Monday, January 4, 2021

Steadfast in 2021 . . .

January 4th, 2021  . . . to tell you the truth, I really never thought we would see 2021!  But here we are!  I'm pretty sure not much has changed just because we turned the page on the calendar, but I suppose it's up to us to make the changes we are looking for in 2021 and there's no time like a new year to make them.  I'm not one for making or setting new year goals, I never follow through anyway,  but I do like to have a word for the year and this year that word is...STEADFAST.  

I've thought a lot about the word, STEADFAST, and what it means to me.  Keeping my eyes looking forward, not diverting to the left or the right, always looking forward to the things that are the most important to me...these are the things that will keep my feet on the right path.   A few meanings of the word steadfast are...loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, constant, firm and determined.  These are all attributes that I want for myself, attributes that will make me a better wife, mother, friend and daughter of God.  So, hello 2021, here I come...ready or not!!

Stay safe,

Hugs and Love,



LeAnn said...

Oh, my dear friend, the word steadfast is a perfect one for you, and I am still thinking about a word. I have picked a word for the year a few times, but not in recent years. I think it is a fun thing to do.
I had a delightful telephone moment with my dearest daughter that we share. We haven't talked for a long time, so it was a delightful time.
Sending lots of love and hugs your way! Continue to stay safe!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! So good to see you back in blogland! Steadfast is a wonderful word - perfect for the craziness we still have with us, even in the new year. My word for the year is in a similar vein - STRONG - as in "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." This is a really lovely post. See you again soon, I hope!

Homemaker' said...

Barb - I, too, like your word for the year! I think our families look to mom/grandma to be the steadfast one in the family. Someone they can count on even in the strange times. I'm sure you will be that for them. : )

My word for the year is HOPE. I thought of the old hymn "Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness" - He is definitely our HOPE.

Again, I love your photo - I can feel how cold it is!!!

God bless your week.

Saimi said...

Steadfast, what a perfect word, I love it and I love that you picked a word to start the new year! Man You guys are getting the snow My Idaho son has been giving his boys sled rides pulled by his four wheeler. So much fun!! Well my dear friend I'm gonna take your courage and stay steadfast as we enter this new year because the crazy is not going away. Living on the farm has been the best, there is something to be said about walking out the door to feed the horses and not having to drive to the farm, do the chores, drive back and in a couple of hours do it all over again.
Take care it looks like you are off to a great start!

Christine said...

Happy New Year to you and your family, Barb! Your mindset is so appropriate for the uncertainty of 2021. In fact, I think the goal to remain "steadfast" is just perfect, and I hope you won't mind if I use it myself?!

Sometimes I think calm and steady is highly underrated in our take hurried and action orientated societies.

May God Bless you in your pursuit of the opposite this year.


Vee said...

It's a good word. Lovely picture...look at those wide open skies!

Christine said...

What a great word choice!
I don’t make resolution either. It’s the follow through that gets me. Choosing a word seem more my speed. But in reality, I don’t even do that. I do enjoy reading others words and why they choose it. Good job!

Billie Jo said...

Happy and Blessed New Year, my friend.
A wonderful choice of word for this year.
Have a cozy afternoon. : )

Marie Rayner said...

Love your word for the year! It’s a great word! My word for the year is Hope! We all need a bit of that this year! I never do resolutions other than to try to become a better person and make better choices. Love you! Xoxo

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