Wednesday, January 8, 2020

My Daybook...

Out My Window . . . I love the shadow play on the barn, and I love that the sun is shining!  We got about 5-6 inches of snow over the week-end, although some has melted because of warmer weather in front of a cold front.  We are suppose to get another 3-4 inches on Saturday and Sunday.  I'm not going to complain about the cooler weather, because it will be hot soon enough.  I'm trying to focus on what is happening right now, and enjoy the moment.

I am Grateful for...How grateful I am for this sweet little granddaughter of mine!  Today is the 17th anniversary of her bone-marrow transplant.  Averi was just 5 months old when she was diagnosed with, Osteopetrosis the middle of December, 2002, and had a her transplant on January 8th, 2003.  She spent 6 months in the hospital, her mother never leaving her side.  Averi almost died every single day for 4 months, and just look at her now!  What a blessing this amazing girl is in our lives...I love her more with each passing year !

Averi today...
Averi at her very sickest.

And, how grateful I am for this amazing man who donated his own precious bone marrow for his little sister.  She would not be here today if it weren't for him...he is a true hero!  I remember this day so perfectly, almost every detail.  Christian was only 4 years old and terrified...what a tender mercy to have her brother be a perfect match...such a miracle! 

Christian today...

Christian at 4 years old.

I am also truly grateful for her parents, who through love, prayer and sacrifice were able to take Averi home.  Her mother truly did stay with her the entire time she was hospitalized 300 miles away from her other two children.  And her father who was with her every week-end, and as often as he could get there during the week sacrificed untold hardship.  He was also going to college to get his doctorate degree in pharmacy, and after all of this, graduated with high honors.  How they did this I will never know, they are so strong and have such faith.  I do know that none of it would have been possible without prayer, fasting and many tender  mercies from our Father in Heaven. 

And of course, we can't forget her sister, who is her biggest fan!  She was such a brave little 2 year old!  She is Averi's best friend and confidant!  We love her tons!

A though to leave you with... My heart is very full today!!

Be safe!
Hugs and Love,


Billie Jo said...

Dearest Friend,
What an absolutely beautiful, inspiring post!
Thank you for sharing this today.
Have a cozy evening. Hugs!

Deb J. in Utah said...

God is so good! Thank you for sharing this story. We don't have much snow here, but like you we are supposed to get more tomorrow and maybe this weekend. We shall see. So far this season, most of the snow is in the mountains. Enjoy the rest of the week and I will see you again soon!

Vee said...

What an amazing family with a wonderful testimony. It is difficult to think of a child clinging to life by a thread every day for months. God is good. I am so glad that He saw this family through. (Averi is 17? She was a little girl just last week, it seems.)

Barb said...

Yes, Vee, she is 17...very tiny, maybe 4'10", but she will tell you she is 5'11". She's such a blessing in my life!!

Sue said...

OH! Barb, just a beautiful post, of the faithfulness of our heavenly Father, and of a loving family! I am so touched, thank you for sharing.
We are having a warm winter so far, snow is so rare around here, but when it comes it just shuts everything down.~grin~
I love your word(focus) for the new year!
Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment!

Christine said...

I teared up reading, your family miracles!
God is the one we lean on and who we trust when we lean.
We can't buy health and so we need to appreciate it when we have it. Your family knows this first hand (so does our family).
Now, where did I put my Kleenex?

Just Ramblin' said...

Loved your Daybook post and the testimony you shared. You have a wonderful family. Thank you for sharing. It has truly touched my heart.

Marie Rayner said...

"We can’t give a crust to the Lord without receiving a loaf in return." — President Henry B. Eyring (quoting Melvin J. Ballard), General Conference, April 2011

What a beautiful tender mercy an example to us all of the goodness of God. Thank you so much for sharing Barb. Love this and LOVE you! xoxo

LeAnn said...

Oh my sweet friend, I do love what you wrote today. Averi is our miracle girl. It is hard to believe it has been 17 years. I remember it well and this bring back a lot of memories of it all. The good and the bad. Christian was such a miracle. I knew when he was a match that someway she would make it. So many days of facing that she might die. Our dear daughter, Amber was so good, brave and that fun personality was so precious at the time. She could always bring a smile when needed. I don't know how they did it but they are such a beautiful faith couple with our precious grandchildren.
Love you dear friend, we are forever sisters for sure1

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My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...