Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Daybook . . .

Today . . . Wednesday, April 8, 2020.  I'm going to post at least once a week, after all this is my journal, and I need to make sure I am documenting these very scary, very sad, very interesting, very faith building, very strange, very fearful, very hopeful, very life changing times.

On my playlist . . .Because this is how we will get through by one.  One  day at a time,  one prayer at a time, one encouraging word at a time, one kind deed, one kind by one.

 I'm thinking  . . . How grateful we are to have my granddaughter home from New Zealand!  The only thing better would be to give her a hug...but social distancing is good thing right now...a hug can wait.
Taylor, Christian and Averi, my sweet grands.  Taylor is home, she is well, she is safe.  Life is good.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who would just like to have all her little chicks in her next...that's how this grandma is.  I would have all of my children and grandchildren tucked safe in my home if that were possible!  They would of course feel differently about that, but I would love it!

I'm Thankful . . . I'm thankful to be able to get out of the house and enjoy nature.  Last Friday, we decided to go for a drive.  We stayed in the car stopped only to take pictures and had a really nice day.  It was cold outside, after all it still feels like winter here... but we were nice and cozy in the car.

Not far from home the sky started to get really dark and menacing, I could tell we were in for either a lot of rain or a lot of hail...we got both!

Also grateful for a son who lives nearby to help us when we need him.  Remember that broken pump in the septic tank?  Chris came to help Bob put a new one in...such a nasty job.  Anyone who can get that up-close and personal with a septic tank gets and A+ in my book, and a dinner of his choice when all this is over!  I love my kids!

I'm wearing . . . What I'm not wearing is a coat!  Today it was just beautiful outside.  The sun was shining, the wind wasn't blowing 30 miles an hour, and just before dinner it was 65 degrees in my's so nice to go out without a coat, I even wore sandals!  Bob is going to go golfing tomorrow, you know it's finally spring when he gets out his clubs!

I'm going . . . I'm going to stay home tomorrow and see if I can get a bit of cleaning done.  We had to take our trailer in and have some work done on it earlier this year,  so I think I will go out and organize a few things to get it ready to go camping...if and when we are able.

I'm also going to look for a pattern for masks.  I know that they are needed by so many who just don't have access to them and need them, and I have plenty of fabric to make them.  The other night my daughter reminded me that a long time ago, like 10 years ago, we both bought a box of masks to put in our food storage.  So, I went down and found them!  The box has 50 masks in it, so I'm set.   I'm so glad we were thinking ahead...who knew we would need them...well, someone knew!

From my kitchen . . . Yesterday I made sourdough bread, it's delicious.  I love sourdough, and it's healthy for you because it's easier to digest.  The two little buns on the end are hamburger buns.   One thing about not being able to go to the store, is that I'm able to make more bread...I love it, but my hips don't ;0)

Outside my window . . . One more sunset to share with you.  I really wanted to get a good photo of the moon last night but I wasn't able to, so this sunset will have to do, it was almost as beautiful.

Just sayin' . . . I know the power of prayer is mighty, and especially so as a group effort. Adding fasting can show additional contrition and submission to the Lord’s will; and as recorded in St. Matthew 17:21 “this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”  
It is a blessing not available in any other age to be able to easily invite people worldwide to join in this special fast, so I hope you will join me in this fast and invite others to do the same.

Stay safe and well...XOXOX

Hugs and Love,


Vee said...

I have read and give a v+ however I have one unruly computer so am leaving quick before it gives me any more troubles.

Kerin said...

Love that sunset is spectacular!

So...we have a septic tank at this house, but as far as I know, we don't have a pump.
Good for your son for helping with such a yucky job!

Your homemade bread looks delish!
Nothing makes a home smell more cozy and inviting like bread baking :)

We are so looking forward to the world fast... gathering in faith and fasting for blessings much needed.


Christine said...

Barb, The pictures are truly stunning! They truly gave my spirit a lift. Thank you!
I am so happy to hear your grand-daughter is safely home, and that your septic tank is sorted too. ;-)
Your sourdough bread looks wonderful. I can just about smell and taste it!
As always, thank you for the encouragement you bring to us.

God Bless,

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Great pictures in this post. So glad your granddaughter made it home. I sure know how you feel about wanting your family all to be safe at home. So glad you were able to get some help with your septic tank issues. Hope you have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, I am SO happy that your granddaughter is home safe and sound!! That is an answer to prayer! It has been warm here too! I've been barefoot inside the house and it feels great! Oh your bread looks so delicious! Thank you for sharing your picturesque surroundings with us! xoxo

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It was calming to me to read your post. I have always loved your day book posts.

Your bread looks yummy. Do you keep a starter on hand all the time?

Jill said...

That bread looks so delicious!!! So glad to hear your granddaughter is home safely. Please stay healthy! Have a wonderful weekend and Easter.

Many blessings,

LeAnn said...

I loved this post and I'm smiling because of it. I love that our Taylor Jo is home and you have more photos to share with me. Your the best. You take such good photos. I'm so glad you could go for a ride and then even be outdoors for a moment. We went with Sariah for a drive yesterday and a short walk. We are staying in as much as possible. A couple of trips to the store for a item or two.
You bread looks so yummy! I made rolls tonight and they turned out more like biscuits. Lots of laughs on this one. My cooking skills aren't great.
I do think we will see miracles from the fasting and prayer. I think we are seeing the miracle of people caring more deeply about their neighbors.
Sending lots of love, prayers and hugs your way dearest friends!

Marie Rayner said...

Your photos as usual are stunning Barb. You live in such a beautiful part of the country! What recipe do you use for your sour dough bread? I have a starter made and am wanting to make some bread, but not sure what recipe to use! Happy to see your granddaughter safe and at home. We do live in some strange times for sure. Thank goodness for the Gospel and its power of hope and promise. Love you Barb! Always. xoxo

PS - If you can send me a link or a recipe for the bread I would be grateful!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...