Friday, December 27, 2019

Not quite New Years, but not quite Christmas...I'm looking forward to a fresh new year!  

We had a very quiet Christmas morning, just Bob and I, then the kids came over for dinner later that afternoon.  And can you believe it, I didn't even take a picture to remember it by, not one!!  It used to be the first thing I did when my family walked through the front door.  It's all good though, some of my grands and my older children don't like to have their picture taken, myself included.  We all had a really good time, of course we ate too much, laughed a lot, missed the ones who weren't with us, opened gifts, gave lots of hugs and kisses, said our good bye's, and collapsed into bed!  How on earth did I do this when I was younger!?  But, oh, how I love it when they are all here!

 We had a Christmas without snow this year.  I can't remember very many Christmas' when there wasn't snow on the ground here in my part of Idaho.  I took this picture on the way into town this morning - it looks so bare!  We have a few places in the yard where there's still snow under the trees and on the north side of the house from a few weeks ago, but nothing fresh...until today, and we did get a few random snow flakes, but not enough to even cover the ground.

My daughter and her family are on a cruise, so we are watching their little dog, Bandit.  I have loved having this cute little dog in the house...I really miss my Cole dog.  Bandit is a miniature Dachshund, and he's so sweet.  He's 11 years old, but looks and acts like a pup.  The other night I came into the living room and found him all snuggled up in a small basket that I keep by the couch with a few small afghans in it, no, he's not spoiled at can see his bed in the background... ;0)

We don't have any plans right now for New Years.  I guess we'll just stay home, maybe have a few snacks and watch a movie or play cards...we are always in bed before midnight!   

What are your plans?

Be safe!!

Hugs and Love,


LeAnn said...

What a delight to find that your blog post today. We had a quiet Christmas too. You time with your children on Christmas day sounded perfect. We had our family party early in December for those that live close. I'm super excited for James, Amber and family to be with us for New Years. We didn't see any children on Christmas. We had a Christmas moment with Michael and Jenni on the 23rd for our Emma's birthday.
I love Bandit too. He's a bit like Sammy and when they get together; it's like cousin time.
Wishing for you an extra sweet New Year even if it's just the two of you.
Love you both and sending hugs your way!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! We had a quiet Christmas too, but it was a very nice one and I enjoyed have some down time to relax on Christmas Day. Hope the you have a wonderful New Year!

R's Rue said...


Terra said...

Bandit is so cute, I like his coloring.

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My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...