Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Stay safe, XOXO

Hugs and Love,


Anonymous said...

Love this, Barb! Thank you! xoxo

Billie Jo said...

Lovely, my friend.
Thank you!

Christine said...

We are doing our best to be joyful and safe, taking every precaution.
I pray you are safe and stay healthy.
I've been singing all day today, He Will Hold Me Fast! Such a comfort!

Shug said...

absolutely beautiful.... hugs to you Barb

Saimi said...

Wow, what a beautiful song and voice! Slow down is great advice but somehow I still feel like I'm on the fast track haha.
Thanks for the reminder!

Just Ramblin' said...

Thanks for sharing! We all need things that uplift us at this time. I hope you are staying well and safe. I feel blessed and grateful that we survived the earthquake and thus far are well. I'm grateful that we can listen to beautiful uplifting music, videos and talks from our general authorities and that we can blog and keep in touch via social media. Take care and stay safe and well.

Christine said...

Lovely! Barb, such good advice... Slowing down and remembering WHO is really in control is so important in times such as these. Everyone seems to remember who and what really matters, (hint- it's not so much toilet paper or pasta shells either!) :-)
I pray that you and your family stay safe and well..
Have a lovely weekend,
God Bless,

The WIlloughby Family said...

❤❤❤ that is beautiful, do you think i could paint it?

Marie Rayner said...

Beauiful Barb! Love you and your positivity. Stay healthy and safe. xoxo

Vee said...

That is a beautiful voice and a beautiful song. 🌷

Sue said...

OH how beautiful and comforting for me today, thank you Barb, for sharing.

LeAnn said...

What a comforting and lovely post. I think it is essential to keep everyone uplifted, and you did that today dearest, friend. I'm so happy our Taylor Jo is coming home. I will be extra happy when she is here.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

This is beautiful.
Hugs and blessings to you.

Terra said...

This is a beautiful song and production and her voice is lovely. As she sings, Slow down. Be still.

My Daybook . . .

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