Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!!



It's definitely been a year to remember!  Despite all of the hard things, and unexpected things, I truly believe we have all been blessed in one way or another.  I have known more than one person who has died from the Corona virus, and I am beyond sad at the devastating toll it has taken on our world.   But I am also grateful for the time that I have been given to just "Be Still", to pause and remember the way life was without the hustle and bustle of running.  I have discovered that the most important things in life are not things, they are the phone calls, the Marco Polo's, the cards, texts, blog posts, vlog posts and opportunities that I have to serve, not through going and doing, but through prayer.  I am thankful for technology, and the ability that I have to watch our church services online, and to partake of the Sacrament at home.  

I am thankful for the quiet times that I have had with my husband as we enjoy nature and all the beauty that surrounds us.  We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the world where we can get away and not see another person for miles!  Although as we take in the beauty, we know that we are never alone, and that a loving Father created all of the breathtaking scenery that we love so much.  

I am especially grateful for family, for the love and concern that they show to us as we all try to do our part to stay healthy and safe.  Life still goes on, birthdays don't stop, holidays come and go, but through it all, we all work hard at keeping each other safe and well.  Not that it's always easy, but we do it out of love. 

I am especially grateful for friends and family who have enriched my life, made me laugh, cried with me, worshiped with me, prayed with me and for me, accepted me with all of my flaws, forgiven me when I have failed them and loved me unconditionally, even when I probably didn't deserve it.  Thank you. 💓

I forever thankful to a loving Father in Heaven who knows me, strengthens me and blesses my life in more ways than I can count.  A wonderful Father who keep His promises to His children, comforts them when they need it and is always there when they need Him.  

For all my blessings, the big and the small, I give thanks.  Today let me remember them all, and be grateful!

Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing.  In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  

~ 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 ~

Many blessings to all of you!

Hugs and Love,



Deb J. in Utah said...

We truly have much to be grateful for, Barb. I am grateful for you and your lovely, uplifting blog! Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

LeAnn said...

My dearest friend, this is such a lovely post and I loved every word you wrote. It was an amazing list of those precious things you are thankful for. I pondered upon a few of them and felt inspired by all of them. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts and for your every loving attitude and for being my friend. I am deeply grateful to you!
I know you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and love you could spend the time with our shared one.
Lots of blessings and hugs to you both!

Lisa said...

Beautiful post and pictures. Thank you!

Christine said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Barb,
As always, it's lovely to see your posts and I am glad you and your husband are faring well through this difficult season. I too, am very grateful for home and the love of family, good friends, and like-minded bloggers who help me not to feel so isolated and far away from home.
And of course, for our Lord, from whom we receive such grace and strength.
Have a lovely week ahead,
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful post, Barb! I agree 100%. We are blessed!

Shug said...

A beautiful post Barb. We all have so much to be Thankful for .....much more than we deserve. I am so very thankful for my friendship with you. Many miles between us, but yet I feel like I have known you for a long time. Wishing you and your family a wonderful December.

Marie Rayner said...

Oh Barb, I have missed your posts so very much. I am happy to check this morning and see you have posted a few. I loved everything you wrote here. This has certainly been a year for the record books. I am so grateful for all the tender mercies I have discovered and been gifted with throughout this year. Despite some horrendous changes, there has been much to be grateful for. Love you so much Barb. You are a wonderful example to me. I hope and pray that you and Bob and your family continue to be well and healthy. Sending you much love, many hugs and blessings to great to hold this holiday season. xoxoxo

Mariah said...

Hi nice reading your blogg

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