Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My Daybook . . .

Today . . . April 1, 2020.  Today would have been my friend, Eva's birthday, she would have been 102 today.  She passed away 4 years ago...I miss her every single day.  She lived right next to us, and was such a dear sweet lady.  Her old farm house has long since been torn down, the property sold, and is now weeds.  How does that happen!?  The old round metal shed is still there, sometimes you see it in my pictures...Eva is gone...but not forgotten...Happy Birthday in heaven, sweet Eva.

The shed was on Eva's property, the light colored weeds you see by the shed was where Eva's home stood.  I never look over that direction without thinking about my dear friend.

On my playlist . . . I love to hear Jay Ungar play the fiddle, there's just something so soothing and comforting in the sound of a fiddle.

"The music comes from the fiddler's heart, through his strings and straight into your heart." 
~Father John Angus Rankin, Cape Breton musician~

I'm thinking . . . I'm thinking about my granddaughter who's in New Zealand serving a mission.  She's only been out a little over a month, but our church has decided to bring all of the missionaries in that area home because of the Corona Virus.  As of March 20th, the borders in New Zealand have been closed to all non-New Zealanders, coming and going.  The church has to get special permission to charter jets to bring them home...a very long and hard process.  We heard yesterday that she will be leaving on the 3rd or 4th of April.  We just got a notice that they are still waiting on itineraries so they don't know when they will be leaving, maybe quickly or even days from now.  The next few weeks are going to be scary here,  so prayers are very welcome that she will return to us, quickly and safely.

I'm thankful . . . I'm so thankful for a warm home, safe surroundings, enough food in my pantry, enough toilet paper ;0), my good husband, my wonderful family, and my amazing friends.  Although I can't be with my family or friends, modern technology makes it possible to - almost to be with them in their living rooms!  We have only had to go out a few times for prescriptions and a few fresh foods, otherwise, we stay home.   We are very careful when we do go out.  We wear gloves, and thoroughly clean and disinfect anything that comes through the door, including Amazon packages.  I pray that all of you are well and safe.  These are such hard, trying times we live in, but I have faith in a God who loves all of us, and I know He holds me in His hands.

I'm also thankful for this beautiful granddaughter who just had a birthday!!  She turned 14, but it seems like yesterday that she was just a little girl...where does the time go?!  I wish we could of been there to celebrate with her.  Doesn't her coconut cake look delicious!

 I'm wearing . . . Well, I'm still able to fit into my jeans!  Heaven knows that I have had a hard time not wanting to eat all day long!  The weather has been cold and stormy so I am inside almost all day long most days.  I will be really glad when the weather warms up enough to get outside a little more.

I'm hoping . . . Of course the pump in our septic tank went out...of course it did!  We have a temporary fix until the new pump gets here...hope it's soon!!  I'm also hoping that we don't have another earth quake!  There was a 6.5 earth quake near Stanley, Idaho, about 200 hundred miles from where I live.  Some of my neighbors felt the quake, but I didn't feel it.  There are fault lines all over Idaho, so it can be a little scary when it hits that close to home.

Also hoping to get a garden in this year.  We have two fairly good size planting beds that I have put herbs and flowers in for the last 3 years, but, this year, I'm planting veggies in them.  I can't wait to go out and get started!

I'm going . . . children have put us in quarantine!

From my kitchen . . . You know when you just need comfort food, and only something sweet will do?  That's what I made tonight.  This cake is so easy and delicious!  I should have taken a picture of it when it was in my bowl and ready to eat...too late now!


Fruit Cocktail Cake

1-15 0z. can fruit cocktail
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 beaten egg
1/2 cup brown sugar
Whipped cream or Cool Whip topping

Add all the ingredients but the brown sugar in a bowl and mix well.  Pour mixture into a greased 9x9 inch square baking pan and sprinkle with brown sugar on top.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 min.  I cooked mine in a glass pan for 35 minutes, so ovens and times may vary.  Serve warm with a dollop of whipped cream or whipped topping.

Outside my window . . . It's cold, rainy, snowy, sunny and windy, take your pick!  I have been able to get out to take a few pictures of our amazing sunsets recently.  Cloudy days are actually better for sunset photos than clear days.  Here are a few of my favorite.

Just sayin' . . .

Be safe dear Friends...until next time...

