our very, very insulated homes,) we are all sweltering!

Love hearing about your week and thank you for sharing.

Take care my friend,

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...