Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday Finds . . .

I have a sweet friend, Marie, who always does, Friday Finds.  I love looking at all of the cute, fun, creative or just, eye candy that she finds.  So here goes!

"It is beautiful to talk about beautiful things.  And even more beautiful to silently gaze at them."

 ~Dejan Stojanovic~

 Gnome Decor, easy to make gnomes for all year

I love this cute little gnome, and I really want to make a few of them for Christmas gifts...just not this year 😀 You can find the pattern here

I just love this beautiful quiet little church in the woods.  So pretty!  I'm listening to, Kathryn McPhee sing, Oh Holy Night...and it just seems so fitting.

The simplicity of this photo really caught my one to credit, but isn't it pretty.

DIY Origami Star Garland Christmas crafts - Girl about townhouse

 This star garland looks so fun to make and easy enough for even me!  The directions look really easy as well.  Check it out here!

Cranberry Icebox Cookies

 Cranberries just me.  I love an icebox cookie and anything cranberry is perfect for Christmas.  This cookie looks delicious, with easy ingredients...find the recipe here.



Love this says it all!


Stay safe and stay healthy.

Love and Hugs,



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Nice finds. I do love that song - O Holy Night! What a beautiful and power song. I usually end up with tears in my eyes listening to it. Hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Christine said...

"Oh Holy Night," is my all time favourite, and like Deb, always brings a tear to my eye. I love the photos Barb, especially of the Church.
I also LOVE anything having to do with cranberry :-) If I am having chicken or turkey, it's almost like I am having the poultry just to go with the cranberry! Lol...
I hope you and yours are staying happy and well. Have a lovely week.

Homemaker' said...

Barb - I always enjoy new ideas and photos - I'm very visual. Thank you, Barb, for sharing these things with us!!!! : ) And along with everyone else, O Holy Night is my all-time favorite! As a matter of fact, it is playing right now in our living room as I type this. : ) Merry Christmas. God bless.
Mary S.

LeAnn said...

Dearest Friend, I did enjoy going through your finds. I like them all. Of course, I love anything Christmas. I find you to be such a fun and creative friend.
The Gnomes are cute. I can see you making them. I can dream about a project like that. The church photo is lovely. The photo of the the beautiful room and tree remind me of what your home looks like. The cookies do look delicious.
I always smile when I see you have blogged.
Sending love and hugs your way!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - Those cookies look so good. I love O Holy Night. I think that is my favorite Christmas song. It is so beautiful and powerful.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, gnomes seem to be in this year and I have to confess that I find them adorable!!! Thank you for sharing your Friday finds! xo

Terra said...

Those cranberry cookies look delicious, and O Holy Night is a very meaningful song. Merry Christmas.

Shug said...

I love EVERYTHING about this post. The photos, the cookies, the church, the Finds, and the song. I so appreciate our distant friendship and I wish for you so many wonderful Blessings. Hope your Christmas has been filled with many sweet memories and tons of happiness. Hugs.

Marie Rayner said...

Love your Friday Finds Barb! The gnomes and those cookies are calling my name! Love and hugs! Xoxo

My Daybook . . .

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