Hugs and Love,


Saimi said...

Ah Barb how I love to walk through you daybook with you! Thank you for the music, I've never heard of him but I listened to to while reading your post. How lovely, I felt like I was walking in a meadow in the old west somewhere. I texted my son and asked him if they felt the earthquake and they didn't but right about that time, one of the boys dropped his IPod and it broke. He looked at the cameras in his embroidery shop and saw things swaying so although they didn't feel anything, things were happening. I told him Oliver gets a pass for dropping his IPod, that it was the earthquakes fault. :) Isn't spring crazy, its like the weather is bipolar. We have the same thing going on. Wind, rain, hail, sun and even though we are only 10 minutes from our farm they can be totally different weather systems. Gale force at home and calm at the farm. I'm sorry about your friend, I know if I lived to be 98 I'd be completely happy, but its who we leave behind that bears the burden. I'm glad you least have her shed to remember her. She sounds like a dear sweet person I have a friend whose daughter is attending college in New Zealand. I wonder if she came home. I hope your granddaughter has safe travels but with a plan full of missionaries I'm sure they will land safe and sound. I can only imaging what that would be like, God's army traveling together. It gives me chills just thinking about it. Happy birthday to your 14 year old granddaughter, isn't FaceTime the best! Funny you mentioned about your kids not wanting you to go anywhere, I just got off the phone with my parents and told my mom the same thing. My dad can't be left alone so when anyone is over like my brother is currently, she'll leave for a spell. They don't need anything but I think she needs some time away. But I told her she can't be doing that this virus is a bad deal and they can't get it. She gets it now.
Isn't food storage the best, I haven't been to the store and I don't need to, nor care to. I kinda like putting the food storage to the test so here's my chance.
I'm glad you are doing well!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. I love this Daybook. I love your pictures - really beautiful. Glad you didn't feel or have any damage from the earthquake. We are updating our 72 hour kits since the shaker we had here a few weeks ago. Prayers for your granddaughter as she returns home for a while. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Cindy said...

I love the picture of the place where Eva used to live. It does seem sad that her house is gone now too. The pictures of the sky, is that taken in your yard? There just beautiful. (Here in Seattle there are too many trees to get a nice view of anything!) That's so scary about your daughter in New Zealand. I will start praying now that the Lord does a miracle and gets her and everyone else home soon.

Kerin said...

Thank you, thank you for the warm and friendly comment that you left for me!
You are so sweet!

Loved this post!
Oh, I can imagine how you miss your sweet friend and neighbor, and it's sad that her house is no longer there. I just love her shed! Wish I had a great shed like that!!

Happy Birthday to your Grand! She is so pretty, and time sure does fly, doesn't it?!!

Yep.. the missionary thing is certainly exercising our faith right now. Who would have thought that we would live in a time when missionaries were coming home from all corners of the earth, that church meetings would be cancelled, and that temples would be closed??!!
I miss going to the temple so much, I can't even express it adequately!
We are praying constantly, and of course your Grand and all the missionaries will be in our prayers :)

Stay well, and look forward to sunnier days.


p.s. I think we have gorgeous sunrises and sunsets here, but your skies are just as beautiful, if not more gorgeous!!

Vee said...

Yes, praying for a soon and safe flight home for your granddaughter. Won’t it be good to have the wagons circled? Yes, I am pretty sure that will be a blessing.

Oh my! The virus may not get us, but the fork will try hard. Yikes. So hard, when feeling alienated and with not a whole lot to do that thoughts of munching come to mind.

Thank you for sharing the beauty all around you. How precious to have had such a good friend whom you will always remember. Arent’t memories the links through time?

Stay well, my friend!

Sue said...

I always enjoy reading your Daybook, Barb, prayers for your granddaughter, and other missionaries safe return home soon.
So nice of you to think of Eva on her birthday, I can only imagine what a beautiful celebration she is having! Wishing your granddaughter a very blessed birthday as well, and am so thankful for media technology!
You have the most beautiful sunsets, I thought of you the other day when I heard of the earthquake
, I will be praying.
Thank you for another great recipe, looks so delicious, I mentioned to my dh the other day about all the weight that will be gained during this quarantine, I seem to be snacking a little to much. ~wink~
Thinking of you ,

LeAnn said...

