Wednesday, January 1, 2020


It's a blustery, snowy day today...good way to start the new year here in Idaho!  As much as I would like to see the sunshine, I know that we really do need to have snow to fill the reservoirs.  

I love a new year, I love that I am able to review it and maybe try to do things a little bit different.  I don't make resolutions, but I do try to pick out a word or a mantra to take me through the year, something I need to work on...this year the word is, "FOCUS".  

There will be so many good things to focus on this year!!  First and foremost, my sweet granddaughter is gong on a  mission to, New Zealand!  I am so excited for her, I can hardly wait to watch her blossom into a beautiful woman of faith and testimony!  

I also have eight other grandchildren who will be growing and experiencing life, and right before my eyes, they will be growing up, I don't want to miss a thing!  

Family is the most important thing, and the best thing for me to focus on!  As my children grow up, I realize how quickly time goes by.  I really need to step up my game, spend time with them, learn from them, but most of all soak in their goodness and love.

 My focus will also be on my relationship with my sweet husband.  There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than spending time with my husband...true love!!  But like anything worthwhile, relationships need to be nurtured and cared for, and after 45 years our love is still growing, so it still needs to be focused on and nurtured!

My faith is so important to me as well.  It's not something I talk about a lot on my blog, but I am a deeply spiritual person.  I have a deep love for my Father in Heaven and my Savior, Jesus Christ and this year I will be continually focusing on improving my relationship with Them.

I also love to be creative.  Over the years, somehow I have neglected this part of my life.  In November, a amazing friend of mine passed away.  She was such a light in my life and a wonderful example to me of faith, grace, kindness, service and creativity.  I miss seeing her beautiful face and wonderful smile, she was very dear to me.  Before she passed away, she taught an oil painting class, where I realized how much I missed the art and magic of being creative!  This is the picture we painted.  It's not the most beautiful painting, but it really sparked something inside of me that I need to get back to.  I have never painted with oils before and this was so much fun, I can't wait for my next project!

Part of my creativity is also my blog!  I have missed blogging, and I have missed the good friends that I have made through blogging.  Social media is something that drives me crazy, and I would like to get away from it this year.  It seems like I just get sucked into mindless scrolling, and before I know it, an hour or more has gone by and I have gained...nothing!!  Blogging is different for me, it's my journal, a way to express myself.  I know it's not as popular as it used to be, and  I don't really care, if nobody reads these posts, they are here and I can go back and relive some of the good, bad and sad things in my life, it's important for me to continue blogging, it's good for my mental health. So, you will be seeing more of me this year!

So what are you focusing on this year?  Do you make resolutions or goals?  I would love to hear about them!
Be safe, see you soon!
Hugs and Love,


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! I love this post and your word for the year. You are so right that we need to focus on good things and spend our time on the best things. I am trying to blog more as well this year. Blogging is so much more positive than Facebook and Instagram. I appreciate and agree with your thoughts. That is so neat that your granddaughter is going on a mission. Hope she has a wonderful, positive experience. Happy New Year to you!

Marsha said...

Ok Barb and Deb, you two have just put me on a guilt trip. I really need to start blogging too. It's just that for me, Instagram is much easier but a blog is like a journal. Hmmmm, maybe. I love your word "focus". I flit here and there and my point of focus is on multi-task overload. Love your photos and your painting. Take care, my blogging friend. - Marsha

Vee said...

Wonderful to see new photos of you and your family. I no longer choose a word; however, if I did, focus might be a word for me. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Barb! I'm 98% unpacked in my new home and back to blogging. xo

Christine said...

Ahhh...I've been waiting for this blog post! All the family pictures and I wasn't disappointed!
FOCUS... good choice in a word for the new year.
Well my friend, here's to another year of "Friendship Blogging"!

Just Ramblin' said...

I love your word for the new year. I'm still debating on my word. I have kept JOY as my word now for a couple of years and really need something different. I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I'm going to try and blog more also as it is for me a type of journal also. Your painting is wonderful and I'm so glad you were able to share with your sweet friend this talent you both have. Loved the pictures of you and your family. How exciting to have your granddaughter serve a mission. Wonderful blessing will come to all of you as she serves. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Marie Rayner said...

What a lovely post Barb, and what a lovely word for your year! This year I am focusing on Joy. Every day Joy. The type of joy that most people might overlook. I am making myself more mindful of it and all the little pockets of it we can find in each day. I have loved seeing the photos of you and your family. What a wonderful blessing it is to you to have this sweet family of yours, and your granddaughter serving a mission will certainly bring blessings to all of you. New Zealand is certainly a ways away, but a most beautiful part of the world I believe. I hope you will keep us updated along the way so we can pray for her and her work. I love your painting. You and I are so much alike Barb, its amazing. Kindrred spirit sisters for sure! Love and hugs to you! I hope 2020 is your year! xoxo

Saimi said...

Happy New Year Barb!! What a wonderful inspiriting blog post and I love all your bullet points on being focused this year. It's so exciting for your granddaughter to serve a mission and in New Zealand for that matter. I've never been there but so many people go and it looks absolutely amazing. Focusing on your grandchildren shouldn't be hard. They are so darling who wouldn't want to hang with them, I love being a grandma! 45 years together is incredible, not many people give themselves the opportunity to stay married due to lack of focus on their marriage. It's easy to fall in love but marriage takes work. We are going on 33 years or is it 34?
I can't remember but what I do know is my husband is really good at focusing on me and I need to be better about returning the favor. I'm a lucky woman. I also need to spend more time on scripture study. Your painting is absolutely beautiful, you are a true artist Wow!! I'm sorry about your friends passing but what a great gift she left behind. She has inspired you to focus on painting more. Now you can think of her every time you see your painting. I'm excited to read more of your posts. It's truly my way of journaling as well. I like to have my posts printed to a hard copy when I have enough to make a book. That way if ever the computer world crashes I have a book back up, I also give copies to my parents and in laws.
Sounds like you are off to a great new year!!!
Love Saimi

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My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...