Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sharing Time . . .

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

A few weeks ago, I had a birthday...I know, lucky me!!  I know it sounds funny, but I'm always grateful when I can put another year behind me, and get on with a new one.

My sweet sister gave me a  beautifully framed photo of my father that I wanted to share with you...I love it!  One day, we were at the family history center scanning some old slides and putting them on a flash drive, when we came across this picture of my father.  It's a photo of him that I had never seen before.  I'm not sure how old he was, but he was in his element, a fish in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other hand... :0)  Right behind him is the old green Pontiac that he loved so much.  I had kind of forgotten about the photo until my sister gave it to me.  She is so thoughtful, I love her.

I'm now older than my father was when he passed away, so really, I do celebrate each year that I am given.  I miss my father, but I am so grateful for each moment that I was able to share with him, and I know that one day, I'll see him again...what an amazing day that will be, he's been gone a long time.

Something else to share . . .

This cute little figurine.   My son's family gave it to me, his wife knows how much I love them.  My little granddaughter, Clara, was so excited to tell me that she thought the doll looked like her... so sweet.  Doesn't she look cute standing next to these little bookends?

Something else to share -  these wonderful, non-stick bread pans.  My daughter gave them to me because she has a set and loves them.  They are wonderful, and make beautiful banana bread, or any other bread you might want to bake!  I may never use any other loaf pan again!

Just look at those nice sharp corners!!  It was delicious, so I thought I would also share the recipe with you as well.  It's from a very old cookbook of my mother's, I think it's from the 50's.  It was a church cookbook, so you just know that the recipes are really wonderful.

I think it's fun to run across these kind of treasures, all tucked away neatly between the pages of an old cookbook - Happy Mayberry's Pie Crust, (Hap's Pie Crust for short).  My mother was a wonderful cook, and it's not hard to see that she loved this book as much as I do.

Speaking of cookbooks . . . look what I got in the mail yesterday!  My sweet friend, and blogging buddy, Marie Rayner, just had this wonderful cookbook published!  She also has a cooking blog called, The English Kitchen, where she posts the most amazing recipes as well.  The minute this became available on Amazon, I hurried and bought it...of course with a gift card that another daughter had given me for my birthday!  When she gave it to me, I knew exactly what I was going to buy with it...aren't kids great?!

This is a substantial cookbook, look how thick it is.  My husband and I just love it!  I truly don't think I will ever need another cookbook, as this one has so many delightful recipes in it.  I can hardly wait to start baking for the holidays!  And the illustrations in the book are just beautiful, all done by Marie.

Well, that was a lot of sharing!!

Be safe sweet friends...

Hugs and Love,



Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Well, Happy Belated Birthday! You have a great attitude about them.

Your father was a handsome man. This photo is a treasure for sure.

Wow, I have never seen banana bread corners before. I didn't know they existed. Mine are always left in the pan. I will definitely check those pans out.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy baking!

Anonymous said...

Barb, oh what a sweet picture of your father! And what a big fish!! It won't really be all that long until we can be with all our loved ones once again. What a joyous day that will be! Thank you for your banana bread recipe. Love your new pans!! xo

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, your father was a handsome man! And quite a fisherman, too. I love banana bread and your recipe sounds good. I'll have to check out the new cookbook, I don't cook as much as I used to but I love to read them. :) Have a nice weekend! xx Cheryl

LeAnn said...

My dearest friend, I loved this post. I really liked seeing a photo of your Dad. I know what a treasure that I be. I recently found a baby photo of my Dad I had seen along with some photos of him and his father. What a treasure they are to me. I miss my Dad so much. Then I found a photo of my Mom thata I hadn't seen for a very long time. We found that our Emma looks a lot like her; amazing.
I really love the little figurine. Thanks for the recipe; it looks like a fun one. I do love your new pans too. Were did your daughter get them. I need some new ones. The bread looked so yummy.
I really want to get Marie's book too. I found out that it is out of print already. I am so happy for her success.
Thanks for this very fun post. Sending you lots of loving thoughts today because I just love you soooo much! .

Vee said...

Happy belatd birthday! It’s fun to learn how others think of their birthdays. Gratitude should be part of it no matter what! That’s a wonderful photo of your dad...what a smile! Congrats to your friend on the cookbook and happy reading and baking to you!

Marie Rayner said...

What a wonderful photo of your father Barb! He looks a wonderful man and so happy! Love also the figurine. I adore Hummels. The banana bread recipe looks wonderful and I love your bread pans! I cannot express how very pleased I am that you are so happy with the book! That anyone should buy it is such a blessing but for them to like it is like the windows of heaven pouring out . Thank you so much Barb. You have done me a great honour! Love you! Xoxo

Sppock said...

Verry thoughtful blog

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