Sunday, October 29, 2017

Just Horsin' around . . .

~A horse is like a best friend...they're always there to nuzzle you, and make your life a better place~

Taylor has always loved horses.  I remember when she was just tiny she would nay like a horse and paw at you to get your was adorable...and she sounded just like a horse!  The horses have always loved her as well.  All she has to do is walk out the back door and the horses come running!  This day, they all wanted her attention.

I think this was maybe the second time she had every been on a horse.  She was so afraid, and I'm not sure why.  This horse was probably 30 years old, and gentle as a kitten...his name was, Jess, and he was a sweetheart.  He loved Taylor and Taylor loved him, I'm not sure why she was so afraid!

 So now that she is older, she has decided to take riding lessons...and she loves it!!  She loves everything about it, cleaning the stall, brushing the horse, even cleaning the horses feet.  This particular horse is named, Ricky Bobby, she just calls him, Bob for short.  I love that her pony tail really looks like a...pony tail!

We have horses in our pasture, but they aren't ours.  We always had horses, but when they all got too old, and we didn't have time to ride, we sold them to people who loved to ride and had more time than we was sad.  But we love keeping our friends horses in our pasture each summer . . . it makes it feel like home.

 Here's, Taylor, all decked out in her riding gear, ready to ride!  Bob looks excited... ;0)  He's a very laid back kind of horse.

 She gets on the horse with stairs, and she rides with an English saddle, which is totally foreign to me, but, that's what they do where she rides.  One day her grandpa, who was raised on a horse, will get her into a Western saddle, and he will be a happy man!  He used to train horses and even trained race horses when he was a young man.  I loved watching him train the race horses, even though it was a little scary...those race horses were so powerful!  

 Doesn't she look way more relaxed in this photo than in the one riding, Jess?!  I think she's found her happy place.

 It has been fun for us to watch as her, as her confidence riding the horses has grown.  I really believe that riding has made a difference in even the way that she looks at the world around her.  She seems more confident, calm and satisfied with her life, she even carries herself different.  We love what riding has done for her.

 There is just something about being on a horses back that makes you feel like you can conquer the world, and all your troubles just seem to fade into the background...its a wonderful feeling!

She's come a long way, and it's good to see her childhood dream come true!  I think this will be a lifetime love for her!

~A horse is an angel with out wings~

Hugs and Love,


Anonymous said...

Barb, your granddaughter looks like such a sweet girl. Love her "pony tail" picture. I'm a bit intimidated by horses because they are so tall! I'm glad that Taylor overcame her hesitation. xo

Billie Jo said...

I so enjoyed sharing this with you!
I have never ridden a horse, or actually even been near one!!!
Your granddaughter looks lovely and quite confident!!!
Have a Happy Halloween!!!

LeAnn said...

Thank you so much dearest friend for doing this one. I of course, loved every single photo of our shared Granddaughter. These are such precious photos and I wish i was there to see it all myself. I love that she loves horses and is living her dream. I told her she was living my dream. When I was little I always wanted to be Annie Oakley. I would have loved to have had a horse.
Our Taylor Jo is just the most beautiful young woman inside and out. I love that she loves horses.
Sending loving hugs your way!

Marie Rayner said...

How wonderful that you and LeAnn share this beautiful granddaughter! LeAnn, I wanted to be Annie Oakley too! I had a book about her and she was my hero., your photos are lovely Barb. Todd adores horses and would love to try a Western style. He has always wanted to be a cowboy! Xo

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

She is adorable. And she looks like a natural. Horses are such beautiful animals.

Sue said...

What a beautiful story of Taylor's transformation, Barb, she is so confident looking now. I wish her all the best, I have always wanted to ride regularly, but don't especially now because of age. I am so happy taylor is doing it right by taking lessons, and getting to know her horse, I bet they are best buds.
Have a blessed evening.

Cindy said...

Such great photos! My sister has owned horses my whole life and bought her first one when I was just 14. She taught me to ride and once I even got to ride at the beach! They are amazing animals!

Saimi said...

This post makes me so happy!!! She's a girl after my own heart I love everything about a horse and can totally relate to her.
How wonderful for her to be living her dream. She looks so amazing on Bob, so relaxed and confident. Thank you for sharing her story!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, your beautiful granddaughter looks right at home on Bob. You've probably read me say this before, but I love horses and sure miss having them around. There is nothing quite like the feel of galloping along on the back of a horse. I remember it well, too old now for such things. I loved seeing your photos and this post! Take care and have a wonderful week! xx Cheryl

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...