Monday, March 1, 2021

My Daybook . . .


For Today ... March 1, 2021.

Looking out my window... It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the sky is blue.  It's cold outside, but it's suppose to be almost 50 degrees by Friday, so it's all good!

I am thinking... March is the big birthday month in our family, we have birthdays on the 1st, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 30th.  All of them grand kids!  But this boy has a birthday today...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATHAN!!

I am thankful... For the little things in life.  If this pandemic has taught me anything, it's to be thankful for all the little pleasures life has to offer.  Life is too short to stress out over things that don't matter in the long run.  Be thankful for what you have and especially for the people in your life.  Be kind and patient, and remember, we are all doing the best we can.

 One of my favorite things... Sun, shining on the snow!  I just love how it looks,  like there are little diamonds tossed across the snow.

I am wearing... Jeans and a floral shirt...I'm trying to, "think spring".

 I am creating…I have always wanted to make a crocheted blanket using blocks.  I found this cute pattern, on the, Inspired Wren website.  It's been fun to use up some of the stash of yarn I have collected over the years.  I thought I would try putting a fabric back on it from my fabric stash! 😁  I'll post a picture of it when I'm done. 

I am watching... I watched a show on Roku called, The Village.  There were a few risque spots in it and a little language that I didn't like but all in all it was a really good show...I even cried at the end!  I do love the way the British do drama!

This epic drama charts the turbulent times experienced by one English village throughout the 20th century. Births, deaths, political events and rebellions are among the events that occur during the time. One man, Bert Middleton, lives across the entire 100-year period, and his story from boyhood to old age forms the crux of the program's story, as told through flashbacks as Bert reminisces while being interviewed in the present day by a director making a documentary about the elderly man and his village. Among the events Bert recounts is being smitten at the age of 12 by beautiful Martha Lane, whose family had just arrived in the village, an event that would change his world forever.

 I am reading...I have been reading a book called, House on an Irish's so beautifully written, with lots of Irish folklore, I almost feel like I'm in Ireland!

''From the moment I crossed the mountain I fell in love. With the place, which was more beautiful than any place I''d ever seen. With the people I met there. And with a way of looking at life that was deeper, richer and wiser than any I'd known before. When I left I dreamt of clouds on the mountain. I kept going back.''

We all lead very busy lives and sometimes it''s hard to find the time to be the people we want to be.
Twelve years ago Felicity Hayes-McCoy left the hectic pace of the city and returned to Ireland to make a new life in a remarkable house on the stunning Dingle peninsula.
Beautifully written, this is a life-affirming tale of rediscovering lost values and being reminded of the things that really matter.

I am listening to... Alan Jackson, one of my all time favorite country singers.  I love this song...It's called, The Older I Get.

In the kitchen... On Sunday I made ham and beans.  Now, you can't have ham and beans without cornbread, right?  so I made this fabulous corn delicious!


1/2 Cup butter at room temperature

1/2 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup yellow cornmeal

1  1/2 cup flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cup milk

Cream butter, sugar and eggs.  Mix in cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt and milk.  Bake in a greased 8x8 inch pan at 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes.  

Just Sayin’

 A moment from my day... Watching my Amaryllis pretty!

Be safe...XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Terra said...

Your amaryllis is so bright and beautiful, and now I want to look for The Village. I hope I can find it here in the USA, maybe on AcornTV or Britbox.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - so good to hear from you! I love your amaryllis. So beautiful. I wonder if that show is on Netflix. I am looking for a good series to binge. Happy birthday to your grandkids! We have three family birthdays this week - two on March 5 and one on March 6. Two more at the end of the month. Hope you have a good week. See you again soon, I hope.

Vee said...

Nice to hear from you, Barb! You always share such beauty from your corner. Do you have one big March. birthday celebration? With all those birthdays....wowie!

Thank you for sharing what you're reading/watching. Both sound intriguing.

Happy March! ðŸŠī

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my friend!
What a lovely post!
Your cornbread looks delicious.
My mom calls that Johnnycake. : )
Have a cozy evening.

Homemaker' said...

You always have so much to share and it's all wonderful to read about! Thank you, Barb! I love your crocheted quilt blocks - I wish I could crochet as good as you. : ) I hope you have a wonderful upcoming weekend and the whole month of March with all the birthdays! How fun. : ) Blessings to you, Mary

LeAnn said...

I always love to read about your day and what you are up to today; since you are one of my favorite friends. You really are a fun write.
You do have a big birthday month and one for our shared Grandson; love that boy so much! Love the precious photos of your Nathan.
I'm so looking forward to spring. Our weather is up and down. Today it is lovely but windy. The rest of the week the temperatures are down.
We did love our moments with sweet Averi, Amber, and James. It was so awesome to see them.
I am thankful for the little moments of joy that come into our lives. There is always something to be grateful for.
I really need to spend a day with you and you could teach me to crochet again; maybe someday.
The show sounds interesting and the book too. If I could ever find a snatch of time to read. I don't know if Amber told you about our new callings.
The Older I get is a great song.
Thanks for our cornbread recipe!
Your Amaryllis is beautiful.
We will hope to see you soon dear friends. Have a great month of March.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

Maria said...

When you find that you have lost your way, that there is no way out for you, know that your strength must be in the Lord. He will sustain you, He will lead you to green pastures 💖

Peck Cohen said...

Good rreading your post

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...