For Today...February 3, 2020
Looking out my window . . . Welcome February! Here in Idaho, February come in with a a whirl! This morning we woke up to single digit's and 30 mile an hour - North - winds, and snow. I need to remember that this is Idaho! Most of the schools in our area had another snow day, and those that didn't really needed to bundle up. I'm kinda ready for Spring.
Clara as a baby...
Clara now...
Nathan then...
Nathan now...
Tanner then...
Tanner now...
And here they are now...all tucked in having a sleepover...love this so much!!
I'm creating . . . When we were cleaning out my mom's things, I found an old needlepoint that I had given my grandmother over 30 years ago. It was originally in a frame, but she made it into a pillow. I was really dirty, and the pillow part was not in good shape.
This poor pillow, you can see that it's dirty and really in need of repair.
I don't think I've ever made another needle point so I really want to try to save this one.
Here it is all washed, no dirty spots, just waiting to be stretched. There's a few loose threads, but I think I can just pull them through and tighten them. I'm excited to get this project finished.
I'm looking forward to . . . Going to the temple with this beautiful granddaughter before she leaves to go on her mission. Such an exciting time for us, I'm excited and scared at the same time. She will be gone for 18 months serving the people in, New Zealand. I'm really going to miss her, but I know she will be well taken care of.
Taylor then...
Taylor now...
From my kitchen . . . Left over spaghetti...what can I say, it's been a long day!
leaving you with a sunset smile. . .
Be safe! XOXO
Hugs and Love,
Hugs and Love,
Holy cow, looking out your window it truly a winter wonderland. My son said school has been canceled....again. I'm still waiting for the snow to drop. We've been having beautiful spring weather, sunny skies, some wind kinda cool temps but last year we had the same kind of weather then BAM! February hit us with a crazy winter storm that lasted through the end of March. I'm not sure whether to embrace this nice weather, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Your grand kids were so dang adorable as babies and they never out grew it. Lucky for you to have them and it is always sad to see them leave. Congratulations on your granddaughter's call to New Zealand man, she's going to have an amazing experience. I've never been to New Zealand but our son went for over 2 months 2 years ago, he loved it. My friends daughter is attending college there and she absolutely loves it and feels so safe there. She walks everywhere without any worries. There is nothing wrong with leftovers, thats exactly what we are eating tonight, left over Super Bowl food. I totally went over board for just the two of us so we'll be eating on them for awhile.
Stay warm and drink hot chocolate!!
I did that very same needle point years ago. Had it hanging in my home for years. I think I finally gave it to DI when we moved back to Utah. Maybe I should have just kept it washed it up as you did with the one your grandmother did. Congrats on your granddaughter's mission call. That is so wonderful. That sleepover with the grands sounds and looks like so much fun. I enjoyed with post. Have a good week.
Oh! dear Barb, such precious memories you are making, I felt a tear as I watched and listened to the beautiful song, remembering the many nights our grands stayed with us, and yes it is such a good tired.
Wishing your granddaughter so much joy and so many rewards on her mission trip!
Ahh! such beautiful needlework, that butterfly really stands out, I am so happy you were able to get the stains out, it is so beautiful!
Thank you for visiting me and for your sweet comment.
Beautiful grands! I understand both the joy and the exhaustion. ☺️
Loved seeing the pictures of your grandkids and how they have grown. There is nothing better than getting to spend time with these littles. I treasure every moment because I know they are growing and becoming more involved with work, school and friends. How wonderful for your granddaughter to be serving the wonderful people of New Zealand. I'm sure she will touch many lives. What a treasure to have the needlepoint you gave to your grandmother. Glad you were able to restore it.
Favorite picture is, the Slumber Party! How cute is that! Making memories is the best thing that you can give your grandchildren. Good Job!
That pillow case took a long time to make! So glad you restored it and how beautiful it is. Now you can pass it down to a loved one, too.
But who do you pass it done to? Each of those before and after photos are amazing!! The eyes don't change much but they do get bigger!
Idaho in February...we had sunshine one day and the next day we had two inched of snow. It's now melting!
I'm not complaining, just confused!
I like when you write about The Simple Woman's Daybook.
Thanks for stopping by my place. 🌼
I always love your daybooks Barb. You have beautiful grandchildren and what a blessing you get to spend time with them. You must be so proud of your granddaughter serving a mission. I can remember as my son came up to age 19 and then passed it, I had harboured in my heart a desire for him to join the church and serve a mission. It makes such a wonderful difference in the lives of the Young people who serve. I believe it sets them up pretty well to deal with life, and most will say afterwards that it was two of the best years/ 18 months of their lives. Of course my son did not go. Todd and I did get to serve a mission and like the youngsters, we felt sad when it ended and it was 18 months of our lives together that we both really enjoyed. Your needlework is beautiful. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I have very little of my own needlework, having gifted most of it to others through the years. What a treasure that you got yours back. I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Happy Sabbath to you tomorrow! Be blessed. Love and hugs, xoxo
Your grandchildren are beautiful! I have 5 with another coming this September. I don’t know about you but my grandchildren are growing up twice as fast as my children did. I try to cherish every minute I spend with them. Love your Daybrook entry. It show a life full of beautiful things. Have a blessed week.
You do take the best photos. We are mainly getting rain and there has been more sunshine; which helps my mood a lot. I love that you had a sleep over with all those adorable grandchildren of yours. Sometimes, Jenni kids come over for a sleepover. All the rest are at that too old stage. We do love having grandchildren come and stay that are older; that's been fun. It's usually with friends so we don't see them much.
I loved all the photos of your dear grandchildren; you have some extra cute ones. Of course, I love that Taylor Jo she is such a precious granddaughter. We loved being up there with you all for her going through the temple.
We are excited for her farewell message too. She is a treasure as are the other two.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!
Ugh those are tear jerker then and now photos. I forget how cute they are and how tiny the still are. They had so much fun staying with you!
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