Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Week in a Nutshell . . .

Life is kinda crazy right now, it seems like we don't hardly get a day when we don't have to just run as fast as we can...all day long!  It wouldn't be so bad, but it's been so cold here, in fact this morning on our way to Sam's Club, it was only 9 degrees around 9:30, so just going outside is a challenge.  It's also been super foggy, but I love the way it just covers the branches with frost, it's so pretty, so that's a plus. 

On Saturday we went to a play that my granddaughter, Emily was in.  The 7th and 8th graders performed, Shrek, the musical.  It was really good, one of the best performances I've seen with kids that age.  They were all really good actors and actresses, and I was blown away at their singing and dancing abilities...it was so good!  Emily was a, Fairy Godmother, and looked so cute!  I love this picture of these two cute cousins, Emily and Taylor, they just adore each other.  Emily will miss Taylor when she leaves for 18 months!

Here's this same cutie all dressed up to go to her induction into the Honor Society, and then she's off to a Valentine's Day dance.  Again, I just can't believe how quickly they grow up.  It really does seem like yesterday that she was a sweet little girl - now she's off to a dance!

Yesterday I had DUP (Daughter's of Utah Pioneers), and I taught the lesson.  It was a really interesting lesson on, the transcontinental railroad.  I loved learning about all the hard work that went into making it possible for East and West to be connected, it was fascinating.  The whole time I was teaching the lesson, my thoughts were on all of those strong, hard working, determined people who worked on the railroad.  I wondered if they had any idea how important their work was to the future of the Untied States.   

Tomorrow, I have a meeting, although we are going to lunch for the meeting so that makes it a little less painful! Then home to wait for a couch and love-seat to be delivered.  We bought it more than a month ago, but because of the terrible weather in the mid-west, the delivery was delayed...by two weeks!  It will be really good to have furniture in my living room!  And then tomorrow night, we are off to our scripture study group. 

Thursday morning we will be off to have lunch with Clara, another little granddaughter.  Her school always has a lunch for grandparents or parents on the day before Valentine's Day.  We love going because they always take a picture of us, and I love that so much!  I'll share last year's picture - Clara has grown so much since this was taken!

Finally, On Friday, I'll celebrate Valentine's Day with my sweetheart.  We are staying home.  I'm going to fix shrimp and steak, green salad and something sweet for dessert...no idea what!  Are you doing something fun for Valentine's Day?  Sunday will be church, actually Saturday and Sunday, and then a family dinner at my house that afternoon...whew!!  But it's a wonderful way to end the week, don't you think?! 

On that note, I will leave you with a sunset.  I'm always so happy when the sun starts moving North, and I have a better view of the sunset.  

Until next time, be Safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. That is such a beautiful sunset. What a busy but great week for you and your family! All good things! Your granddaughters look so much like you! I love it! Such a family resemblance. I have always wanted to join daughters of the Utah Pioneers, but I will probably wait until I retire since most of the chapters around here meet during the day. There is one chapter that meets in the evenings that I know of, but I am so tired at the end of the school day. Gee, I must not be as young as I used to be. ;-) Getting a new couch and loveseat sounds great. You have so many positive things to be grateful for. Have a Happy Valentines Day with your love! See you again soon!

Vee said...

Such good things to be on the go for! I don’t enjoy days like those preferring them to unfold slowly. Still, a dull day is not that much fun. Beautiful grands enjoying life are a blessing!

Just Ramblin' said...

Wow! You certainly have had a busy but fun week. I loved going to grandparents day with my grandchildren. It was such a special time. Your granddaughters are so cute. Loved the picture of the fog and frost on the trees but you can have the cold temperatures. I am looking forward to warmer days and being outside. I pretty much hibernate when it's cold and stormy. Have a great day.

Saimi said...

Burrrr!!!! Oh my golly, you guys are definitely living in a Winter Wonderland, the photos are beautiful but dang girl those temps make me want to drink hot chocolate and stay in. Good for you for braving the cold and attending your granddaughters play. How adorable is she anyway. I love that their names are Emily and Taylor. We have a Emily Taylor in our ward. First and last name haha.
So was it your stake conference? We just had a major change. Our ward and another ward in our stake just got absorbed into another stake who also rearranged their boundaries. It was nice for us to received more families. So while some wards had bishopric changes the stake president announced that we only have one hour church for two weeks so the new bishops could get adjusted to the changes and their wards. To say the least it was kinda nice to have one hour church haha. Next sunday we will be back to our regular schedule program haha. We don't have anything like daughters of the Utah Pioneers but sounds like a cool thing. I'm super excited for your new couch and loveseat it's always fun to get new furniture, it just has a way of sprucing up the place.
Have a great Valentines day!! Your dinner sounds amazing. Now I have a great little easy tasty recipe.
We call it raspberry fluff:
One package of frozen raspberries
One tub of Dannon's Vanilla Greek Yogurt
One large tub of Cool Whip
One small package of instant vanilla pudding.

Mix the vanilla pudding with the yogurt and cool whip then fold in the frozen raspberries. It literally takes 5 minutes to make so I make it just before serving. The raspberries make it so fresh and yummy it's hard to tell if its a salad or dessert.

for presentation purposes I'll save a dabble of cool whip and put it on top with a few fresh raspberries.

Enjoy should you decide to make it.

Shug said...

Hi Barb.....I love, love, love the winter weather and your area is beautiful. Isn't hard to believe how fast our grand babies grow up? If you're like me...I love seeing the kids involved and being a part of them growing up. You have been a super busy lady. Keeps you young! Take care, stay warm, and Have a wonderful Valentines day!

LeAnn said...

Your winter photos are lovely and that last one is stunning. I loved your thoughts on your granddaughter Emily; she is a cute one. I remember you talking about the play she was in. I love the photo of Taylor Jo and here.
I went to DUP this last week and it was fun. I haven't been for a while. I enjoyed the lesson on the railroad too.
I love that you have that other sweet moment with your granddaughter, Clara. Your Valentine's day sounds lovely. Roger and I might go to breakfast. We will probably be working on our temple schedule for the next day and hope to go to bed by 8:30pm; that's our day.
I hope your furniture got there Ok.
Have a fun family dinner on Sunday. It was so fun to be with you all last week and we will look forward to the next weekend.
Love you much sweet friends and have a sweet day tomorrow. Sending love and hugs your way!

Marie Rayner said...

What wonderful way to spend a week Barb! You are so lucky to live near enough to your grandchildren to be able to spend time with them, and to see their performances, etc. I can only wish. One son does share pictures with me and videos and we facetime regularly, so that's good, but the others are not so good at it. That's life I guess! I have never heard of DUP! I did teach in RS last Sunday. We've had a very stormy February so far. Our Valentines day will be a simple celebration at home with a Chinese Takeaway! Love and hugs to you and Happy Valentines Day! xoxo

The WIlloughby Family said...

Wow, I thought those winter pictures were off the internet. They are beautiful!!!

Unknown said...


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Unknown said...

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At least 160,000 women and men are utilizing a easy and secret "liquid hack" to burn 1-2 lbs every night in their sleep.

It's simple and it works with everybody.

This is how to do it yourself:

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you'll become 1-2 lbs lighter when you wake up!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...