Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Late to the party...again!

Well, here I am again...better late than never, right?!  It seems like we have been really busy working in the yard, trying to get some things done that have been put off for many years, (not even kidding).  We have been enjoying the summer, even with all the wind and cool temps, it has still been beautiful.  I like to go out each night and check on garden and take a few photos of the sunset, it's always pretty, although some are way more beautiful than others.  And I also love the way my yard looks in the evening, and I know, photos just never do it justice.

You can see my lilac tree came back and was absolutely gorgeous, it liked having it's hair cut!

We have really enjoyed our garden this year.  It's small,  so I won't be able to really preserve anything in it, except for maybe a few tomatoes, but it's a good feeling to know that I am growing a small portion of my own food. 

The top photo is my lettuce.  I can hardly wait to make a wilted lettuce salad with them.  How many of you like wilted salad greens with bacon and red onion?  I love the stuff!!  There are a few little beets finally poking their head through the soil on the right. The next photo is a planter with onions and radishes, Bob loves radishes, I don't.  But, I did find a recipe for roasted radishes and they said that roasting them makes them sweet, so that's something I'll try. My onions look a little droopy because of the wind, but really they are doing wonderful!  The bottom picture is my grapevine.  I can hardly wait to be able to harvest grapes from it, even though it might be a few years until I get enough to really do anything with.  And, of course we will be having a freeze next week,  we always have a freeze in's just in the stars.  I'll have to cover the grapevine, my tomatoes, peppers and zucchini, but I think everything else will be okay. 

Hope everyone is doing well.  I love all of your sweet comments, and I will try to be more faithful about logging on.  But know that I think of all of you and pray that you are doing well and staying safe.  It's sure a turbulent time we live in, my prayer is for peace.

 (tonight's sunset)

 Stay safe and well!

Hugs and Love,



Kerin said...

Your scenery is so pretty, and I always enjoy your sunset/sunrise photos!

I wondered if we would get a freeze one more time, as well.
I hope not...being much further south than we were previously, but ya never know ;)
I have pumpkins, tomatoes, onions and peppers in the fingers crossed.

You'll have to let us know how the roasted radishes turn out!

Enjoy these beautiful days.

Vee said...

Wonderful photos...

It has to be satisfying to grow a salad garden among other things.

Happy projects and yard work!

Christine said...

Hello Barb,
It's so lovely to see you posting! And the photos of your garden and yard are so very pretty...
I am glad you are here and taking the time to share a part of your life with us. It's such an encouragement. Thank you.
Have a safe and lovely week.

God Bless,

Saimi said...

Um, your pictures definitely do it justice. What a lovely setting the sunset, with the fence and tree. So peaceful and beautiful just what we need it these turbulent times. Something to pause and reflect on. Your garden so so amazing and bountiful. It may be small but its producing. I love radishes but I never seem to buy any, I guess its because I"m the only one haha. I've never had nor heard of a wilted salad but your cute little lettuce leaves will make for a yummy salad for sure!!
Take Care and thanks for a lovely post.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Good to hear from you. I love the pictures of your yard and your garden. I have been thinking about getting some of those big metal containers for our garden as well, so I was very interested to see how you are using yours. These are crazy times we live in, aren't they. Who would have thought we would have had a riot here in Salt Lake City last weekend. Fortunately things have calmed down and the recent protests have been peaceful. Thanks for sharing. Have a good week and I will see you again soon!

LeAnn said...

I always love your photos. I think your garden looks perfect. I have been blogging a bit, and I do like that you were back with a post. I miss you and your posts a lot.
We planted a garden, but it isn't as mature as yours. We are worried about the weekend storms causing havoc with it.
I plan to do a blog on our garden soon and other stuff soon.
I miss you guys. I'm super excited for James and Amber's move. I wish we could come up and see their new home when they are in.
However, the only traveling we did was one day trip to decorate graves, which was awesome. It was a fun blog post.
COVID 19 is on the rise here, so I don't know where that is going.
Just know that you two are treasured friends, and I love that we share children and grandchildren.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, your trees looks like proud soldiers all standing tall! I don't think I've ever had a wilted lettuce salad. Dumb question: Is it regular lettuce that is wilted? How does it taste compared to regular lettuce? Your garden is growing so well! ♥

Sue said...

Such a beautiful place you have, Barb, Like you I like to walk out to garden in the evening and around the far, it seems sunset is my favorite time of day!.
Your veggies look great, wow a frost in June, we are cooking today, 90's with high humidity.
I too have been a slow blogger lately and like you so busy, trying to catch up on projects, late Wednesday night, out oldest son called from the gate wanting the code to open up, a very nice surprise visit from out of state, a short visit of five days. We haven't seen him in a couple of years. Happy folks here.
Thanks for visiting, have a great weekend.

Terra said...

I like that top scene with the trees and the grass and also your spectacular lilac tree. I have a young lilac, maybe I will show it the photo of your tree to inspire mine. I have a modest size vegetable raised bed, lots of butter lettuce and zucchini already. Be blessed.

Christine said...

When we stop and step away from things that aren't important, like screens, we can accomplish so much! You just proved that! Your gardens are beautiful and plentiful. Good job!

Homemaker' said...

Barb - I will reiterate what so many others said - your photos are beautiful - I love the last one (sunset) -I have a soft spot for sunset photos. : ) It looks like you are staying healthy and busy and I thank you for sharing your wonderful life with us!!!!! God bless you and your family and the week ahead.
A big hug to you too,
Mary S.

Shug said...

Hey Barb.. I've been missing you. So much GREEN around your place and it all looks so healthy. Those garden greens will make for some good eating. If you are like me and everyone else, you are ready for this covid thing to be gone. There have been several people in our area get it this past couple of weeks. Just keeping my prayers going for us al to be safe and to not catch this stuff. Hope you're enjoying your summer....big hugs..

Lisa said...

Your grapevine looks wonderful. I planted one and it looks so sad. Hope this summer heat doesn’t kill it. Hope you are enjoying your summer!

Cindy said...

Beautiful pictures. I try my hand at growing flowers but I've never attempted vegetables. Your plants look good!

Marie Rayner said...

Barb, I have not seen anything from you in so long . Not on here or on FB. I am worried. I hope that you are okay. Please shoot me a message to put my mind at ease. Xoxo

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