Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dreams of and Everyday Housewife, St. Patty's Day, Birthdays . . . .

Happy St. Patrick's Day - and and extra special Happy Birthday to Caleb, our little leprechaun!

It's a pretty dreary day here in Idaho, cloudy, windy, rainy and cold.  One of those days that you just want to stay inside and hibernate.  But we have better things to do . . . like . . . go to a birthday party!! 

This morning as I was sweating on my elliptical, and trying to keep up with myself, I was listening to an old Glen Campbell song on my ipod called- "Dreams of an Everyday Housewife".  I know that some of you remember it, it's an oldie.   This song always makes me think about being a new bride and young mother, and remembering all of the dreams that I had back then.  How different my dreams are today.

  Yesterday, my husband and I were looking for some papers and I ran across my wedding album . . . . it's hard for me to believe that we have been married almost 38 years, and believe me, those years have flown by.  Would I do things differently?  Yes.  Would I still marry the same man?  Yes.  Has he made all of my dreams come true? Only the important ones.  Such are the dreams of an everyday housewife!!

Me 38 years ago, on my wedding day!

I hope all of your dreams have come true!



Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is a beautiful post. You were a beautiful bride.
38 years ago? Time does fly doesn't it.

We have enjoyed our Idaho day by pruning two apple trees. Blustery, but the sun is shining right now.

Happy Birthday to the little guy!

Vee said...

What a beautiful bride! Well, as I was reading, I was thinking that I'd never heard that song. Then when I saw the album cover, I knew that I must have since I had that album. When I could sing the words along with Glen, I figured I really did know it. Ha! Lovely post and enjoy that birthday party. I'm sure the grandson will.

Just Ramblin' said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, also. It is windy and cloudy here today also. Rain is supposed to be coming. I remember that song very well and so enjoyed your comments. What a pretty bride you were. Time sure does fly by. Have fun at your birthday party. Nola

LeAnn said...

Wow, that is such a beautiful picture of you. The veil is so pretty. You were a beautiful bride and you are still very beautiful. We are heading for our 45th wedding anniversary and I wouldn't change a thing. It 's so sweet to love those husband's of ours.
Happy St. Patrick's Day. I like the song too; I love the Oldies.
Blessings to you and this is sent with lots of love and hugs dear friend.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I hope you had a fun day at the birthday party,
Barb. Caleb is so cute, look at those pretty blue eyes!
You were a gorgeous bride! Your gown and veil were so pretty.
I always loved Glenn Campbells music! It's sad that he has Alzheimers now.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Barb...

Unknown said...

That was lovely. You were a beautiful bride. How nice to have no regrets. I know I was so happy to be married and the next year to be starting a family. I think I felt a little unprepared to take care of a home and little one but it was all I have ever wanted.

Anonymous said...


You are such a beautiful bride! I love your dress!!

I've never heard that song before. Too sweet. I do love Glen Campbell!

Arlene said...

Wow! I have to agree, what a beautiful bride, and what a lovely testimony to that day is your marriage of almost 38 years. Add to that beautiful children and grandchildren, with Christ in the center of it all, and what more could anyone ask for? You have been truly blessed, Barb.

Shug said...

I so enjoyed this post certainly were a beautiful bride! I think there are things we all would do a little different..It is those kind of things that have given us much wisdom. I really can't imagine not having to learn some lessons from time to time...sounds good, but this is how we grow.
sending you love and blessings..

Marge said...

OMG! you were a beautiful bride. Love the Glen Campbell song. Haven't heard it in ages! Hugz!

Susan B said...

Barb, your wedding photo is so beautiful! You were a lovely bride! I've always loved that song too. I haven't heard it in such a long time. Thank you for sharing this post. :)

Julie Harward said...

What a handsome Caleb you have...and I loved the picture of you as a bride, so so pretty! (I am going private, if you care to come along, leave me your email) :D

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I just wanted to pop over Miss Barb and wish you and your family a magnificent Easter weekend.

God bless ya!!! :o)

♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more...blessings...

♥ my diary♥ said...

hi friend...passing by to invite you im hosting a tuesday bloghop...hope you join...if you feel to...your welcome...loves soraya

♥ my diary♥ said...

im hosting a tuesday's bloghop...please feel free to share your devotional cooking recepee craft any memory something the lord has done in your life im sure you have many...thank you very much if you join...blessed others ...have a very nice tuesday..

Vickie said...

Hi Barb! I haven't been posting much lately either! Just too much going on...

I loved this post - you were a gorgeous bride - 38 years. Wow, Tony and I will be married 34 years in July. It does go by fast, doesn't it!

I remember my mother way back when,... she had that Glen Campbell album and when she'd be cleaning house she'd put that album on and play it over and over again. I always loved that whole album, and I hear that "Everyday Housewife" song, and think of her. Good memories!

I saw "chicken poo" lip balm at Atwoods the other day (its like Tractor Supply here) and I laughed out loud. I guess since you like it so well, Barb, now I'll have to have some when I go in there again!!!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...