Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where did the time go!!??

I can hardly believe that it has been over a month since I posted!  Seriously, I don't know how time gets away from me! 

Let's see, where to begin.  First of all, On March 26th, my husband had  surgery on his left shoulder.  It went great, hardly any pain, full rotation within the first week - almost back to normal after two weeks.  Yesterday, he had his right shoulder operated on.  Lots of pain, lots of damage, lots of pain meds (thank goodness)!  We are hoping that he has a quick recovery, he just hates to be out of commission!

We had the last of our March birthdays on the 22nd and the 30th.  My sweet mother's birthday, and our darling Emily.

 My Sweet mother

 Our cute little Emily

My daughter and her husband sold their home . . . in one day!  They bought a new home, and have spent the last three weeks moving and then moving some more!  Isn't it crazy how much stuff we have?! They are finally moving in TODAY!

The weather has been crazy here in Idaho - not horrible and tragic, like in some parts of the country, but crazy non the less.   My thoughts and prayers have truly gone out to those who lost so much in the last few weeks. 

We have been trying to get the yard and garden under control, because we knew the second surgery was coming up.  The yard is cleaned up, fertilized and mowed, and the garden is tilled - but it's still too cold to plant most things here.  I think I will try to get some of the cold weather plants planted this week-end, like cabbage, onions, Swiss chard, carrots, beets.  I can also put in the tomatoes as long as they have their "walls of water" around them.  We'll see how hubby is doing, I might just stay inside and take care of him until he feels better... :0)  

I am hoping to catch up on some blogging this week - end too . . . I've missed you!



Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I have missed you!
Sounds like things have been so busy for you.
Hope your hubby recovers well. Two shoulder repairs??? Yikes. He's a brave man.

I am hoping this weekend is nice and warm. My hands are itchy for dirt.

Arlene said...

Welcome back Barb! I don't blame you for being away - you've been busy nursing an ailing hubby and that's more important. I hope he feels better soon.

Congrats to your daughter on her new home! Moving can be stressful but once it's done I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

Our weather has been out of the ordinary too. It's been much warmer than usual, which means the summer will be a scorcher! I've done a little gardening, mostly in the front yard. The best part of spring is planting flowers but we skipped spring and jumped right into summer!

Happy birthday Mom and Emily!

Unknown said...

Yes, you are always missed, but it sounds like you have been very busy. I'm thinking garden too. Hope your hubby is mended quickly.

LeAnn said...

I have so missed you. I am grateful he is over with both surgeries. Yes, do stay in and take care of that man of yours. I am so happy for Jessica and her new home. I finally had a delightful phone call with my beloved daughter of us both. I do hope we can see you all soon. Stay well and know that you are both loved by us. You are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet surprise that you are back! I am doing a very happy dance to see you again. I hope your husband has a quick recovery for everything! Your mother looks so sweet and your granddaughter adorable!

Sleep tight!

Just Ramblin' said...

We've all missed you! I hope you husband soon gets on top of things. Sounds you have been very busy not only caring for him, but getting your yard and garden ready. Seems like there is always so much to do no matter how much we do in the fall. Lovely picture of your Mother and Emily. That's exciting to read about your daughter selling their home so quickly. That's unusual, but a great blessing. Do take care and hope to be reading more great things on your blog. Nola

Marge said...

We missed you too! Glad you're back. Hope your hubby's right shoulder heals quickly and completely. Great pictures of your sweet Mom and Emily. Hope you stick around for a while now. Hugz!!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...