Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Peek Into My Week . . .

Mother Nature ... We got an inch or two of new snow yesterday, nothing big, just enough to make the roads slick!  It's going to be very cold on Christmas Eve and on Christmas day, the weather man says we won't even get into the double digits, brrrrrrrrr!  In fact it's very cold right now, only 17 degrees and dropping.

A few of my favorite things ... We have had so many big  doves hanging out by the bird feeders lately.  I love to watch them, but they are very greedy,  and like to run off the little finches and sparrows.  The other day, there were probably 8 big doves sitting on the roof of the shed, I think they're stalking us!

Okay...don't judge me . . . I LOVE fruitcake, there I said it!  Some of my fondest, Christmas memories involve fruit cake!  My mother and grandmother made the most delicious fruitcake, and the recipe I use is almost like theirs, not exactly, but very close.  The recipe is from an old, Betty Crocker cook book that I received as a wedding gift when I got married, almost 44 years ago...yummmy!  It's  just full of raisins, dates, dried and candied fruit, spices and walnuts.  If you didn't like fruitcake as a child, give it a try as an adult.  It's so delicious, especially with a little slice of very sharp cheddar cheese!  There are just some flavors that remind me of Christmas, and this is one of them.

Blessings ...  My very sweet, sweet, Averi went to see Santa Clause, and isn't he a great Santa?!  This girl is so excited for Christmas, she even has Christmas Eve and Christmas day all planned, right down to when she will go to bed and when she will wake up on Christmas morning, and then what she will do with her new toys!   She is just the sweetest child, and I love that she is so happy about Christmas, we love her to pieces!

Fifteen years ago, on Christmas day, we brought this adorable little girl to, Salt Lake City to have a bone marrow transplant.  Six months,  later her parents brought her home,  and what a wonderful gift that was, and really, if I never receive another gift, she would be enough!  You can read her story here.  I can't look at this photo without smiling . . . and crying . . . so many tender mercies.

When I was a little girl, each family in our church received a beautiful, diorama Nativity for Christmas.  We treasured it, and couldn't wait to put it up each year.   Greg Olson, who paints so many beautiful pictures of Christ, has illustrated this new diorama, and it looks very much like the old one.  I love this Nativity, it also brings back many good memories.  Isn't it funny how you look at something like this and you can even remember the smells and the sounds of those Christmas' so long ago.

I put some little fairy lights in it, to illuminate the Christ's beautiful at night!

Why is is so hard to get a picture of a Christmas Tree?!  This was the best I could do!   I love my old Christmas Tree, it used to be pre-lit, but when one of the lights when out, they all went out.  One day my son and I decided to take off all the pre-lit bulbs and just put regular bulbs on it...what a job!!  This year I put burlap garland on it with pine cones and little crocheted stars, I like the way it looks.  It's a really pretty tree, and I will most likely keep it forever.

On Tuesday my daughters came down and we made candy, not too much, just enough to have a little bit for the holidays.  Today I did a little more baking . . . pumpkin spice, brownie-chocolate chunk and cinnamon chip biscotti, now...I think I'm...almost... ready for Christmas!

Just Sayin'...  At Bryce's funeral one of the speakers read, Desiderata...I had almost forgotten these beautiful words, and they are good words to live by.

A beautiful sunrise . . . this makes me smile, every time!

 Hugs and Love,


Ginger said...

Thank you for posting the Desiderata. It has been far too long since I have read it and I sorely needed its wisdom and encouragement today.

Anonymous said...

Barb, I don't think I've heard the Desiderata before. So pretty! No snow for us this Christmas. I don't mind though. Lilah Rose loves to play outside and doesn't care for the cold. Your Christmas tree is beautiful! Great job! xx

Billie Jo said...

I sooo loved your post here today.
I love reading about your memories of Christmas past...
Your tree is beautiful!
And I hope you have a blessed and cozy Christmas with your loved ones.
Your little one with Santa warmed my soul!!!!!

Kristin_Texas said...

Well if that isn't the real Santa, I don't know who is!

And speaking of birds, our bluebirds are still hanging around here. Lots of finches as well. They've been feasting like Kings and Queens lately. (As well as the donkeys next door. They're so spoiled. They just hear me open the front door and at least one of them starts screaming at me to feed them a carrot. I think they don't like it that I limit how many I'll give them in a day).

The burlap ribbon looks really pretty on the tree by the way. It looks absolutely perfect.


Saimi said...

What a beautiful post Barb, well, with the exception of the fruit cake haha - its just one of those things for me, but I'm glad there are people out there like you who like it. Happy for the Fruit Cake!! Your tree looks amazing and the candy making is a perfect Christmas activity. I made a bunch of Wassail to give out along with some homemade bread. The Wassail is so good! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Have a very Merry Christmas Barb I sure enjoyed being blogging buddies!!
Oh, I'll make sure to pack warm clothing, I'll be heading over to Idaho after Christmas!!
Warm hugs

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I loved the peek into your week! You have been busy! I have never been a fan of fruit cake I have to admit. The citron just makes me shudder. I got a recipe for Holiday Cake from Florence (the lady that has the chocolate company in Rexburg) Anyway, I have loved it ever since.

Your tree is lovely. My hubby and I did that exact same thing this year. Tore all of the old lights off.

I had forgotten about Desiderata as well. Beautiful words. Such a heartache to go through anytime but especially now.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

LeAnn said...

Oh my dearest sister friend; you are like a sister friend to me. This was such a lovely post. I would love you to send me your recipe for fruit cake. It's one of Roger's favorite. Maybe I can make it for his birthday next month. Your nativity and tree are lovely.
Of course, I love the photo of our Averi and I re-read the thoughts on that December. She is just so precious and I cried when I received the photos from Amber and again when reading those thoughts. . She is such a blessing to us all.
Love you two so much! Thanks for being very choice friends to us. Big hugs!

Marie Rayner said...

What a beautiful post Barb. I love these catch ups and I always learn more about a beautiful you through them! Your fruitcake looks fabulous, like LeAnn, I would love the recipe! I love that you and LeAnn share such a beautiful granddaughter, and your tree is beautiful. The Diarama is gorgeous. Would love something like that myself. A very Merry Christmas to you and Bob Barb, love, hugs and blessings to you! xoxo

Vee said...

So much to be grateful for even as your family is in a grieving season. Beautiful tree...I hate when the prelit lights go...have had to do the same thing and, you are right, what a job. There is no sin in loving fruitcake, is there? Ha! I like the dates and walnuts one. Averi looks so precious there and content...Santa looks like the “real” deal! Merry on...

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...