Oh, my sweet friend, I loved reading this today. It seems like almost a telephone call with a catch up on what you are doing. Perhaps, we should have a conversation. Our sweet daughter Amber has to deal with her mother in law calling her a lot. I really enjoy her.
We are, of course, praying mightily that dear missionary of ours gets home soon.
I did enjoy reading what you have been up too. It's been cold here too and we are staying in most of the time. We have gone for a few groceries. Sweet Sariah is probably bored stiff being here. I won't let her go work cleaning houses so she is stuck. She has a boyfriend that makes it a little complicated. We do want to stay home and be safe.
I take a short walk with an older friend down the street and we kept social distancing.
I do hope you get the Spetic pump soon. That's doesn't sound fun.
Again, I have stolen your photos.
I feel sad that you can't see all your kids. Jenni and Michael came to pick something up and we did the social distancing outside. I couldn't stand not hugging the kids.
Sending lots of prayers, love, and hugs your way dearest one!

Shug said...

such a great post Barb... Everything straight from the heart. Prayers continue for your granddaughter...I know this must weigh heavy on your heart...I know you want her home. Trusting God for her protection. Happy Birthday to your grand. I know that it is hard for those with birthdays to feel as if they are celebrated right now. Love your sunset picture....just another reminder that God is on the throne and HE is in control of everything.. HE is GODD. have a Blessed weekend....Hugs

Christine said...

I'm praying for a quick return for everyone! That must be hard because all you want to family to be together.
Oh boy, do I hear you about "jeans still fitting"! I told myself I wouldn't gain any weight during the Stay At Home time. Sure hope I can leave the chocolate alone.

I have a meme that I want to share with you (but I can't put it in the comments). I'm going to write it out.

🌟California is so bad the even the earthquakes are moving to Idaho.🌟

Jill said...

So glad you are doing well and staying safe! I will pray for your granddaughter's safe return!! So sad about your neighbor.... it's like when people pass life just moves on as if they were never there sometimes. I'm so happy to hear you keep her alive through your memories. What a beautiful property she had! I've been missing in the blog world for awhile as I've had so much going on, so trying to get caught up on visiting everyone. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Barb, your photographs always brighten my day. Simply gorgeous landscapes! I hope your granddaughter comes home soon. Your cake looks delicious. I made brownies this week. ♥ xo xo

The WIlloughby Family said...

Mom, that music was beautiful. One of my favorite genres of music is the fiddle, I cant believe I've never heard of him. I will have Alexa playing away with these tunes for school tomorrow.
Dear sweet Eva. She was always full of such insight and I think of her too everytime I come to your house. Can you imagine what she would be saying about our situation we have today??

I love the pictures! And as soon as we are done with this we are going to have a big family party and that includes a great big family hug oh how I miss those tender hug moments!!! XOXO

Christine said...

I am so sorry I am late in commenting on your lovely post. As always, I enjoy your sweet pictures, family updates, and recipes. I hope that your grand-daughter and the other kids are all home very soon.

I know that you will miss your beautiful friend and it's wonderful to have such lovely memories of her. What a time you will have when you meet up again in heaven some day :-)

God Bless,

Marie Rayner said...

I always love your daybooks Barb. I am a bit late coming to it this time, but I hope you don't mind. I find that I have lost all sense of timing with this new life we are having to live! Todd and I seem to be always asking each other what day it is! I know that your granddaughter did arrive home safe and sound and that must be a great relief to you all. Loved the fiddle music. Some of Todd's and my favourite music is blue grass music. This piece you shared had much of the same qualities. I read about the earthquakes. Happy you were safe. I always think it is sad when someone passes and their presence is erased like your dear sweet friends. My sister got my mother's house after mom passed and slowly my mother is being erased from it. I know that is as it should be, for it is my sister's home now and she needs to be able to make it hers. It just makes me kind of sad. I did not get anything of my mothers. I guess being so far away it is a bit too expensive to send me anything and I understand that, but I would dearly have loved to have even one small thing to remember her by. Anyways, you and Bob stay home and stay safe. We are on week five ourselves of self-isolation. Thankfully I have enough food, etc. to use for a while anyways. Here's hoping it is not a year like they are now saying it will be! Love and hugs and blessings to you sweet friend. xoxo

PS - Conference was wonderful I thought!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...