Saturday, March 20, 2021

My Month in a Nutshell . . .


Hello, and welcome Spring!  This morning we woke up to about an inch of snow...of course.  But, I know that warm weather is right around the corner, and that makes me very happy.  

We've had a lot going on the last month or so, and it seems my posts get further and further apart as time goes by.  It's not that I don't have things to share, but time just seems to slip away so quickly! 

Let's see...where to begin.  I guess I'll start from the beginning and work my way up!

Our month started off with the furnace acting up, and that's never good when it's 20 degrees outside.  Of course we called the repair man and he came right out.  After looking at it for a little while, making several trips to his truck, talking on the phone, and looking very concerned, he told us that it would cost 1,680.00 to fix it.   I'm sure the look on my husband's face was very special ;0)  He told my husband what was wrong, and how difficult it was to fix, then he went back out to his truck.  In the meantime, my husband got right online and looked up the parts.  He figured it would cost us around 250.00 to fix the furnace, and he could do all the work himself.  The repairman wasn't very happy when he told him what he had found, so he went back out to his truck and talked on the phone for about 20 minutes.  When he came back in he told us that he knew it was expensive, but they needed to make money too (how rude...)!  We paid him for his service call and he left.  We ordered the parts and soon realized that only one needed to be replaced...the one that  cost us 11.00.  The furnace works just fine.😝

But it gets worse...the next week, we all of a sudden had no water!  We soon realize that the pump in our well has gone out.  And I guess after 40 years it needed a rest.  At least it wasn't on Thanksgiving Day...(that actually happened to me, with a whole houseful of guests...not good.)  So again, we call someone to come and look at it, and indeed, we needed a new pump.  We have a hand pump on our well, so we at least had water, something good in all of the chaos.  After the pump was all installed, we had water...for about 30 minutes.  All of the sediment from the well, came into the house and plugged up the filter system, so again, no water.  It was all taken care of the next day...and by the way, we loved the people who fixed our pump and filter system!  A few days later, our septic system alarm went off!!  My poor husband!  He put on his coat and out the door he's not fun to look in the septic tank...stinky.  I looked out the window and he was on his stomach looking in the hole.  Last year the pump on it had to be replaced, so he knows what he is doing...right?!  Well, he moved the pump a little and a fountain of water came shooting out of the septic tank...I didn't know Bob could move so fast!!  He didn't even get a drop on him...whew!  But, it was fixed,  no idea what was going on with it, but our fingers are crossed!'s been a long month.

Remember that crocheted blanket I was making?  I got all the blocks done and put it together...I like it, and I was able to use up some of my yarn stash!  It will be a nice cozy little blanket for the downstairs family room, plus it was really fun to make.  I got the pattern from, The Inspired Wren.  I didn't use every pattern she had for the blocks, but I did use most of was a fun blanket to make.

March is my big birthday month...6 of my 10 grandchildren have birthdays in March, 3 of them right in row.  These are my three oldest, handsome grandsons.

This is Christian, he turned 22 years old, so hard to believe!  He took each candle off the cake and blew them out separately...Covid has really changed the way we do things!   He has grown up to be the most handsome man.  He looks very much like my dad...makes my heart happy.  I feel so grateful that he still allows us to dote over him on his birthday, love him tons...💓

This is Brody, he turned 17...17!  I don't even know where the time went!!  Again, we felt grateful and blessed to celebrate with him, we love him to the moon and back.  He loves cheesecake, so that's what he got for his birthday cake...he's so adorable, get a load of those dimples... ;0)

And almost the last one...our sweet, Caleb.  We weren't able to be with them the evening of his birthday so we went to lunch with him to his favorite bar-b-que place, then took him for ice-cream.   Caleb turned 13!  He's growing up so fast, but what a cutie, and he is as nice, kind and polite as he is cute! He is very loved...and he has dimples as well!

We always have a migration of swans that stop by our neck of the woods in March.  This year we didn't have as much snow as normal so they had a harder time finding ponds to land in.  These are truly just a few of the thousands that were here earlier in the month.  I love the way that they hang-out with the geese...true friends!

