Wednesday, November 1, 2017

My Thoughts for November . . .

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
~Rabindranath Tagore~

November is kind of a melancholy month for me, so I try to make it beautiful, instead of cold and deary, and sometimes it's hard, I won't lie, I struggle with this time of year, but...

...we have been blessed with the most amazing sunsets the last few weeks.  I hope they continue for a long time to come, they always make me smile!  I'm always anxious to run outside and get the perfect photo, of the perfect sunset, and it seems like I am doing that earlier and earlier these days.  

What do you think about Daylight Savings?  I'm one of those strange people who love it when I get to turn the clock back, my body just does not like it when it's natural clock is messed with.  I wish they would leave our time alone and just let, Mother Nature do her thing. 

Another beautiful sunset in my wide open sky!

 Yes, these are my feet.  I Usually end up standing outside longer than I thought I would, trying to get that perfect photo, and usually, I don't have on shoes, because that's just how I do things....:0)  That will all change when the snow flies!

Something wonderful happened right before Halloween...this boy had a birthday!!  I can hardly believe that he turned 4, where does the time go?!  Tanner is a precious little angel, my last grandbaby...we spoil him rotten, but don't tell anyone...;0)

Happy November everyone!!

Hugs and Love,


Jill said...

Tanner is so adorable, love is smile :-) The sunsets are incredible! I'm the same always kicking off my shoes and wearing flip flops as long as I can. Have a wonderful weekend!


Marsha said...

Yes, Barb, you have definitely been blessed with your share of sunsets and what's so blessed about it is that you share them with your blogging friends....Thank you!
I too, do not like day-light saving time. I wish they would just leave it alone and if not, change it 1/2 hour and leave it all year long. My body does not adjust well to the time changes.
Bare feet was my thing too, until I got plantar fasciitis...owie...not fun, and oh how I miss my bare feet time.
Spoil Tanner all you can because it won't be long before he is all grown up.
Enjoy you November.....................
Take Care, my Friend!

Vee said...

Oh he’s cute! Glad that you will be happy with the time change. At least, one of us will be happy! May is my difficult month. It is good that you are finding the pleasures and blessings all the same.

Anonymous said...

Barb, I pray this November will be filled with wonder and beauty for you. As the weather turns colder, I try to enjoy all the extra inside time for handiwork and such. Love the picture of your feet. At first I thought you were standing on pieces of crumpled up paper and then realized they were leaves. Happy Birthday Tanner. xx

LeAnn said...

Oh my beautiful friend your photos of the sunset are so lovely and I like your awesome feet too. That might even make a great graphic. On that little one is precious. I remember talking to him when we were down.
I'm like you November is a melancholy moment. I am happy that you added some beauty to it.
Love you and your ever so much! Big hugs~

Shug said...

Such a sweet smile on that precious face! Oh Barb....the sunsets are breath taking.. Such beauty! Time change is so hard on everyone for the first two or three weeks, and then...I guess we adjust. I'm with you, just let it be. I'm sure we all could adjust just fine to time being the same all year long. I was thinking of you today when I was writing my post...I know you all are have much cooler weather. Wish we had it too...

Cindy said...

Your sunset photos are stunning!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Very cute little Tanner! I love little tow-heads.

I can't decide how I feel about November, there have been so many changes in our lives, so everything is kinda new. But I too struggle with the darker shorter days. I'm solar powered.

I don't love daylight savings. I go to work in the dark and come home in the windows in the ER. Boo.

I hope you have a wonderful week and are able to continue capturing those lovely sunsets.

Marie Rayner said...

Barbara, I am sorry that November is such a melancholy month for you. I love November, but I do have my melancholy months also. I love the theme to Somewhere in Time which is playing here. That is one of my favourite films of all time. So romantic and so sad at the same time. It also reminds me of my ex husband as we were married at the time it came out. I really did love him so very much and it still saddens me that we were not able to go the course. Oh well. I have a lovely husband now that I love just as dearly. Your photos are beautiful and your wee grandson so cute. What a lovely little boy. His smile is so engaging. I am not surprised you spoil him. Your secret is safe with me! Love you! I really do. xoxo PS - Could you give me the name and author of the book you are reading about Joseph Smith. I would like to give it to Todd for Christmas! Thanks!

Something new on Wednesday . . .

 Happy Wednesday!  I hope my post finds everyone healthy and safe.  I know there are so many disasters happening around the country and my h...