Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Finally Turning . . .

The beautiful Fall colors have finally started turning in my neck of the woods.  It seems like they aren't as vibrant this year, but at least we have some color.  This week is suppose to be warmer with less wind, and it's suppose to be sunny, so I am going to try to get out and enjoy it while it lasts.  Winter is on it's way, it's inevitable...

 I love the beautiful pink skies that we only seem to get in the Fall, most nights there is color all around . . . North, South, East and West.  I think it's one of my favorite things about Fall.

The sun has moved further South, but I love the contrast of the brilliant yellow and orange sunset behind the trees - even the leaning power pole looks better in a beautiful sunset.  

I just wanted to share this cute card that my sweet friend, Gina sent me...she makes her own cards and I just adore everyone I get from her!  Thank you for thinking of me, Gina, I love it!

My old dog, Cole, just loves apples...who am I kidding, he loves all things that even resemble food, especially if they are the least bit sweet!  The other night I was eating an apple, and he was just begging to have one . . .

. . . Now really, who could resist those sad eyes . . . He got half . . . ;0)

Enjoy the colors, and no matter where you are, be safe!

Hugs and Love,


Cindy said...

What part of the country are you in? Whenever you describe your weather, it's exactly what we're having just North of Seattle! Gorgeous fall colors and beautiful sunshine this week. I certainly couldn't resist your puppy dog's eyes! Too adorable!

Saimi said...

Our fall colors are arriving as well but like yours, aren't as vibrant with the exception of the October Glory trees, man are they beautiful!! They are my favorite fall tree of all time! Your dogs big brown eyes work for me, if he looked at me like that he would get anything he wants! We are trying to get in as many horse rides while the weather is still nice. Last night we went while the sun was still shining after they ate their dinner but boy once the sun goes down it gets chilly really fast.
I didn't dress for the cold which I now know I should haha.

Anonymous said...

Barb, I'm so glad that you like your card! Boo!! LOVE your autumn pictures. The very first one almost looks like a painting. Lucky puppy with half an apple! xo

Marsha said...

Barb.......your neck of the woods looks like ours. We usually have a large tree in front of our home that turns a vibrant red in the Fall but this year it didn't even have color. The leaves just died and dropped. The trees that usually turn yellow did have color but just not as bright as usual. Really missed the colors.
Oh, I love your dog. Glad you shared your apple with him. How could you not, right?! He looks so sweet.
Hope you have a great rest of the week.
Take Care - Marsha

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, our colors aren't as vibrant this year, either. I'm wondering if it's because it stayed so hot for so long here? There are a few trees that are beautiful but for the most part I think they'll just turn brown. I never knew a dog that liked apples! Those eyes are hard to turn down, aren't they? lol! He's so cute. Take care and enjoy the rest of this week! Hard to believe we only have a week or so left of this month! Hugs, Cheryl

LeAnn said...

Oh my dear friend, you are becoming a fantastic photographer. Your photos are spectacular. In fact, I just see more photos from here for graphics. Keep this up; I love it. Even your cute dog is just so adorable. He does have big eyes just milking it for that apple. Sammy is good at this too.
Have sweet days out enjoying the fall weather. Regretfully, winter is near but I do enjoy some aspects of it too.
Sending loving thoughts your way and hugs too!

Billie Jo said...

And my Mocha loves apples too...
I have a hard time saying no to her!
Enjoy your beautiful upcoming autumn days, my friend!

Sue said...

Your fall photos are spectacular, Barb, postcard perfect. I also love the evening skies in fall, and I have been enjoying staying out until dusk each day sometimes working other times relaxing.
Your Cole is precious, he sounds like our Jack, who thinks he has to eat every time we do.
Have a blessed week.

Vee said...

Of course he did! I don’t know, Barb, everything looks pretty to me. (I feel the same way about this year’s foliage...not quite as stellar as in other years and certainly later.)

Kamber said...

Hi Barb, I just logged onto your blog this morning to grab your mother’s recipe for hamburger soup. It’s one I like to make every fall, and today seems like the perfect day for it. I loved seeing your fall pictures here, gorgeous! And, you’re cute dog, Cole, reminds me of good ol Max. If I remember right, Max would also happily eat anything resembling food! ;)

Marie Rayner said...

Your photos are gorgeous Barb! Not the least your little beggar there. Who could resist? Not me either! Love and hugs! Xoxo

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