 And lastly, I got new glasses!  I have needed them for a while but didn't want to venture here I am with my new glasses and a haircut!!

I have more to until next time...

Be safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Homemaker' said...

Hi Barb - loved your post. I can't believe how much the furnace fix would have cost!!! Good for your husband to look into things and was able to do everything on his own. I love your crocheted quilt - the colors are beautiful. And I understand about the blowing out of candles - in December when my husband had his birthday he brought out the pump that we blow up balloons with!!!! Yes, covid has definitely changed how we do things! LOL Wonderful birthday boys you have. : ) Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
Mary S.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb, you look so nice with your new glasses and haircut. March is a big birthday month for our family too - we have five family birthdays in March. Wow, your husband is a handy guy. So glad you got your furnace and septic tank working again. Your grandkids are sure good looking. I love the crocheted blanket. I will have to look at the instructions online. I think that is a crocheted project I could handle. :-) Have a great Springtime. Hope to see you again soon!

Vee said...

You're looking beautiful, Barb. Those three grandsons are mighty handsome.

I sure hope that this is the end of your troubles. I have a couple of things gimping along and I am praying they get healed. 😉

Christine said...

Hello my friend,
May I just start by saying you are looking so lovely with your new glasses and haircut, and Happy Birthday to all your many family members celebrating their birthdays in March!
What a shame about the furnace, water, and septic take issues. It really does seem these things happen all at once and at the worst times too. The quote from the furnace repair company was rather shocking, and while I understand they need to make a living, there's a difference between that and pure and simple price gouging! So pleased it was able to be fixed for basically pennies in comparison.
It's was so nice to come on today and see your post. I always miss them when you haven't done them in awhile.

God Bless,

Shug said...

Oh sweet Barb...I am so sorry that all of this happened and so close together. "When it rains it pours". Right?
Glad you have everything working, Wow...what a big difference in the price the gave you to fix the furnace and how much you ended up fixing it for. That guy should have been ashamed. I know they have to make money....but goodness!! You sure have 3 handsome guys there...Happy Birthday to each of them....Love it that Christian blew his candles out one by one. lol. Your new glasses look great on you. It is so hard to shop for glasses. You were a winner...very nice selection. Take care and I sure hope that Spring is just around the corner for you.

Terra said...

You look so cute with your haircut and new glasses. My hair is so long, as I wait for the right time for a haircut. You have gorgeous grandsons, that is a lot of birthdays to celebrate this month. So many things to fix at your house!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It sounds like your month was awful. Those are all pricey repairs. Ya, the repair for the furnace seemed steep. Glad your hubby could do that himself.

The swans are beautiful! I was pretty happy the snow didn't last long. Love the moisture, but I'm ready for the warmth.

February and March are our heavy birthday months as well.

I hope April is better around your homestead!

LeAnn said...

Oh, my dear friend, this is quite the update. I'm like you, I just can't seem to get to writing a blog, maybe tomorrow.
Wow, having three things go out around the same time is not a fun moment at all. However, there is this saying that it all comes in three's so you should be OK.
I love your thoughts on the birthday boys. Of course, the oldest Grandson is a special one that we share. I loved the photos. I love Christian so much and he is the best. Those other two have grown up so fast. How time flies.
Your blanket looks so cozy. I must have a day with you for crocheting.
I loved your bird photo; it was awesome. I do love birds.
You write such fun posts and I love reading them.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs to you two!

Sue said...

Hi Barb, enjoyed catching up with you today, love your new look and new glasses! Birthday blessings to all your grandsons!
How awesome you were able to save so much money on your heating system, and were able to get the water fixed, we too have a hand pump on our property too!
Your afghan colors are beautiful!.
Thank you for sharing, I have been very lax in my blogging lately!.

Anonymous said...

Hello beautiful Barb! A very happy belated birthday to you and your sweet family! Your grands have grown so much! I am glad your furnace and water are working again. xo

My Daybook . . .

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